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  1. F

    How Pathfinder Society is Handling Remaster

    Seems pretty reasonable to me. As soon as Hero Lab gets updated with the remaster rules I will update my soon to be 5th level cleric.
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    Pathfinder 1E Are people still playing Pathfinder 1e?

    I am playing in a monthly PF1 game. The GM has no interest in moving to either PF2 or 5e.
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    Pathfinder 2E The playtest is here!!

    The Paizo web site is down and it isn't August 2nd yet. That does not give me much faith in it dealing with the loads tomorrow.
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    Pathfinder 2 Character Sheet #4: Seelah, Human Paladin

    At least the background is not another Farmhand. I was beginning to think Assurance Athletics was a must have feat. It may still be.
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    Sell Me On The Psychic Warrior, Or Not

    I have played two psychic warriors, both spiked chain specialists. They are the only class with enough feats to compete with a fighter using the chains. Having the scaleable power Metaphysical Weapon and the other weapon powers allows them to self buff the weapon so they are not as dependant...
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    Radiant Fire question

    I am reading the Radiant Fire feat the same way. Essentially you only get the given power, +2 insight bonus on damage rolls againast creature with the evil subtype, and Scorching Ray added to a cleric's spell list. Any cleric gets the Summon Monster spells and can summon a fire elemental. So...
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    Leap Attack

    Leap Attack and Arcane Strike Leap Attack is a very interesting feat which allows a character to emulate Achilles from the movie Troy. I did find one problem with the feat when taken by a Bladesinger character(Complete Warrior) who also had the Arcane Strike Feat. Both Arcane Strike and Song...
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    Bonus Feats for Bladesinger and other problems

    I ran into three problems I could not resolve entering in the bladesinger into eTools. 1. There appeears no way to grant the dodge bonus to AC from Intelligence from the bladesong class feature. My work around is to just bump up the AC using the user button in the stats screen. 2. Like...
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    Bladesingers and Spell Mastery

    My question is can a Bladesinger take the feat Spell Mastery? On one hand I would say no since Spell Mastery specifically states wizards only. On the other I would say yes since a Bladesinger prepares arcane spells in exactly the same manner as a wizard. Thanks