• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Dragonjester

    Psionic Attack question

    In my campaign there is a psion rogue. Psions are fairly rare on this world, but not unheard. So he's not in a position where he would be in danger because of his abilities, from the general populace. When faced with a large group of opponents (usually non-psionic)his favorite tactic is to...
  2. Dragonjester

    Question about Intimidate

    If you're going to let your players use it against multiple opponents, I'd add +1 for each extra opponent beyond the first. It's much easier to intimidate a single opponent than it is a mob.
  3. Dragonjester

    Lycanthropy as an Affliction

    Bump (because I need to know by Friday)
  4. Dragonjester

    Lycanthropy as an Affliction

    Henrix, I think you read it too quickly, it does ruin your clothes, but only if the new form is larger then the original. [edit] Dang you said voluntary change, hold on [removes foot from mouth] I think the idea is if you change voluntarily you can decide to remove the clothes first.
  5. Dragonjester

    Lycanthropy as an Affliction

    I happen to agree with you Artoomis, but this section seems to add a little ambiguity: How do you involuntarily become a hybrid?
  6. Dragonjester

    Lycanthropy as an Affliction

    Does a character who's been cursed with lycanthropy change into it's animal form or it's hybrid form with the full moon? The text SRD says two things that have led to my confusion. which implies that a lycanthrope can be both forms since natural lycanthropes don't need to make checks. There...
  7. Dragonjester

    spell resistance question

    follow up question along the same lines: if a psion mind blasts a mob of 30 commoners does he set one DC for a will check or 30?
  8. Dragonjester

    spell resistance question

    If my wizard is casting a fireball in the center of a group of 8 "generic" 1st level drow fighters, does he roll 8 times to overcome their spell resistance or once?
  9. Dragonjester

    Need a name for BIG monsters

  10. Dragonjester

    Blocking Fireballs

    First off, evasion doesn't enter into it. You put yourself in front of the fireball, you get hit, no save. Having said that I'm just posing hypothetical scenarios that I don't know how to answer. If a wizard is shooting a fireball through an occupied space, he does have to make a range touch...
  11. Dragonjester

    Blocking Fireballs

    Actually it says "exceptional ranged weapons can’t be deflected" not missiles. I believe that refers to balista and catapults. On the other hand deflect arrow does state that the character can only use the weapon So I guess I've answered my own question. I just though it could be applied to...
  12. Dragonjester

    Blocking Fireballs

    Can a monk or anyone with Deflect Arrow feat, intercept a fireball before it reaches it's target if it passes within the 5' space of that character?
  13. Dragonjester

    Post your picture! [Warning: big file sizes, might be unpleasant on slow connections]

    I haven't posted very often, but I come and browse everyday, so I thought I'd add me and my family. I'm the big hairy guy, the impish looking little guy in front of me is going to love playing a rogue, I just know it.
  14. Dragonjester

    XP Tracker

    The link has been changed to... http://plaza.powersurfr.com/terry/XPTracker.html
  15. Dragonjester

    XP Tracker

    A freind of mine made this program and wanted me to post it up for you guys to take a look at. Check it out and let him know what you think. edit: address changed see next dragonjester post
  16. Dragonjester

    Anyone use instant kill criticals?

    I made a mistake, in our game it's 20..20..critical range hit. Actually my players are the ones who wanted to put the rule into effect, and I'm not sure why because the odds are definitely against them.
  17. Dragonjester

    Anyone use instant kill criticals?

    Instant kills in our game are 20..20..hit, decreases the odds a bit. I think it's one of the critical kill variants from the DMG. even so I once managed to kill off my player's lvl 7 fighter, with a lucky shot from an orc. I rolled three 20's in a row that time.
  18. Dragonjester

    PrC Combat Healer, looking for feedback

    Okay I looked at the class and I agree, so without further ado here is Combat Healer v1.1 A combat healer is a person who has dedicated himself to saving lives in the heat of battle. Mostly from the ranks of clerics, the rare paladin has lost his taste for blood can find himself following...
  19. Dragonjester

    Skills that take 1 action(?)

    Sometimes my players say that their PC's are looking around for other hidden opponents, or listening down a hall to hear if more opponents are coming. Those I make move equivalent actions. But if I decide they need to make a spot or listen check, it's usually a free action with a slightly...