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Search results

  1. DaveMage

    D&D 5E Quest From The Infinite Staircase Adventures Revealed

    Yeah, that's an odd choice to re-do the Goodman ones.
  2. DaveMage

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

    The recent layoffs might delay the release too.
  3. DaveMage

    Paizo News: PaizoCon Online Wrap Up

    To the OP, PF1 is my current game of choice, but do we really need any more products for it? I have several lifetimes worth of adventures, campaign settings and monsters from both Paizo and 3PPs, so, I'm saving a LOT of money with Paizo only supporting PF2 (and occasional 5E).
  4. DaveMage

    Black Flag Project Black Flag Reveal Its Official Title: 'Tales of the Valiant'!

    I'm sure KP will knock it out of the park from a quality perspective... ....but that name? Not feeling it. (Maybe I will over time, but right now, not so much.)
  5. DaveMage

    Open RPG Creative (ORC) License Draft Published

    I think it's a great draft. I love that they've provided expansive product identity and open content definitions right in the license so that publishers don't have to figure out how to word their product identity statements anymore.
  6. DaveMage

    Boycott Kickstarter

    Why would I, as a consumer, boycott Kickstarter? If creators want to do so, that's up to them. There are other options.
  7. DaveMage

    D&D General Best Adventure Path (spanning 10+ levels) of all time?

    Although I think for those criteria, #5 conflicts with all the others. :)
  8. DaveMage

    D&D General Best Adventure Path (spanning 10+ levels) of all time?

    For those criteria, Kingmaker by Paizo.
  9. DaveMage

    D&D General Is D&D Survey Feedback Read? [UPDATED!]

    For me (consumer - not publisher) there is really only one issue left - WotC must not attempt to "de-authorize" OGL 1.0a and agree they will never do so. (Granted, I would never trust them again, but at least if they agree they would never de-authorize 1.0a in the future, it would be in...
  10. DaveMage

    D&D (2024) RPG Evolution: The Art of the Apology

    Yeah, lies and gaslighting = F. At this point, why would anyone believe anything they say?
  11. DaveMage

    WotC Walks Back Some OGL Changes, But Not All

    So....for lawyers on this thread - is it possible that any OGC released up to this point could be declared as open content by the license that Paizo's lawfirm is developing? For example, could the new license state that any open content that was perpetual as declared by OGL 1.0a remain...
  12. DaveMage

    Paizo Announces New Irrevocable Open RPG License To Replace the OGL

    Well Paizo, you saved the galaxy....once again. :)
  13. DaveMage

    OGL: Kobold Press 'Raising Our Flag' For New Open RPG

    I wonder if calling it "Project Black Flag" means they will be joined by some denizens from Freeport....
  14. DaveMage

    OGL: Kobold Press 'Raising Our Flag' For New Open RPG

    I was wondering if one of the major OGL publishers would do something like this (or if a few of them would combine to create an RPG). Good luck, Kobold Press!
  15. DaveMage

    OGL: What Are The Publishers Saying [UPDATED]

    I'm waiting to hear from Paizo, Goodman, Frog God, and Kobold Press. Of course, the OGL 1.1 still hasn't actually been released, so maybe there's still hope 1.0a sticks around? (Although WotC is unlikely to ever be trusted again.) It's amazing they didn't learn anything from the GSL fiasco...
  16. DaveMage

    Battlezoo Shares The OGL v1.1

    If this new OGL gets released, you know what would be really cool? All the current WotC creatives quitting en masse in protest. (It won't happen, but it would be cool. :) )
  17. DaveMage

    The OGL -- Just What's Going On?

    Trapper Keeper!!!!
  18. DaveMage

    Ryan Dancey -- Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL

    Now, all we need is Orcus to show up and we'll really be back in the early 2000s. :)
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