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Search results

  1. W

    Gencon movie

    Ok, I just got an RPG noob room mate from one of those yankee states. In order to get him used to the environment so that he can laugh at key phrases (ie. "Where's the Mountain Dew?") we've been exposing him to every funny gamer video on the net. Then, the other night, I used the phrase "You...
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    Looking for Distributors

    Hey people. In my area, the FLGS closed down. The owner made a bunch of bad decisions, and ran into a lot of bad luck too. Anyway, he's closed the store down and moved out of the area, and I've decided to take up the mantle of game store owner. I've already found a good location and filled out...
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    Farking Off

    The recent influx of threads about the Roman d20 made me wonder: Just how many Farkers are actually on these boards? How many of those are Total Farkers? I just realized how sad it is that I'm actually curious about this. Oh Well.
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    Roman Era Gaming

    http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/LOTDETAIL.ASP?intObjectID=4205385 I was just saw this off of Fark. It seems that Gygax and friends must have gotten their mage to a high enough level to finally cast Time Travel spells. What kind of adventures do you think the Romans played in? What...
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    Are EnWorlders Intellegentier [Poll]

    What is your IQ? Since a fair number of the people on these boards are certain that the average gamer is pretty average, let's take a look at the portion of the gamer population that is interested in an online community. If you don't happen to know what your IQ is off the top of your head...
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    What's In Your Battlewagon

    How would you stat out a wagon to be capable of protecting a party (of medium sized creatures) from the majority of mundane encounters. A friend asked me this in reference to a campaign he's in but I'm not. Now, I;m farming out to the community for other ideas. They're level 7, so money is...
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    That freaky little XP thing

    Ok, due to a sudden influx of gamer girlfriends, my group has jumped from 4 PC's to 6. Now, then, this isn't really a problem, since a 50% increase in numbers means an EL bump of +1, the party now has to tangle with encounters one EL higher. That much I understand. The part that seems kinda...
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    Pricing a Magic Item

    One of my players wants a non-standard magic item. He has the appropriate feat, so he doesn't have to worry about contracting a mage to make it for him. The problem, however is what the price should be. He (desperately) wants his character to have a cloak of Willpower. He doesn't care about...
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    Quality of Holy Symbols

    This is something that came up the other night. The party's cleric is using the emblem on his shield as his holy symbol. While trying to cast an inflict spell on the bad guy he botches the Concentration check (treating the 1 as a -10) bringing his check low enough (for once) that he failed the...
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    [ELH] Mace of Ruin

    As I was reading the ELH, I noticed that the Mace of Ruin deals extra damage on a critical hit to constructs "as if they were living creatures." The question I had was whether or not this would allow a rogue to deal sneak attack damage to a golem. Basically, it comes down to whether or not...
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    Trolling for Barbarian Haters (again)

    As I was flipping through the latest issue of Dragon, I happened to notice something odd. Under the description of the Primal Rager prestige class, there is an entry for damage reduction. Here is one sentance from the description: "Note that the primal rager's damage reduction allows him to...
  12. W

    How much damage?

    Ok, a wizard is doign his job right by standing on the sidelines of the battle trying not to be killed. He notices a barbarian start to give him the evil eye, and casts Chill Touch. The barbarian then charges the wizard and initiates a grapple. If the wizard is 10th level, how much damage...
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    Party's New Cohort

    Ok, IMC the DM has decided to let someone in the party take leadership for a "target" cohort. Since we get to custom design the cohort, I was wondering if you people could take a look at him for me. This isn't everything, just what I've thought of first. The party is level 11, and every one of...
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    Subdual Sneak Attack

    One of the players in a campaign I'm in right now has been debating picking up a level of rogue for her character. So far, the character has been a Monk, but when I told her about the abuses that are possible with multiple attacks, stunning blows, and sneak attack, she decided that a level in...
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    Fortitude and Size

    With the new intended errata from the Sage that there should be a size modifier to Reflex Saves, a thought occured to me. Should creatures recive a bonus to their Fortitude save proportional to their size? I think the Size modifiers used for Grappling would be of about the right amount. I was...
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    Can someone explain?

    Why oh why do Dragons have a good reflex save? Does anyone have a good reason as to why a 100 foot long 15 foot wide lizard is supposed to be good at dodging and weaving? Is there a single person out there (except for the R&D CS team) that doesn't find this at least a little bit humorous?
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    MFM interest survey

    Would anyone be interested in working on a community project to develop a Manual of Functional Monsters ? Currently, my idea for it is to try and get rid of silliness like a 100HD Baalor being the same CR as a 21HD Baalor with 3 levels of Fighter. The way I've been thinking to do so is to...
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    Extreme Diplomacy

    Ok, one of my players has just created a character that can, under some, extremely limited, circumstances, make a Diplomacy roll of 78. OMG! What should I let the character get away with if this actually comes up? "Give me your kingdom for bringing your daugther back a virgin." Was one of his...
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    ATTN Morrus &/ RWickett: Asgard

    I understand that a large portion of what would have been Asgard 5 was destroyed in an unfortunate server accident. Is there any word yet on when/if Asgard 5 will be completed? Also, is Asgard going to start using the same distribution channels as the Natural 20 Press products? Finally, how...
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    Catching Fireballs

    Would it be possible, with a readied action, to catch a fireball before it expoldes? I can just imagine the Epic level barbarian walking up to the battle field with a tankard of ale in hand. He calms quaffs while the wizard begins casting his spell. The wizard makes his final motion and the...