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Search results

  1. Dungeoneer

    [13th Age] My review of Bestiary 2 (four stars)

    Hello everyone, long time no post. I've been out of it for a while but I recently heard that Pelgrane had released Lions & Tigers & Owlbears: 13th Age Bestiary 2. The first 13A Bestiary was one of my all-time favorite monster books so I had to get my hands on this one. I've gone through it and...
  2. Dungeoneer

    D&D 5E BAM: Where's 5E??

    Let's play a fun game. It's like "Where's Waldo/Wally" except instead of a guy in a stupid hat you have to spot the 5e D&D books on the roleplaying games shelf at my local Books-A-Million this morning. Ready... Set... Go! Follow up questions: imagine you don't closely follow tabletop...
  3. Dungeoneer

    D&D 4E 4e needs a Definitive Guide

    The Late to the 4e Party thread has got me thinking: for tables thinking of giving 4e a try, getting started is intimidating. The first Player's Handbook has a lot of issues that were later corrected and is missing some important classes and races. The skill DC chart was revised twice. The first...
  4. Dungeoneer

    Hey DMs, what are your quirks at the table?

    I imagine that no two DMs run games exactly the same way. DMs might employ elaborate hand drawn maps. They might be constantly handing out missives and clues from their game world. They might constantly roll a d20 as if making secret checks, even when they're not. They might always roll in the...
  5. Dungeoneer

    Bestiary now available as PDF only

    You can buy the 13th Age Bestiary in PDF-only form at the Pelgrane Press store. Seems like a lot of people were interested in that so I thought I would post it here.
  6. Dungeoneer

    How Gary Gygax lost control of D&D

    If you have any interest in the history of D&D, you have to be aware of Jon Peterson's excellent work. He's got a new article up on Medium called The Ambush at Sheridan Springs, and it recounts, as closely as possible, just how Gary Gygax effectively got kicked out of his own company in 1985.
  7. Dungeoneer

    Shadows of Eldolan and The Book of LOOT!

    Wow, new 13th Age releases are flooding in. You can now pre-order the first level adventure Shadows of Eldolan, which includes a town to explore with its own mage school and some dark problems. Very cool art! (behind-the-scenes blog post about it here) And for those munchkins also known as...
  8. Dungeoneer

    BadWrongFun: how far is too far??

    I have been hanging out on various gaming forums for a while now, and I constantly see people writing that you shouldn't judge them for their preferred play-style. "It's my table," they say, "I can play what I want!" Killer DM who punishes their players for not asking for searches on each...
  9. Dungeoneer

    This is my new all-time favorite monster book (13th Age Bestiary)

    I’ve just finished reading the 13th Age Bestiary and it completely blew me away. Seriously, expectations exceeded at every level. I admit, I am a sucker for a good monster book, but this is a great one. Let me say up front that any GM looking for inspiring monsters should find something to love...
  10. Dungeoneer

    D&D 5E No DDI for 5e??

    The Wizards_DnD Twitter account says No DDI for 5e: What do you think?
  11. Dungeoneer

    Non Player Cards: An NPC Inspiration Deck

    This is a pretty cool idea: a deck of cards that can be used to generate and inspire NPCs for any fantasy tabletop game. Click on over and check it out.
  12. Dungeoneer

    13th Age: what would you like to see next?

    Well, 13 True Ways is out, at least in PDF form, and the Bestiary should start shipping in book form at any moment. These two books deliver new classes, new monsters, new items and lots and lots of backstory about the Dragon Empire. 13TW as much as promises an item-focused book of some sort...
  13. Dungeoneer

    13 True Ways and 13th Age Bestiary releases incoming!

    13th Age designer Rob Heinsoo writes on his blog that they are sending PDFs of 13 True Ways, the first big expansion book for 13A, to Kickstarter backers now. They have also received a shipment of Bestiary books. I've heard rumors that PDFs for both will be generally available on June 30th. It...
  14. Dungeoneer

    The D&D haiku thread

    We need some poetry up in this joint, ya'll. Haikus are the best. 5-7-5 syllables, and they don't even have to rhyme! Here are a few of mine: Oh, nine alignments Sacred grid of fruitful roleplay! My PC? CN. My elf wizard still Remembers that book he read That's not D&D I love Dragonlance...
  15. Dungeoneer

    The mysterious founder of Bitcoin unmasked

    The man who created Bitcoin was known only by the handle "Satoshi Nakomoto." For years his identity has been a mystery. Some people believe that he his really a group of people. Well, a reporter finally tracked him down. He lives in California and his name is... Satoshi Nakomoto. Truth is...
  16. Dungeoneer

    13th Age explained for 3e/Pathfinder fans

    One of the two designers of 13th Age is Jonathan Tweet, lead designer on 3E. Jonathan recently posted an essay on his blog explaining 13th Age for 3E/PF players: If you're a 3E/PF player who is curious about 13th Age, read on.
  17. Dungeoneer

    D&D 5E Should 5e reflect the designers' point of view?

    I think people would agree that usually game designers should make the game they would want to play. But I have seen several recent threads where people have argued that this does NOT apply to the new edition of D&D. They say that D&D designers have a responsibility to the community. This...
  18. Dungeoneer

    13th Age What should 4e steal from 13th Age?

    Well, I just finished running a short, two-session game of 13th Age for my group. They liked it, but felt the combat was just too lightweight compared to 4e. "The roleplaying is better in 13A, but the combat is better in 4e." *sobs* Well, it looks like we'll be going back to 4e but we have all...
  19. Dungeoneer

    Free 2 Play games: Threat or Menace?

    EA has released a new, mobile version of the classic PC strategy game "Dungeon Keeper". And... it's loaded with micro-transactions. This has reviewers up in arms, to put it mildly. Thomas Baekdal: The Escapist: Destructoid: When the first F2P games appeared on the market, I assumed that...
  20. Dungeoneer

    I'm reading Playing At The World - Anyone else read it?

    I've been eyeing Jon Peterson's Playing At The World on Amazon for some time. The price held me back, though. I kept waiting for it to drop. It never has, so finally I bit the bullet and ordered a copy. It came yesterday and now I see why it costs so much: it's enormous! A 740 page tome on the...