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Search results

  1. KDLadage

    The Arcanum: 30th Anniversary Edition

    http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/159628170/the-arcanum-30th-anniversary-edition This is a classic from the 1980s. This is not a retro-clone... this is the rebirth of a retro-classic that was, in very many ways, well ahead of its time.
  2. KDLadage

    The Arcanum, Umbragia, and other stuff...

    Hello all. My name is K. David Ladage. I have been away for a long time (far too long, to be honest). Back in 2000-2005, I was the primary author, co-founder, and promoter for Jagged Edge Games. JEG was a hobby-project company and the primary line of materials revolved around the UMBRAGIA...
  3. KDLadage

    In all honesty...

    How much desire exists to revitalize the YB game? I know that I want to do it... and there appears to be about three people (maybe...) that post here on a (semi-) regular basis. But if a game is to be developed, especially by a team of people, then honest timelines, deadlines, and schedules for...
  4. KDLadage

    Main News Page: Hosted Sites links?

    Just wondering where the Hosted Sites links have gone on the new main news page -- I cannot seem to locate them...
  5. KDLadage

    A Bunch of Questions for Morrus

    Hi Morrus: I have a few questions, and figured I would put them here, as I am sure that a few others may be wondering the same things. Also, I am posting them here as I have e-mailed you about most of these (some as long as two months ago) and have not gotten any replies; thus I assume that you...
  6. KDLadage

    Signatures and HTML code?

    I noticed that the HTML was turned off in signatures. Any reason for this? I ask only because (in order to keep my signature from being too long) I tended to put mine in a table format -- which (as far as I am aware) is not supported in ubCode.
  7. KDLadage

    Thoughts about the new Message Boards

    Greetings: First, I like the new boards. Second, do what you need to do Russ, I have no worries when it comes to this site -- I cannot believe you would ever let anything happen to it. Take care of yourself. I do have some thoughts about the new boards, however. Specifically, for the Message...
  8. KDLadage

    B5: The Long, Dark Night Of Achilles

    BABYLON 5 STORY HOUR K. David Ladage INTRODUCTION The campaign is planned in two parts, each of which will be a five-year arc. The first covers 2254-2258 on board the EAS ACHILLES (a Hyperion Cruiser) and is entitled THE LONG, DARK NIGHT OF ACHILLES. The second covers 2263-2268 on board the...
  9. KDLadage

    ATTN MONGOOSE MATT: Can you answer me a few questions?

    {Questions and Answers are all listed below in MONGOOSE_MATT's post}
  10. KDLadage

    Needless Variation

    (cross posting to the Rules Forum, d20 Modern forum and House Rules forum) Something that has been bothering me: the d20 system is supposed to be a rules set that can be tailored to various genres in such a way that it can server as a solid foundation, thus keeping you from having to learn a...
  11. KDLadage

    Needless Variation

    (cross posting to the Rules Forum, d20 Modern forum and House Rules forum) Something that has been bothering me: the d20 system is supposed to be a rules set that can be tailored to various genres in such a way that it can server as a solid foundation, thus keeping you from having to learn a...
  12. KDLadage

    Needless Variation

    (cross posting to the Rules Forum, d20 Modern forum and House Rules forum) Something that has been bothering me: the d20 system is supposed to be a rules set that can be tailored to various genres in such a way that it can server as a solid foundation, thus keeping you from having to learn a...
  13. KDLadage

    [3.5] TALON: What are you guys going to do?

    Does anyone know if Talon Comics has already shipped the 3.5 books or when they will ship them? This is just an inquiry. I know that all of those at Talon Comics are working hard to ensure that all of us who ordered through them will get our books in a timely fashion... furthermore, I am fully...
  14. KDLadage

    Resistance is futile... you will upgrade to 3.5!

    Time: it marches on Having everlasting might Inpreturbable So coastal wizards In mighty iv'ry towers Send forth new decrees And tell the peons To buy new books and upgrade; Rest assured; you will! On the far edges Live those that won't move forward; Life ever alone So... hiaku aside, if you...
  15. KDLadage

    Delays at Walmart? WHAT CAN IT MEAN!?

    I take it from the other sixteen-thousand four hundred ninety-one threads telling me that Walmart has delays for the 3.5 release, that Walmart has delays for the 3.5 release. So... a POLL!
  16. KDLadage

    Psion's list of rules from 3.5 he will NOT be using...

    If you have not seen it, Psion's signature includes a listing of the 3.5 rules he will NOT be using. I have some thoughts on those rules and wondered if you did too. Also, what other rules will you avoid? So... Psion's listing: Square facings -- this rule actually makes sense to me. It took...
  17. KDLadage

    Star Wars format...

    Quick question, if anyone knows... Back when the Star Wars RPG came out from WotC, it was in one big book. My initial reaction, after reading it was that I felt it really needed to be broken out into three books following the PHB, DMG, MM format of D&D. When the 2nd Edition came out and it was...
  18. KDLadage

    Psion... another great guy

    Just a post to throw a thanks out to a guy that helped me fix some funked up work I did on the reviews pages... Thanks!
  19. KDLadage

    [Review] Dynasties and Demagogues (...and an informal poll)

    I have written a review of the book Dynasties and Demagogues, and would like to discuss it a bit. This is a book from Atlas Games in the Penumbra line written by Chris Aylott (owner of the Space Crime Continuum book store). Edit: my original posting of this thread was a little misleading, so I...
  20. KDLadage

    [QUERY] Time delay from entry to appearance for new products on the reviews page?

    First: I AM NOT COMPLAINING! Good... now, with that out of the way I was wondering what the normal (mean) delay is from the time you enter a "new product" into the review database until the time you see that product available to be reviewed?