• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. K

    Level Up (A5E) Character builder status?

    Have been using a5e.tools a bit and am pretty happy with it. One of the stretch goals for level up was an online character builder. I remember it being stated quite clearly that it would take time to build, I'm just curious what news there is on development. Are there any updates on that front?
  2. K

    Level Up (A5E) Two-Weapon Fighting Question

    I was looking at two-weapon fighting and realized that they put in text that allows you to make a second attack with extra attack! O5E was one attack only, which made using two weapons on a fighter great at 1st level, okay at 5th, and subpar at 11th+. However, due to the phrasing the fighter and...
  3. K

    Question about En5ider and freelancing.

    Does En5ider or other EN publishing pay free lancers for work, or is there an En5ider publishing team that works on all projects? If the first, do they have an open call for a theme, or do people submit an idea to see if there's interest? Basically, a rundown on how the process works. Really...
  4. K

    House rules I plan on adopting

    Well, I am currently running a tyranny of dragons campaign that has gone "off the rails". We are gonna stick with the basic concept, but I expect the specifics of how they try to stop the cult are going to end up very different then in the book. (I tend to improv a lot anyways, so it's no...
  5. K

    Thrown Weapon Mastery Redux

    So awhile ago, I realized that there wasn't much in the way of making a thrown weapon warrior. Characters with multiple attacks couldn't draw and throw, and there was no specialist feat. You could make do with sharpshooter and two weapon fighting, but that didn't really solve the first problem...
  6. K

    D&D 5E Question about "on hit" reactions

    Okay, the tempest cleric has an ability that lets you blast somebody with lighting when you are hit. Note the text actually says the words "hits you with an attack". They then get an ability later on that whenever they deal lightning damage to a creature they can push that creature back 10 feet...
  7. K

    D&D 5E Way of four elements- Oversight or intended?

    So I was looking at the avata... I mean, way of four elements monk subclass and noticed something. At the bottom of page 80 there is a small chart that shows your max ki points you can spend on spells cast by the monk. Seems to top out at 5th level, makes sense to me. Monks can pump their...
  8. K

    D&D 5E Overchanneling cantrips

    The ovechannel ability gained by a 14th level school of evocation wizard allows you to deal maximum damage with a damaging spell of 5th level or lower. You can do this for free once per long rest. Each additional use of this ability deals damage to you based on the level of the spell. On page...
  9. K

    D&D 5E Basic already surprising us.

    So I was nerding out and reading Harbinger of Doom's blog and ran into an interesting comment. Someone pointed out that since initiative is a dexterity check, the champion fighter's "Remarkable Athlete" ability should add it's bonus to initiative checks, and that seems to be correct from what I...
  10. K

    D&D 5E What happened to Legend and Lore?

    So I got home after working second shift on monday and saw that there was no Legend and Lore on the WOTC site. In fact, their little calendar doesn't show any articles slated for the rest of the month. Anyone know why we didn't get an article today?
  11. K

    D&D 5E Wildshape oddities.

    So I've noticed something odd about wildshape. The description of the ability says it replaces your game statistics, and then lists the exceptions (intelligence, wisdom, charisma, and hp). My understanding is that you lose racial abilities, class abilities, feats, and skills, since these are all...
  12. K

    D&D 5E The New Fighter

    So martial damage dice and manuevers went the way of the dodo. Deadly strike (and multiattack for the fighter and rogue) have taken it's place, with old manuevers becoming feats or class abilities. I'd like to show a comparision of the old fighter to the new one. OLD FIGHTER -Got access to...
  13. K

    D&D 5E Stealth, Spot, and Listen

    So I've seen a couple of posts mention some confusion with the spot and listen skills. The most common complaint is "Do I make a spot and listen check and see if either one beats their sneak?" or vice versa. I just reread the rules, and this is my take. There are no spot or listen checks...
  14. K

    Devil's Advocate

    So I myself am pretty disappointed about the new playtest packet. I have a theory on why we are seeing what we are though. 1) WOTC has talked repeatedly about paring things down to the minimum necessary to play what you want. Perhaps some of the removals and changes in this packet were an...
  15. K

    D&D 5E Two-Weapon Fighting Idea

    EDIT 11/1: Here is the most recent and promising version for those new to the thread. The idea has changed quite a lot. http://www.enworld.org/forum/6040441-post53.html END EDIT I don't like the current two-weapon fighting rules. The last playtest packet seemed to be heading in the right...
  16. K

    D&D 5E Beastiary blues.

    I've only glanced through the new beastiary and I have an issue. The whole giving monsters abilities that aren't standard thing. Cool, I get that some of a given group of monsters are special, and this is the kind of special the design default fluff is supporting. No problems there. the problem...
  17. K

    Character Creation and Pit Traps

    I'd first like to say that I'm really excited about Next and it's general direction. That said, the devils in the details. I had hopes for 4th too, but was dissapointed (I would have gone with more generic power lists for martial, arcane, and divine abilities to allow greater customization out...