• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Robbert Raets

    Monsters of Rock: Desert Rose

    "I dream of rain, eyleeeh, eyleeeh....." DESERT ROSE (SANCTIFIED VINE HORROR) Medium-Size Plant Hit Dice: 5d8+20 (42 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 ft, Swim 20 ft. AC: 18 (+8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+7 Attack: Slam +7 melee Full Attack: 2 Slams +7 melee Damage...
  2. Robbert Raets

    Sharn Art Gallery

    Looks a LOT like the Jedi Council.
  3. Robbert Raets

    Picture of Me.

    Title says all. :D
  4. Robbert Raets

    Re-writing the Worm that Walks with the (Swarm) subtype

    'Happy is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and happy the town at night whose wizards are all ashes. For.... the soul of the devil-bought hastes not from his charnel clay, but fats and instructs the very worm that gnaws; till out of corruption horrid life springs, and the dull scavengers of...
  5. Robbert Raets

    Raiders of the Forgotten Forge char-stat thread

    Post your scribblings and statistics here, please.
  6. Robbert Raets

    Renfield!! Get me my soapbox!

    :mad: I'm sorry if this comes off as an unnecessary rant, but all the 'let's jump on the bash Eberron bandwagon' posts I've been seeing in the past hour are getting to me. The Eberron Campaign setting is one of the best and well-balanced books Wizards has brought in years. In my opinion, the...
  7. Robbert Raets

    First Eberron story ideas (Slightly sillier thread than I had intended)

    Expanded Psionics: 'these aren't the 'Forged you're looking for' :D Mystery/Whodunnit: 'Murder on the Breland Express' Screwball Comedy: the Livewood items with Dryad thing. Human/Robot nature: 'Uh, Merrix, mr. and mrs. Warforged here want a baby....' 'Battle of the Bands...
  8. Robbert Raets

    Star Munchkin RPG!!!

    ... is funny and entertaining!
  9. Robbert Raets

    Epic vs. Demigod Smackdown!!! [Recruiting/Setup]

    So, I still have this idea left in my head. I want a D&D Smackdown, preferably one that pits Epic-level characters against Demigods, as a test of power. Can balanced characters take out a god? What's the LA on the Deity template? Thoughts?
  10. Robbert Raets

    Of Sounder Mind?

    I just have to ask..... Will there be (should there be?) an updated version of "Of Sound Mind" to help both newbies to psionics and 3rd Edition psionics users make the transition?
  11. Robbert Raets

    Warforged - Discussion & Ideas

    Will you be using the Warforged (previewed in Dragon) in your (non-Eberron) Campaign? How will you use them? Will you use a similar backstory for the race's creation, and will you keep true to the stats as they are given? Me, I'm definately using them whenever I get a chance. A...
  12. Robbert Raets

    In responce to the spy-issue of Dragon Magazine....

    ...I have 'translated' all 22 James Bond movie titles, as well as the three 'independent' games. No need to thank me. Chancellor No From Vecna with Love Mithriltentacle Featherfall You only Rage Twice Casino Infernale On Her Majesty's Secret Sorcery Adamantines are Forever Dive & Let Fly The...
  13. Robbert Raets

    gremlin help, please

    Suppose I were to add one level of sorcerer to a quasit or imp, and then give it a reduced version of the (item) possession ability from the book of vile darkness. What CR would it have? 3? 4? ...Suppose I would populate a steampunk world with them? Would that increase the CR?
  14. Robbert Raets

    I must be an incredible masochist.....

    ....I keep provoking mod action against me....
  15. Robbert Raets

    Have you been eating enough cheese lately?

    Heh. Heh. He. :D the first official off-topic poll!
  16. Robbert Raets

    Great Cohorts of Myth, Fiction and History

    Sherlock Holmes had dr. John Watson. The Lone Ranger had Tonto, and Robin Hood had Little John. Was Brutus a cohort of Caesar's? Frodo & Sam? In series like Batman, Hercules & Xena there's a 'duo-dynamic' as well. Can you think of other examples, and reasons for the double-team in stories?
  17. Robbert Raets

    Confusion about Community & Organisation Creation rules.....

    The DMG has rules for determining the number of individuals with PC classes in towns and cities. Dragon #296 has rules for determining the class spread in guilds & other organisations. These rules seem contradictory at some points; the first rule indicates that there would be 45 members of...
  18. Robbert Raets

    Feat and Technique for your review

    Hadoken Technique prerequisites: BAB 3+, Dodge, Spellcraft 5+ benefit: The save DC for all spells with the [Fire] descriptor you cast increases by 1. Whenever you must make a reflex save against a spell you cast yourself, you take no damage upon a succesful save. Hadoken Mastery...
  19. Robbert Raets

    Whot be yer pirate name, feller?

    Arrr! Whot nick did yer lady's hands give ya?
  20. Robbert Raets

    Shiver me timbers!! Th' Giant Space Hamster wos real?!

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/animals/newsid_3121000/3121824.stm :eek: If ye need me, I'll be a-hidin' in th' hold!