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  1. Sagiro

    Sagiro's Story Hour: Now That It's Over

    Greetings! I thought it might be nice to have a fresh thread, where people could post comments, ask questions, and make observations if/when they go back for re-reads. I can't promise to answer every question, but I'll get to as many as I can. I imagine there will be some readers who were...
  2. Sagiro

    13th Level Brawny Rogue -- which Encounter Power to lose?

    I offer this conundrum to the savvy denizens of EN World. In Piratecat's 4E campaign, we have just hit 13th level. My character is a Brawny Rogue/Daggermaster -- pretty much he just sticks his dagger into monsters until they die. Heretofore I have selected Dazing Strike, Low Slash and...
  3. Sagiro

    Confusing wording in Shielding Spirit feat

    Shielding Spirit's text is: "When you use healing spirit, each ally adjacent to your spirit companion gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn." I can't figure out which meaning to use: A) When you use Healing Spirit, allies who are adjacent to you at that moment get a...
  4. Sagiro

    Rogue sneak attack rules question, now that it's 1/turn

    So, there has been a (relatively) recent rules change, such that rogues can deal sneak attack damage once per turn. That means they can sneak attack on their own turn, and then sneak attack again if (for instance) a Warlord grants them a bonus attack on the Warlord's turn. A rogue can also get...
  5. Sagiro

    What monsters are protected by trademark?

    Hey there, Is there a complete list anywhere of all the monsters that are the intellectual property of WotC? I've found an older list that includes the following: beholder, gauth, carrion crawler, tanar’ri, baatezu, displacer beast, githyanki, githzerai, mind flayer, illithid, umber hulk...
  6. Sagiro

    Looking for opinions on Rogue feats

    Greetings, ENWorlders! I am playing a Human Brawny Rogue in Piratecat's Capria campaign, and am looking for thoughts and opinions on feats. The rogue in question uses a dagger exclusively and will be taking the Daggermaster Paragon Path, if he lives that long. My character just hit 8th...
  7. Sagiro

    Delaying, and effects that end on your enemy's turn

    Hey everyone, This came up in last night's session, and I thought someone here might know the official ruling. One of the enemies struck various PC's with a power than caused the Blind condition "until the end of the enemy's next turn." As a rogue, I have a strong preference for not spending...
  8. Sagiro

    Readying an action for when Time Stop ends

    This rules issue arose in tonight's high-level 3.5 session. I will present the situation in as neutral a way as possible, so as not to influence answers. First, the relevent text for the spell: This spell seems to make time cease to flow for everyone but you. In fact, you speed up so greatly...
  9. Sagiro

    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Heroic tier (finished)

    Yesterday was the first session of a new 4th Edition campaign, DM-ed by the esteemed Piratecat. While we had run a small handful of 4E “learn the system” sessions previously, this is our first experience with an ongoing campaign in the new edition. PCat has said that he expects the campaign...
  10. Sagiro

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Piratecat mentioned to me that long threads are causing harm to the boards, so I've decided to start a new thread for my continuing Story Hour. You can still find the old thread here: Sagiro's Story Hour Returns. More importantly, here's the link to StevenAC's .pdfs, which contain the entire...
  11. Sagiro

    Does Heighten Spell increase "dice caps?"

    This came up during a game last night: Does the Heighten Spell Feat increase the maximum dice that are rolled for damage dealing spells? For instance, say a 17th level wizard casts a Heightened Fireball, heightened to a 5th level spell. Ordinarily, fireball is capped at 10d6, but that's a...
  12. Sagiro

    Glamer-flavored illusions, generally and in combat

    [Note: players in my game MAY read this if they want, and even comment. Nothing is being spolied that you don't already know, given the circumstances. I'll trust you to be objective.] 3.X D&D may have cleaned up many questions about illusions, but it's still a messy subject. I have a...
  13. Sagiro

    Pinned by multiple grapplers?

    This came up in a game some time ago. I've checked the PH and can't find a definitive answer. The question is simply: can someone be pinned by two distinct grapplers, such that he has to break each pin separately to escape? Thanks, -Sagiro
  14. Sagiro

    Can a readied action catch someone flat-footed?

    Consider this scenario: Combat starts, and the rogue has the highest initiative. He's less than 30' away from an enemy wizard, and announces he's readying an action to fire his bow at the wizard if she casts a spell. The wizard starts to cast a spell at the rogue, and the rogue fires. Is...
  15. Sagiro

    A DM's Dragon tactics (my players, please stay out!)

    First, if you play in my game, please don’t read this. It contains (minor) spoilers in addition to requests for tactical advice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forgive me if I ramble. I have one general question, and one specific one, regarding dragons. I’ll admit up front that...
  16. Sagiro

    Adjudicating Find the Path

    As a DM, I find that my players often make good use of the spell find the path. And while it hasn't been a problem, we often have debates on just how this spell may be used, and I fear my decisions regarding it may (or have) become arbitrary. First, here's the spell text from the SRD: "The...
  17. Sagiro

    Sagiro's Story Hour: writing style

    As you probably know, I’ve recently started recording my game sessions to assist my note-taking. This has had an effect on the story hour, as now I can include more details and verbatim dialogue. (And I have, for the last five posts.) But this isn’t necessarily a good thing. Please select...
  18. Sagiro

    Sagiro's Story Hour: writing style

    (Not sure how to create a poll, but here 'goes) As you probably know, I've recently started recording my game sessions as a means of taking better notes. It's had an effect on the story hour, in that the amount of dialogue has increased at the expense of narrative, and that the pacing has...
  19. Sagiro

    The Sage speaks re: Blade Barrier

    I considered putting this in the Rules forum, but it also contains a micro-spoiler for 3.5e. In this thread there was speculation on the specific rules for the blade barrier spell, particularly concerning ongoing damage for creatures who remain in the area of effect over multiple rounds...
  20. Sagiro

    Detecting thoughts in another language

    Question: If you cast detect thoughts on a creature who's thinking in a language you don't understand, does the spell translate for you? Argument for yes: Some spells, like command, have the descriptor "language dependent." The fact that detect thoughts doesn't have this descriptor leads one...