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Search results

  1. W

    Opinions about Prowlers & Paragons from those who've played/run?

    Probably going back the Funhouse KS ending tomorrow anyway to get what amounts to a bonus campaign with the core book I'd need anyway, but it never hurts to ask. For those who've actually used the game from either side of the screen, what do you think? What's great, what's good, what pitfalls...
  2. W

    Freelance Traveller #123 e-zine

    So the May/June issue is up over here and while it's mostly business as usual (although Pirates of Drinax comic seems to be longer than ever) it's got one new feature - there's a solo board game called Chamax Escape. Based on the events in the LBB Chamax Plague/Horde double adventure, you play...
  3. W

    D&D 3E/3.5 So how was AEG's Warlords of the Accordlands anyway?

    I was just reminded this existed (and has a sale bundle on DTRPG no less) and remember looking at it back in the day, but I never picked it up or saw it played. Played a lot of the Warlords CCG it was based on and had a pretty good time with it for a few years, and liked the unusual setting...
  4. W

    Sale Spring Cleaning Sale at Greater Than Games

    Not sure how long it's going to last, but some very deep discounts at the company store on a whole bunch of stuff. Good time to grab print copies of the Sentinel Comics RPG stuff, amongst many other not-RPG things. Those Brawl decks are old enough to get into bars without fake ID. :)
  5. W

    Updating my Sentinel Comics Resource Blog again

    Been pretty much on hiatus since my active games all wrapped up over the 2023-2024 break, but an upcoming slow patch on the GTG forums jarred me into a semblance of activity again. Figured it was worth mentioning over here as a reminder for anyone who'd gotten tired of looking for new content...
  6. W

    NOT ACTUALLY A Source for print copies of HOL/Buttery HOLsomeness

    I've seen people looking for these books in hardcopy several times (both here and other sites) and recently got reminded that a small company called the CaBil has the publishing rights and apparently copies for sale on their site. I used to know Carla and Bill (that's where the company name...
  7. W

    Anyone tried the Salvage Union RPG?

    The post-apocalyptic mech-focused RPG from Leyline Press, that is. I'm guessing it's too new yet, but maybe I'm wrong and just missed the buzz. Seems like an interesting (if not wholly original - the Gamma Wolves minis game is extremely similar) setting at least, and the adventures each expand...
  8. W

    Four-Color Studios Two-Die Delves playtest document

    Scott Pyle of Four-Color Studios has been doing hybrid light-RPG/miniatures skirmish rules sets for a quarter-century or so now (and I've been playing them almost as long), and he just sent out a playtest doc for his latest fantasy set which is currently going by "Two-Die Delves" as a successor...
  9. W

    More pig-faced orc miniatures on the market

    Just a heads-up for minis-using folks who prefer their orcs as porcine as possible, Have A Nice Day Minis just added a few more packs to their steadily growing figure range. The ones I've seen firsthand sit somewhere between Otherworld Miniatures (which are about as close to the AD&D MM art as...
  10. W

    Questions about Sentinel Comics RPG actual play experiences

    Mirroring this from the GTG forums in an attempt to reach more people. Trying to collect some data on people who've actually played (or run) the Sentinel Comics RPG. If you have and can spare the time, answers to the following would be helpful: 1. Are you primarily a player or a moderator...
  11. W

    Greater Than Games' Christopher Badell Health Update

    I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere outside the GTG forums and the RPG Kickstarter, and perhaps the people who are most concerned already know, but for fans of GTG in general and the Sentinels card game and RPG in particular, designer Christopher Badell is having some serious health issues at...