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  1. Hex08

    D&D General Having your players roll their stats

    How many of you have your players roll their characters rather than point buy? When I run a D&D style game its usually Castles & Crusades but spent a looong time running Pathfinder 1E and D&D before that. I always give my players the choice and while they usually chose point buy it isn't...
  2. Hex08

    D&D (2024) What do you think One D&D will do to the VTT industry?

    Let me start by saying I don't play D&D anymore, I stopped when 4E came out, so I am probably not totally up to date with all of the latest news. However, from what I understand, with the integration and updates to D&D Beyond One D&D is going to offer a 3D VTT environment. For those of you who...
  3. Hex08

    Which VTT do you use?

    When I moved 12 years ago I didn't want to stop playing with my regular Sunday group so I bought Fantasy Grounds (I think it may even have been the only option available) and have been using it ever since. I'm not as proficient with the new version, Unity, as the old but I'm learning. I haven't...
  4. Hex08

    Pathfinder for Savage Worlds opinions

    My copy of Pathfinder for Savage Worlds showed up the other day and I have slowly been flipping through it. So far the only bit I feel unsure about is the Conviction mechanic but I haven't read the entire thing yet so I am withholding judgment on the game until I finish reading it. As a fan of...
  5. Hex08

    Star Trek Strange New Worlds, what did you think?

    Personally, I loved it. My spoiler free review is that I feel like I have watched my first real Star Trek show in decades. I like Picard and really enjoy Lower Decks but Strange New Worlds, I thought, really captured the feeling of Trek. It's not nearly as dark as Disco or Picard, visually or...
  6. Hex08

    What do you think about Powered by the Apocalypse games?

    I've seen some discussion on these boards about PbtA games but I am not at all familiar with them. The discussions got me curious so I got my hands on the pdfs of Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and Ironsworn but haven't sat down to read them yet. It will be a while before I will have the chance...
  7. Hex08

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E and balance ?

    I've never moved from Pathfinder 1st edition to 2nd so I have no familiarity with the new system. One thing that I see come up a lot is how balanced Pathfinder 2E is compared to other games. Is it true that it's one of the more balanced systems out there and if so, what makes it so?
  8. Hex08

    D&D General [+] What is your favorite non-WotC D&D setting?

    This is a spin on another thread started by @overgeeked. What are your favorite non-WotC D&D settings? This can include games that are not strictly D&D, like Pathfinder's Galorion or Castles & Crusades Aihide, but are alternate versions of D&D. Other game systems like Savage Worlds may be great...
  9. Hex08

    Nova is coming to the MCU!

    As a huge Nova fan I am excited to see this news. Nova Is Officially Coming to the MCU -edited to fix the link-
  10. Hex08

    Spelljammer: Shadow of the Spider Moon

    I was recently flipping through some old Dungeon/Polyhedron magazines and was looking at the issue that had Spelljammer: Shadow of the Spider Moon. Having never played the original Spelljammer I thought that was a cool little setting that I always wanted to run a campaign in but never did...
  11. Hex08

    D&D General Why is D&D 4E a "tactical" game?

    I've never played D&D 4E, I quit D&D when it was released, but I have noticed it is frequently referred to as a "tactical" game, more so than other versions of D&D. Why is that? 3.x was a very tactical game, combat was pretty much designed to take place on a battle map with minis. Is something...
  12. Hex08

    What is your opinion of Savage Worlds?

    I'm curious what others think of Savage Worlds. Here's why I am posting and my experience so far. After primarily running Pathfinder 1st ed. since it was in beta I finally was getting burned out and wanted to move onto other game systems (this was around the time 2nd ed. was announced). I...
  13. Hex08

    The Strange

    I am curious about people's opinions of The Strange from a mechanics standpoint. I bought it when and a few of the supplements when it first came out but never played it. I have been staring at it on my bookshelf recently and thinking about running it. I only read the rules once when I first got...