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Search results

  1. ccs

    D&D 5E Odyssey of the Dragonlords’ - my next campaign?

    Ah, it's finally that time. Or very nearly so..... The end of the current campaign is finally upon us! Wich triggered the usual survey of the group - What do you want next? Of the responses, I got two concerning the actual overall campaign. 1 player wants a pirate campaign. If we go that...
  2. ccs

    D&D 5E Hoard of the Dagon Queen - the town of Greenest.

    Can someone with HotDG tell me the population of Greenest? And if you could be specific concerning # of defending troops in the castle, #s of priests, any wizards, etc. I ask because we're looking at building the town & it's population in 3d for a minis wargame & I don't feel like buying (or...
  3. ccs

    What's the hierarchy of user titles?

    I know this is something really minor as you try & iron out actual bugs in the new system, but what's the hierarchy of user titles? And could you put a Lv tag in front of them, ala 1e? For example; Lv 5: Explorer Also, sometimes when I switch between font sizes the system won't let me...
  4. ccs

    Wich dragon (D&D/PF question)

    So, other than "Whatever we can beat the easiest", wich type (and size?) of dragon do you prefer to fight?
  5. ccs

    How much does that Magic Item cost?

    I have now finally gotten around to answering this question - in regards to my campaigns anyways. Answer? It's random. I simply plugged the vague guidelines on pricing items from the DMG into a random # generator I found on Google & ran a set of 50 numbers for each category*. *For the...
  6. ccs

    Can you really block yourself?

    I notice that in posts I make I have the option to block myself. I realize that this is likely just the generic default of the system. But it still strikes me as odd/humerous that that would show as an option on your own posts. Btw, what would happen if I DID block myself?
  7. ccs

    What D&D is all about....

    Yuan Ti pirates attack the PCs & allies (+ their flying Triceratops skeleton) as they attempt to skirt around the western coast of Chult! PC #1: High Elf Ranger (male) PC#2: Dragonborn (copper) Fighter (male) PC#3: High elf Wizard (necromancer) (female) PC#4: 1/2elf Fighter/Rogue (assassin)...
  8. ccs

    Thread necromancy

    So what's with all these "Do you ______" threads from 2006 being dug up? Is it possible to set some limit where a thread will just be auto-locked? That way you can dig it up & read it if you like, even link to it if its somehow relevant. But you can't reply.
  9. ccs

    D&D 5E Tomb of Annihilation maps

    Does anyone know if the map of Chult available on Mike Schley site is scaled to 1 hex = 1 inch for printing? Or will I have to re-size it? The other, gridded, ToA maps specifically state that they're already set for 1" square printing. I going to print out Chult in 1" hexes, cover it in 1"...
  10. ccs

    D&D 5E Help give a character in my game a new personality!

    Ok, so one of the characters in my game caused a magical explosion when he killed a creature. According to the critters write up, he needed to make a save or be afflicted with a random insanity. Failed save. Rolled multiple personality. At least 1 extra. Doesn't matter what edition, world...
  11. ccs

    D&D 5E Timing an adventure: Has anyone ever.....

    Has anyone ever timed the adventure their playing/running? Not in RL hours spent around the table, not in adventuring days/weeks, but in ROUNDS? How many rounds do your adventures actually last? Particularly things like dungeon crawls. (I know I haven't!) I ask as I'm brainstorming ideas...
  12. ccs

    Pathfinder 1E Increasing my stealth capabilities in PF

    I posted this over on the Paizo boards but figured I might as well go fishing for ideas here as well.... So I find myself needing to pickup some serious, mostly personal, stealth capabilities. The more long lasting/constant the better. The character is a 7th lv (soon to be 8th)tiefling...
  13. ccs

    So, I have a GP....

    Like the title says, I have a GP. It just showed up in my profile. How did I get it, what can I do with it, & where? So far all I've been able to find is the Currency link - but that just seems to let me buy more GP. What am I missing? Thanks.
  14. ccs

    What do you want Santa to bring you (2015)?

    So what do people hope Santa brings this year? I'm hoping for; *The Galeforce9 Demogorgon miniature, *All the stuff I need to round out my Flames of War Finnish army (WWII minis game) *assorted movie serials from decades past. *new carpet for the living room, *and a real life 68/69 Corvette...