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Search results

  1. hirou

    Looking for the system with in-battle character progression

    This is not even my final form. True warriors only evolve in battle. You must pass through near-death experience to become stronger. Face your fears and overcome them. You definitely know this trope - the hero is always an underdog, and have to take some beating from the bad guys until he...
  2. hirou

    ZEITGEIST Blades in the dark system in ZG world

    My group is trying some new RPG systems, and I'm pitching together a one-shot about Flint criminal underground in the aftermath of adv.5 mess in Blades in the Dark system. Overall level of technical advancement seems pretty close, and Flint fits almost perfectly as a city overrun by ghosts. I...
  3. hirou

    ZEITGEIST "Post-timeskip" Rush and Merton

    You know those moments in the anime when you see the character after a long period of training off-screen, and now his powerlevel is over 9000 and he can do new stuff, but still with the same signature technique? I need a bit of that for the best orc-and-elf duo. My party didn't attack Liya...
  4. hirou

    WotBS WotBS 5e with only two players

    My two friends finally persuaded me to DM for them and I wanted to run WotBS since forever. I'm already managing ZG 4e campaign with ~5 players, so I wanted to keep this side project to the minimum possible party, and most people I could invite as players would shy away from overnight sessions...
  5. hirou

    ZEITGEIST Rakshasas

    SPOILERS GALORE Among many story points of Zeitgeist campaign, there was a single one that never sat with me right - Stanfield's transformation to invulnerable rakshasa in the finale of the Adventure 9. It's coming out of nowhere, except for a single legend in Player's Guide (once again...
  6. hirou

    ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] We now return you to your regularly scheduled Srasama's Fall

    This is a pretty minor question, which was actually hanging at the back of my head for years. As my party is finally starting their Around-The-Lanjyr tour of Kasvarina's Not Proudest Moments, I have to finally decide whether it's just a overlooked joke or a part of canon in my campaign. So...
  7. hirou

    ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] Ideas for Leone Mk.3?

    Meligos, I sure hope you are not reading this, right? We're likely to conclude adventure 7 next week, and, oh boy, I'm getting pretty far away from the written plot. To keep it brief: it's very likely that several players will drop after this due to various IRL reasons, so this serves as...
  8. hirou

    Holmes in my D&D: dealing with Perception+Insight optimization?

    One of my players made Sherlock Holmes-like PC, eladrin artificier (and yes, he's playing violin). He has heavily invested in Arcana-boosting options, and today, starting paragon, finally unveiled the combo he was building: by taking Arcana prodigy feat (sorcerer multiclass) and then Sorcerous...
  9. hirou

    [Spoilers] Cauldron-born, out of order

    Another round of ideas gathering, from yours truly. My party is really determined to enter the hill complex well before the banket and they have full right to do so. Regarding their assets: they have 2 telepaths in the group, so they can freely communicate with Grappa (I ruled that geas still...
  10. hirou

    ZEITGEIST [Unofficial] Zeitgeist timeline

    In this thread I will try to summarize the known history of Zeitgeist, as mentioned in Zeitgeist adventure path (including Crypta Hereticarum and Bonds of the Forced Faith), Admiral of the High Seas, War of the Burning Sky adventure path (confirmed to be semi-canon by Ryan). I will also include...
  11. hirou

    Witchoil in Wayfarer's lantern

    Obviously, spoilers for adventures 4-5 ahead. In "Always on Time" the party has a chance of obtaining Wayfarer's Lantern, which can be extremely useful in the infiltration of Cauldron Hill complex in the Bleak Gate. It is said that by the beginning of adventure 5 the party can obtain "three...
  12. hirou

    When 'awesome' becomes 'stupid'?

    SPOILERS FOR ADVENTURE 4! Basically, my party decided that they absolutely cannot allow Isobel to remain in slavery, regardless of 'low profile mission', 'RHC acts in secret' and other foolish regulations. Thanks to good cover identities, some good ideas and lucky rolls they successfully...
  13. hirou

    Admiral O' the High Seas: elite sailor cost.

    Page 10 describes the price of expert sailor as "+50 gp", assumably as bonus to base price. On the other hand, Sea Mare description on page 31 lists the cost of 6 normal unseen servants + 2 experts as 1300 gp, which seems to suggest that expert unseen sailor costs 500 gp. Which version would be...
  14. hirou

    [spoilers] Digging for Lies timeline error?

    My group may have found a seemingly glaring error in the timeline of Digging for Lies. Well, it's 3am, so I can be missing something, but it goes like this: -Staff of the Ancients must find its way to McBannin, so Stewart can steal it afterwards. -Staff of the Ancients must be removed from the...
  15. hirou

    [Dying Skyseer] A lead to Creed

    My group happened to explode poor Cillian Creed before actually discovering his identity, only having met him once in McBannin manor, which was very brief (players couldn't actually recognize his portrait later), so I'm thinking about giving them some additional clues about who the hell that...
  16. hirou

    ZEITGEIST Death and resurrection in Zeitgeist

    Upon reading through the campaign I was left with a feeling that resurrection is somewhat uncommon in Languir. Raise dead ritual by RAW 4ed is merely a 500 gp (or 680 gp scroll), which is well affordable by 2-3 rd level. I generally don't like this, as it lessens the value of human life to a...
  17. hirou

    Ragman [spoilers]

    This isn't stated outright anywhere in the adventure, so I wanted to check the meaning of Ragman "The serial killer of Parity lake". Am I right that: a) Ragman as a whole is just a cover up for killings of Lorcan Kell gang? b) sigils under the bridges that cops attribute to him are actually part...
  18. hirou

    ZEITGEIST 1001 things PCs are totally allowed to do in Zeitgeist campaign

    AKA "What is NOT considered derailing". Add your examples in comments. 1. Spending over an hour of real time detailing Royal/Fleet square security details 2. Immediately posting guards (PC, not allied minions) near dutchess room. And eavesdropping on her. 3. Rolling two successive natural 20 on...
  19. hirou

    Alternative Firearms rules? [4e]

    Hello, first post here. Stumbled upon Zeitgeist about a month ago, became fascinated, bought the whole path and now preparing to run first module with a group of 6 just this Sunday. We discussed the Player's guide a lot with the group, and the most heated topic was, surprisingly, the firearms...