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Search results

  1. Ezequielramone

    Need info on Rhyxali and Shaddonon

    Long story short: I'm running a Tal'Dorei game where one of my players is playing a Ranger lizardfolk. He has a dark and confusing background and the result is that he casts spells with power from a demon entity. The way the character acts make me believe that Rhyxali is a good option/conection/...
  2. Ezequielramone

    Help - I'll try to run Asticlian Gambit (or not)

    Well here's the thing. I DMed the first 3 adventures (Freedom!, Road to Urik and Arcane Shadows). The group is super engaged with the campaign. Next session we are supposed to start Asticlian Gambit. I only read on internet bad things about it being to much of rail-roaded. Have anyone run it...
  3. Ezequielramone

    Good dwarven ruined city recommendation?

    Hi all I'm running a sandbox campaign on my own setting. The party decided to help the dwarf to go to the dwarven ruins of Komek. Nex monday they are reaching a secondary entrance. I was wondering if someone knows about good maps/adventures/inspiration for a ruined/abandoned/undermountain...
  4. Ezequielramone

    Looking for an old Dragon magazine article

    I'm looking for an article (from Dragon #391) its name was "Traveling the Sandswept Roads". I'm reading Dungeon #202 which has a link to that article but the link is broken. (Also the pdf I have for Dragon #391 hasn't that article, that's why I believe it was a separate article) Is there a place...
  5. Ezequielramone

    [Dark Sun] - Hamanu's Defiler School

    Hi all. I’ve been playing Dark Sun for a year now and slowly learning all I can about this awesome setting. I’m running the “original” adventures for my group and right now they are finally reaching Urik at the beggining of Arcane Shadows. One of my awesome players designed a custom earth druid...
  6. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Dark Sun psionic tattoos?

    Hi! I'm relatively new to dark sun. I'm running it with the original adventures, the new mystic and a few house rules I found. So I don't have a real idea of how the 2e psionics worked back in the day (actually I couldn't even read when the original dark sun box was on the store's shelves).I...
  7. Ezequielramone

    Critical Role Tal Dorei Campaign Setting Year

    I can't find which year is in Tal Dorei CS, it only says at the beginning that one year has passed since the Chroma Conclave, but I'm looking for the number. Does anyone know what year it is in the book? Thanks,
  8. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Need advice with Dark Sun Campaign

    Hi all. I'm running the "original dark sun campaign" with 5e. We played Freedom! and now my group is about to have the last battle in Road to Urik. So far the campaign is great mostly because my players are awesome. I didn't need to force things like the campaign book suggests (things like...
  9. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Consequences [spoilers SKT and ToD]

    Well, I've running ToD for almost a year, at the end of HotDQ we popped SKT. Everything is going fine, but, at the end one player did something awesome. Long story short: dwarf cleric of haela. Haela is a dwarf goodness who basically kills monsters, specially giants and Hekaton rules with "a...
  10. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Is adamantine a metal?

    Hi all, I'm running OotA and one of my players wants to multiclass his fighter to druid. So I'm checking the options we have to have a non-metal heavy armor since he have the feat. As far as I know adamantine is not a thing in the real world and can't find WTF it is. I just want to know if it is...
  11. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E We have to kill a deity -Tyranny spoilers!

    Well hi all, This is the situation: I'm running tyranny of dragons for the second time with another group obviously (for the first group I'm running OotA). They just crashed the flying castle. Ill continue with RoT, Frozen castle and SKT. Right now they are coming from the north. One of the...
  12. Ezequielramone

    Need Dark Sun adventure for one shot

    Hi all. I'm planning to run a Dark Sun adventure as a year's last game. I love the setting but don't know much of it adventures. I'll be using pathfinder and dreamscarred press psionics. I want you to recommend me a good module or adventure to run in about six hours.
  13. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Running two campaigns at the same time.

    Hi, here is the thing: My group is about to finish Hoard of the Dragon Queen. I want to continue running both Rise of Tiamat and Storm King's Thunder. Both at the same time with the same characters. I need you to advice me. I know I should abandon xp and manage that by myself saying when to lvl...
  14. Ezequielramone

    Pathfinder 1E Adventurer's Guide question

    Hi all! I'm a pathfinder's fan and try to be always updated with the rulebook (not AP, setting etc). It seems that Adventurer's Guide will have Golarion specific organisations. So far all the material in the rulebooks is setting-less. Is there any info if this book is going to break that rule...
  15. Ezequielramone

    Videogames are boring once you embrace RPG?

    This is just a theory based on a chat I have with a friend las week. And I want to know if someone else feel something similar. I started playing Pathfinder RPGs at 20, now I'm 26 and playing both PF and D&D 5th ed. Before that, I used to play millions of hours per day to videogames. Last month...
  16. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E I need your imagination - Rise of Tiamat spoilers

    Hi all. This is the thing: I'm running RoT and we are about to finish the campaign. Before the last chapter the players only need to complete the thay mission, the last cult's attack and the new frozen castle expansion (they crashed the castle). I know Tiamat could be letal and I don't want to...
  17. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Rise of Tiamat - Question from a DM - spoilers ahead

    Hi all. I'm running the Rise of Tiamat and my party went through the third council two sessions ago. I noticed that I only have a few lines on how to track the zhentarim influence (they like killing people and are upset if the party take prisoners). They don't appear in the scoreboard at the...
  18. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Is Curse of Strahd the first wotc's adventure?

    Well, we all know that previous adventures were produced/written by other companies than wizards.I couldn't figured out which company wrote CoS, so I assume wotc didn't has help with that.Is that correct? What do you think about?Which reasons do you think they changed the way they were producing...
  19. Ezequielramone

    D&D 5E Would you play or run a game if the party's members are not the protagonists?

    Well, the idea just came to me. I was thinking of running an adventure where you are supporting the "heroes", maybe the party is just part of an army and they have to scout out act as spies The core concept of this is that there are bigger things happening around and characters can't deal with...
  20. Ezequielramone

    Looking for a monster

    Hi all, a friend of mine told me he is looking for a particular kind of dragon. He saw the art but don't remember the book, name or anything about it. The only distinctive thing about those dragons is their jaws. They have bifid jaws. I know there is a lot of you that know a lot of monster for...