• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Speaker

    One-shot: To Kill, or Not To Kill?

    What a great Halloween night. Anyway, my group is doing a Halloween one-shot today, the day after Halloween. I have nearly everything planned out, hand-outs, lights, music, the whole works. What I appeal to ENWorld is an answer to the age old question of PK. Do I need to kill PCs to inspire...
  2. Speaker

    Full ROTK Trailer Up!

    TheOneRing.net has posted the full ROTK trailer! Seeing as how the download is currently unavailable due to bandwith, I just thought you all might want to suffer in endless torment, just waiting until it becomes available again... as I am. Misery loves company :).
  3. Speaker

    A review on how to find gamers (for a gamer in need)

    Hey there, ENWorld folks. I am now facing a quandary that has haunted gamers world wide- just how to find that perfect game. After five years in Indonesia, I am moving home to Calgary, Alberta (in Canada, if you must ask). The local franchise terrorist group let out that they were planning to...
  4. Speaker

    Two tracks from The Two Towers

    Track 1 Track 2 Comments?
  5. Speaker

    The Golden Prince of Demons, The Western Wizard, The Deathseeker: Colbey Thorsson

    The son of a god, Colbey was raised in ignorance of his birthright. Brought up by a race of the greatest swordsman in this world, he surpassed them all. He became the keeper of balance, the watcher of Law and Chaos, the immortal swordsman. He practiced without pause or fail from the day he...
  6. Speaker

    Cockatrice Wing, Treant Salad, Troll inna can - An Adventure's Cuisine

    It is the climatic encounter of our adventurer's saga. The group has crossed the river of Sorta Wide Rapids, surmounted the Kinda Large Mountain, ripped through the Lair of Fairly Ferocious Monsters and blown through the Somewhat Darkish Tunnels of Mild Despair. They now stand before the goal...
  7. Speaker

    The Dawn of Magic: Another Way to Look at Magic's Effect on Society

    I've seen quite a few threads dealing with magic in society, and how things would change, how technology would be affected, how there could be healing and food for all, and so on and so forth. Brilliant discussion, with startling insights on the part of several posters. Here's another way to...
  8. Speaker

    a Theonering.net report: Dragonlance, the Movie

    All right, I'm not exactly a fan of the series. I have read all many if not all books set in the Dragonlance world, but that's more because I'm a speed-reader who runs out of fantasy books and libraries all too quickly, then the fact that I particularly enjoyed them. But, based on the recent...
  9. Speaker

    Guardians of the Flame

    How many of you have taken inspiration for your campaign from Joel Rosenburg's Guardians of the Flame series? As a brief synopsis of the first book in the series, titled The Sleeping Dragon, several college students sit down for a pseudo-D&D campaign, and end up being sent into a very grim and...