• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

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    Minneapolis. Sunday Night 5 PM to whenever. Dungeon Crawl Classics. You know you want to be here.

    Sign up here and I'll get you the contact info. We've been playing D&D, DCC, WWN/SWN since 2019, but I'd like to add more players to our group, as not all of us can come every Sunday and my style favors an "open table". https://www.rpgtablefinder.com/table/5462
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    OSR Subcreation and the Invention of the Monster Manual

    Today I learned... That Jorge Luis Borges wrote a Monster Manual 15 years before D&D came out. The Book of Imaginary Beings Should I be surprised that the mind that wrote Tlön Uqbar Orbis Tertius created a pre-RPG monster manual? Probably not. And if you haven't read the aforementioned story...
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    D&D General Anybody know what ever became of Rick Swan?

    ENWorld has long been frequented by many legends of D&D's early days, and most recently we've been enjoying Jim Ward and Ed Greenwood's reminiscences, among others. In that light, I was just wondering today... what ever happened to Rick Swan? Back in my early D&D player days in the mid to late...
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    Starting a new Midgard campaign in Minneapolis - First Game on 8/25/19

    So, a friend of mine and I decided to kick off a new D&D campaign. I've been wanting to run a game of 5th edition since it came out, but haven't had the chance- I regularly DMed 2nd and 3rd edition for nine years (along with the various Star Wars RPGs, and Earthdawn and Alternity as well), but...
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    Treasure Generators for 5E

    Howdy! Been along time since I've been a regular around these parts... I mostly stopped playing D&D around 2006, and didn't care much for what I saw of 4th edition... not that I had time, between building a career (and changing direction about three times), pursuing an advanced degree, changing...
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    DMs: What are your character pet peeves?

    The subject says it all... as a DM, what kind of characters can't you stand. I'm not talking about distinct classes (though we all have a few we don't know what to do with- Monks, for me), but tropes that really drive you crazy. For me, it has to be the "mysterious wanderer from a far-away...
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    Choosing the best system for a homebrew space opera campaign

    Hey, I've been thinking of starting a homebrew space-opera campaign, inspired by a mix of many influences, but primarily: -the old Starflight computer games -"A Fire Upon the Deep" by Vernor Vinge -The Golden Age Trilogy by John C. Wright -"Ventus" by Karl Schroeder -the Race for the Galaxy...
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    Running a Multicultural, Multilingual Roleplaying Group

    So, a few months ago I thought it unlikely I'd ever play or DM again. I'd sold my books years ago; I hadn't played since I graduated from college in 2005. While I lived in the states I continued to pick up Dungeon (RIP :( ) from time to time, and browse ENworld now and then, but, like many, I...
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    Starting new group in Shanghai- anyone interested?

    I'm starting a new D&D 3.5 group in Shanghai; we plan to play on Sunday nights, from 7:30-8:00 to midnight. We'll probably be playing at a place in Xujiahui or north Minhang (over by the Nanfang mall); the game will be conducted in English, but non-native speakers who think they can keep up are...
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    I'm sick of saving the world. Let's conquer it.

    The title says it all. I'm tired of "heroic" adventures and adventurers. No more paladins, no more rogues with a heart of gold, no more kindly old wizards. I want to play Darth Vader. I want to play Hannibal Lecter. I want to consort with fiends and slay angels. I want to desecrate...
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    George Clooney to do "The Diamond Age"

    http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=39447 Oh yeah. Oh mother******* yeah. Finally, we'll get at least a TV treatment of Stephenson. While I still think Snow Crash is his most cinematic work, and Cryptonomicon would make a fantastic miniseries, I won't complain about...
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    Seeking Gamers in Portland!

    Howdy! I just moved to Portland, OR (from Albuquerque, NM) and I'm looking for either a group or gamers interested in forming a group. I prefer to DM, not play, and I've wanted to run one of the adventure paths (Shackled City, Age or Worms or Savage Tide) refit for my home setting- if anyone...
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    How in the heck do I get this party together?

    Hello again... my, it's been a long time since I started a thread on here... Anyway, I've just decided to start a new Forgotten Realms campaign, set in the Eastern portion of the realms (those areas covered by the Unapproachable East sourcebook- Aglarond, Thay, Thesk, Rasheman, The Great Dale...
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    Rules for Ruling Domains: Which is the best set?

    Okay, I'm running a campaign where rulership could become an issue (as well as mass/army combat). I've already picked out my mass combat rules (Cry Havoc!), but I'm having a tough time deciding on what system to use for rulership of domains. Now, I have three systems at my immediate disposal...
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    Gestalt Characters and Normal Characters in the same game...

    I'm thinking of allowing gestalt characters as an option in my campaign. Originally I was thinking of applying a 40% XP penalty to any gestalt character, which would make it roughly equivalent to 1e and 2e Multiclassing, as far as balance is concerned. However, I see one problem with this-...
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    Intelligence and NPC Tactics

    All experienced DM's have run into this problem before- how does intelligence (and, to some extent, wisdom and alignment) effect the tactics that an NPC uses in combat? In general, I use the following assumptions: Int -: Typically undead and constructs, they fight until they're burger, bone...
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    Enter the Meatrix!

    This is pretty cute... http://www.gristmagazine.com/soapbox/meatrix110503.asp Who knew that the Matrix was all about animal rights? :)
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    Introducing a girlfriend to gaming...

    I haven't done any roleplaying in several months- my last group couldn't find a convenient time to game through the summer, and our Midnight campaign fell apart. Recently, however, the other DM in our group, after a 2 year campaign, has decided she's going to "hang it up" in a few weeks and...
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    Alignments, Cycles, and the Anger of Angels

    Recently I was reading a text about Tibetan Buddhism, in which the author (Robert Thurman) advanced a controversial theory about the conquest of Tibet- that Mao Zedong was an incarnation of Vajrapani, the Thunderbolt-Wielding Bodhisattva (think "angel of death") who tried to destroy Tibet in...
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    The Wachowskis Next Project???

    http://www.fantasynews.co.uk/wachowski-project.html Hmm... it sounds... a lot like The Matrix !!! Seriously, it sounds like fun, and it's just a rumor at this point... watch for more...