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  1. V

    Et tu d20?

    The last two games my dice have found a new low. Generally in the groups I game with I have a reputation for rolling poorly more often than typical. Posting this as misery loves company and I'd like to hear some others tales of their dice abandoning them. In last weeks game we were playing...
  2. V

    Help with FATE player that likes to make alternate characters

    In my gaming group one of the players likes to make alternate characters and bring them into play. In most systems this isn't a big deal as character creation can be a solo affair. In FATE due to the interactions with others to develop a character bringing in new characters is a bit more...
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    Art Augmented Reality

    The new AaR Viewer Blizzard made for Diablo is what RPG makers should be doing for their monsters. This is even better than the old days when I held up the Monster Manual to show everyone what the creature looks like. RPG Publishers, figure out how to do this in a cost effective manner! :)...
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    Drow Religous Training for their Youth

    In a recent game I had a player approach a Drow Priestess of Lolth and make a large donation to have his daughter, a half drow and also a PC, learn the ways of Lolth. As the DM this is an unexpected story telling gift I cannot wait to explore. I am thinking this will be like many real world...
  5. V

    How does your warlord inspire you?

    After loosing a PC one of my fellow players showed up with a warlord to last weeks game. He decided to heal himself and described the scene as "my finger gets glowy and I heal myself". Quickly someone reminded him that he does not heal with divine magic, but inspires himself to go on. Without...
  6. V

    Why the world is?

    Reading the title of another thread I was expecting a very different topic. It made me go back to my campaigns roots and think about why the world was created. I was curious was is the purpose behind the creators of your campaign world. Was it created with a purpose? Just as a play thing...
  7. V

    Hollowfaust Newspaper

    The players are about to enter Hollowfaust for the first time in our game. Trying to make it memorable I have been thinking of various bits of flavor I could add to enhanced the experience. One idea is to have a newspaper they could purchase with some tidbits and hints for the campaign. I'm...
  8. V

    A shrieker sounds like...

    Anyone have a good suggestion for the sound of a shrieker? Not looking for air raid sirens, car alarms, & fog horns. I've been considering sounds of a behive or Jamie Lee Curtis in Holloween. Vaslov
  9. V

    Warlords & nagging your team to victory!

    Last night I tried out 4th Ed. for the first time with some friends. I tried my hand at a Tactical Warlord. Between various across various class features and feat powers I ended up with 3 passive powers. In brief other players had bonuses to initiative, attack and damage just because I was...
  10. V

    Tell me of your clan.

    I have a party about to venture across the length of the Dwarven homeland and I would like some help fleshing out various dwarven clans. The world is homebrew. The Dwarves of this world have a reputation of being Viking like and the area of their home land happens to be a lot like...
  11. V

    How to deal with beggers

  12. V

    For The Horde!

    As it came up last night below is the web site for Obsidian Guard. http://og.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=49866&TabID=437285
  13. V

    Sorry Vimu

    I went to switch over to Anzha and ended up getting booted from the server. Now there are login issue due to high demand and I cannot even connect to Feathermoon. Hope to help you out another time. Take care.
  14. V

    Message for Kristivas

    Hey Kris. My horde character, Daetrin, just went through the meltdown that was GWP and now is guildless. He is 58 and is now ready for some good PvE raiding. If I remember correctly you said something about having a horde character in the HotF and offered to get me in. Who should I be...
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    Event - BRD - 11/1/2005

    Black Rock Depths Scheduled to begin 11/1/2005 5:00 PM. (Server time). This is a public event. Starts in Azeroth: Blackrock Mountain Additional details: : Zhev has some BRD quests to work on. Ath needs more dark iron rep. Vaslov needs to get attuned to the core. There are probably other...
  16. V

    Event Sign Up Section

    Dink, how about a new section for Event signup? I know we are still fairly small, but this can help us all coordinate times to be on and perhaps get some good raiding going on. Last night Zhev was mentioning how handy it would of been to of had some others there. Easier, for me at least, to plan...