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  1. T

    The Olympics (In General)

    So I'm forking this over from the KV controversy discussion because it was obvious that a lot 9f people have issues/questions/concerns about these last Winter Games and the Olympic Games in general. And while I'm not an authority, I do enjoy the games for what they both stand for and their...
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    Would you play in a campaign with racial/class limits of it fits the story?

    So, I love DMing campaigns that focus on periods of time gone awry or fantasy/history as a background to gameplay. So if a DM said I have a campaign idea, but you can't play elves or mages or wombats in drag or whatever, is that a deal breaker or do you accept that the game can be fun within...
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    Windows 10 - Convince me.

    Okay, so the topic title is problematic, it's the best I could come up with. The gist is I posted on the Microsoft website a query and they banned me for "content violations" - So I will posed the same question here. Why should I upgrade to Windows 10? Keep in mind I DO NOT own, operate or...
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    D&D 5E A noteworty gripe for 5e

    So the rules are good, the play is smooth(ish) and everything is right withe the world... Except the artwork. Not that the artwork is bad, quite the contrary, some of it stellar, the problem, who the hell did what? With the exception of the cover art which is tagged in the credits, there is...
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    Help! - Need a replacement for D&D (criteria below)

    Okay so my daughter came home from college with her boyfriend for Thanksgiving and on the last day they were here said "oh, by the way, when we come back for Christmas, we want to play D&D." I have been fretting ever since. Why, because I came to the realization that I like aspects of all the...
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    Where I've been and what's going on...

    Hey all, well it's been a while since I graced the boards and like most folks, there are reasons and they are tied into life. And while yes, Halloween, like always has been part of the reason, there have been other issues as well. After GenCon I had a repressed memory surface at what was...
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    A Demon by any other name.....

    Okay, I was perusing my 1st Ed Monster Manual and ran across the entry for Type VI demon. It stated that there were 6 type VIs, of which Balor is one. (For those that thought a Balor was a type of demon that came along in the Planescape setting.) So the question is, what are the other five...
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    Cubs Ad

    Just saw an ad scroll on the top of the screen for Cubs.com. If this is a targeted ad towards me because I'm from Illinois, the server should be burned - this is CARDINAL country! If it's just a scrolling ad that everyone sees, then I am well and truly sorry for the rest of you that you were...
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    Geekmas Tree

    Every year I tell you all about my eclectic Christmas tree but can't ever get pics posted - Well this year I did: here Hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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    Dear... An open letter

    Dear Indy, Thank You once again for a great GenCon. This year had to be one of the best, everyone was feeling much less trepidation than last year and the general mood was great. As always your local citizens were upbeat, friendly and happy to have us in town. Dear ENnies staff, Thanks again...
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    A Game of Thrones: Brought to you by Metal School

    Hey all. With the recent GoT mini series on HBO and all the discussions both pro and con I thought there should be at least one unifying thing about it. Here is a version of the GoT Theme song with a decidedly heavier feel (and one that should probably be used as the actual theme. :) ) And...
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    Mission Accomplished - Job well done.

    Usama Bin Laden (Arabic spelling) was taken down in a six month intelligence and military operation. It appears that a combination of SIGNIT (Signals Intelligence), HUMINT (Human Intelligence) and PHOTINT (Phono Intelligence) on both the Military and Civilian sides of the house. His body has...
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    Avenue Q

    The Wife and I saw Avenue Q yesterday. I have to say, this is probably the funniest musical I've ever seen. With great original songs like "My Life Sucks", "The Internet is for Porn", "If You Were Gay", "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" and "You Can be Loud as the Hell you Want (When You're...
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    Hasbro/WotC's movie problems

    I've finally figured out why Hasbro/WotC has problems with their movies.... Not successful: Dungeons & Dragons - I think we all agree this blew major chunks GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra - Quickly climbing the Rotten Tomatoes chart as worst movie ever. Semi or Very Successful (or at least not...
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    Its Official Winter is Over

    Found the first Brown Recluse of the season - winter is over.... yay....
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    Gnome race for BECMI - opinions?

    Below is the basic information for the gnome as a player race in the BECMI system. I nabbed the basic idea from an old Basic D&D web site (Here.) I then altered it to bring it more in-line with the writing style and layout of the Basic (and the Expert) rules. Gnome Description: A gnome is...
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    Differences between BECMI/RC

    Sorry for the OD&D tag, there is no tag for BECMI (need to fix that Morrus) :) Simple question, what are the FUNCTIONAL differences between BECMI (Mentzer) and Rules Cyclopedia, if any? After some reviewing I can't notice anything too far afield, and the reason for the question thanks to Wik...
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    I need advice about a new campaign....

    So, I'm thinking about starting a new campaign. It is basically 3e with a lot of 1e/2e flair - very gritty. In a nut shell, magic is feared (and therefore rare); gods are jealous and therefore religious wars are plentiful; elves are xenophobic and therefore rare and half elves even more so...
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    Whatever happened to....?

    I was reading through some of the older posts because, I obviously have nothing else to do... and I was looking at some of the "big names" in the business, like Cook, Rouse, Baker, etc. and it got me to wondering, whatever happened to all the "other" big names from the olden days. We all talk...
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    I think it Might be the Mage; Not the Fighter that's broken

    I've been doing sheer number comparison between classes, based on Feats obtained, damage power, striking probability, etc. and as many have stated the fighter is underpowered compared to the Wizard, however, so is every other class, across the board the wizard is over-powered if you consider...