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Search results

  1. Chronosome

    D&D 4E 4e Fisticuffs?

    Hey all, Has a kind designer out there created power options for unarmed combat? Different than those provided by the monk class or brawler build, I mean. I think it would be neat to have a variety of powered multiclass feats (like those for garrote or whip training) which allow access to...
  2. Chronosome

    "Conditional Tricks" Handout

    Halloo, all. So, I'm coming up on the 8th game of my so-far-so-fun homebrew campaign and have learned a lot about regularly running the "new" D&D edition. One thing I've learned: I love the 'new" D&D edition. Etc, etc...I think we agree that the Powers That Be have created a Damn Good Thing...
  3. Chronosome

    Fx Request: Compendium Tab Renamer?

    Hi all, I'm new to this neck of the EN World Woods, so I'm not sure if my question is inappropriate for this forum. If so, sorry. Basically, my request is: Does anyone know of a userscript, userstyle, or extension that would allow Firefox to rename a tab automatically? I just started running a...
  4. Chronosome

    "I tuck the sunrod in my belt".

    Hi. Fun conversation-inspiration below (I hope): Since the olden days of OD&D light, PCs have shoved magical glowing objects into their belts to free up their mitts for heroing. Please confirm or refute, by answering the above poll, whether or not I'm a crazy person who just made that up. Now...
  5. Chronosome

    Resist damage vs. a multi-attack power

    Hi all, I'm sure this has come up here thousands of times before, but I gotta ask: This minor rules-Q came up when a kobold slyblade's twin slash (one action for two attacks) struck a goliath with active stone's endurance: Does the damage resistance conferred by the power soak the damage as a...
  6. Chronosome

    My 3rd-level warmage needs some learnin'. Care to help?

    Hi, all. Tazham, a young firerunner (read: barbarian/warmage) needs a new 0th or 1st level evocation spell gleaned through 3rd-level "advanced learning". A wizardy one that's not already on the warmage spell list, that is. I can't find anything in the official sources I own...
  7. Chronosome

    [Los Angeles, CA] New in town, looking to play!

    Hello. :) I recently moved to Los Angeles from Boston and am looking for a steady D&D game. I'd like to be a player and maybe, eventually, run a campaign. I'm living in the Westwood area (UCLA) without a car, and rely on bussage to get me to the fun. Ideally, I'd like a game in my...
  8. Chronosome

    Telepathy and [Language-dependent]...

    Hey, all. :) I've got my assumptions on this, but I'm wondering if anyone has a more definitive answer to this question: Can a telepathic caster (a fiend or mindbender, maybe) affect foes with a language-dependent spell via his telepathy? In other words, does a Silent command work...
  9. Chronosome

    Did March's Dragon come to MA subscribers?

    Hey, all. :) Did any of you Massachusetts subscribers get your latest Dragon magazine yet? I haven't got mine, and Kip the Bold tells me he hasn't recieved his. Just wondering. Thanks. Come to think of it: Is anyone else's late?
  10. Chronosome

    How have XP awards changed?

    Hey, all. :) I haven't purchased the 3.5 DMG upgrade yet, and I keep hearing about how one of the things that's changed is how experience points are awarded. Could one of you fine folk from the future give me the scoop? Thanky danky. :)
  11. Chronosome

    "Selling" your wacky campaign to players.

    Hey, all. :) I've got a question for all you homebrew DMs out there (<i>*raises fist in "homebrew homie" salute*</i>). In particular, those of you who've tweaked certain standard D&D concepts for your game (things like which races or classes exist, how they function, and how magic is learned)...
  12. Chronosome

    Have any of your PCs crafted a construct?

    Hey, y'all. :) I'm wondering--have any of your player characters collected the big wealth and known the big magic to create a construct? A golem, guardian, etc (basically anything you'd need the Craft Construct feat to create)? If so, which construct? What level was the PC? And was it worth...
  13. Chronosome

    +1 cl and Sorcerer spell swap

    Hey, all. :) I don't have a copy of the 3.5 DMG yet, so I haven't had a chance to read any of the changes (if any) to the fundamentals of prestige classes. I'm wondering this: When a level in a prestige class grants "+1 level of spellcaster" to a sorcerer, does this count as a level increase...
  14. Chronosome

    What is a cohort to you?

    Hello, all. :) I'm wondering...in the metagame, what do you feel is the true player benefit of having a cohort? You know, via the Leadership feat... What I mean is: Do you think a cohort gained through Leadership should possess pure, unwavering loyalty to the character who took the feat...
  15. Chronosome

    Little Help?: Incorporeal Spell...

    Hey, all. :) Just wondering: Is there a WoTC-written spell that grants a target (or just the caster) specifically incorporeality? You know, like an incorporeal creature? I'm not looking for ethereal, a la jaunt or etherealness... Any help would be great, guys. :)
  16. Chronosome

    Ghostwalk: Spinach Cheese?

    Hey, all. :) I was just taking a look at WoTC's Ghostwalk art gallery, and I came across a picture of a medusa captioned "Saag Paneer". If any of you frequent Indian restaurants, you might know "saag" means "spinach" and "paneer" is a type of cheese. If anyone with Ghostwalk could help me...
  17. Chronosome

    Joke Components, etc

    No, they're not new components for spells in the upcoming Mirth and Mayhem: A Guidebook to Jesters and Clowns. ;) What I'm referring to are those little punny groaners you may find sprinkled throughout D&D accessories. Like... ...I was picking out spells for my wizard and decided on detect...
  18. Chronosome

    Half-elves: What's the problem?

    Hey, all. :) I've noted here on the boards that some folks have racial balance issues with the 3.0 half-elf. I'm curious--what's the problem? I see the race, mechanicially, as a human who traded in that free feat for some skill bonuses, low-light vision, and elf blood. Seems pretty fair to...
  19. Chronosome

    Word origins: Baatezu and Tanar'ri?

    Hey, all. :) I'm wondering, does anyone here have any information on the etymology of the words "baatezu" and "tanar'ri"? How about "yugoloth"? I know the switch from "devil", "demon", and "daemon" came with 2E's Monstrous Compendium: Outer Planes Appendix, but I've never known the sources of...
  20. Chronosome

    PDF: Free "non-fancy" SRD or $7 "fancy" version?

    Hey, all. :) For curiousity's sake, I'm wondering: If a free "non-fancy" PDF version of the System Reference Document were available (one that mimics the SRD as it is now, at WotC), would you choose it over RPGNow's "fancy" version (with hyperlinks, "non-referral" spell descriptions, and...