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Search results

  1. T

    D&D 4E FR 4E SPOILER - Grand Histoy of the Realms info

    I picked up my copy of Grand History of the Realms over the weekend, and with all the debate that's occuring... May as well add fuel to the fire. :) Spoilers... (highlight to read)
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    Help - Meat-grinding overland travel is boring us to tears...

    I'm fishing for some suggestions here... I'm DMing again for the first time in ages and it looks like I made a few errors in judgement in my game. I started the players out at 1st level, even though we all have a preference for higher levels (at least 7th or higher) when the world opens up...
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    How balanced is this feat from AEG's Swashbuckling Adventures?

    I've just finished with a two hour debate with another player in my group concerning this feat, and would like some outside opinions on it. Dashing and Daring Prereqs - BAB +4, Dexterity 13+, Charisma 13+ Benefit - You recieve your charisma bonus to your armor class in addition to your...
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    [ETools] Spellcaster Options?

    I may be overlooking something obvious here... 1 - Is there any way to tell E-Tools what spells you know with the Spell Mastery feat? 2 - Is there a way to add metamagic feats to spells in the Spells Prepared screen? Thanks for any help... :)
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    Neverwinter Nights Final Battle - WOW! (Spoilers)

    If you didn't get it from the subject line... spoilers for NWN's final battle. Holy crap! My end-game battle in Neverwinter Nights against Morag, the queen of the creator race was truly epic. It was a welcome relief after having to cheat my way against the two dragons that were guarding the...
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    New feat building on Weapon Finesse - 2 options, which works best?

    I'm trying to come up with a way to make low Strength, high Dex and/or Int Fighters a bit more appealing, and came up with these two ideas. Unfortunately they look like they're on opposite ends of the power scale, the first being really weak, the second being potentially really powerful...
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    Beating a Dead Horse... Ranger idea

    I have an idea that may make Rangers a bit more... viable, to make Rangers actually want to take more than that one single level for the three feats. I'm thinking about making a simple change to their favored enemy damage bonus, changing the +1 damage to +1d6 damage, incrementing up normally as...
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    PCGen GUI Suggestions and Comments

    I’ve downloaded and attempted to figure out PCGen for the 4th time this week. I think I finally figured out how to work the @%#$ thing, but there are still a few things about it that really bug me. The user interface is terrible. I understand that it’s being revamped, but as it is right now...
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    Kevin Smith (Ares from Xena) dead

    Wow, this is depressing... I thought he was one of the best things from Xena :( http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=939668&thesection=news&thesubsection=general
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    Dire Scimitar? What is it?

    I rolled up a +2 Dire Scimitar from Jamis Buck's treasure generator. I have no clue what the Dire special ability for a weapon is or where to find it. Can anybody tell me what it is, what the cost/+ modification is, and where it can be found? Thanks!
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    Regeneration of decapitation

    What happens to a creature or character with the regeneration ability if they get their head cut off by something that doesn't cause real damage to them? Does it kill them? Would a new body regrow from the head or would a new head regrow from the body? If it's the later, would there be any...
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    Should Epic Level book be considered "core" for FR?

    The Epic Level Campaign book, due out in June (I believe), is supposed to include updated write ups for major Forgotten Realms NPCs, using the new rules. According to the Epic Level FAQ, WotC is still not certain if all FR books are going to use the rules from the Epic Level book or not. So...