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Search results

  1. arwink

    The White Cloaks: Tales of Borr

    Session One, Part One The soft whir of slings spinning cuts through the thick rattle of the rainfall on the wagon, a small hail of stone bullets following soon after, though the rain makes accuracy near impossible. The cry goes up from all three wagons – Raiders! To Arms! – and the small unit...
  2. arwink

    CGW – Where We’re At

    CGW – Where We’re At If you’re reading this, it is possible that you’re one of the people that have noticed that the Clockwork Golem Workshop has been very quiet of late. We went from putting together a lot of products to virtually nothing in the space of a few short months. While there are a...
  3. arwink

    What Level is Wraithform?

    I'm in the process of moving house, so my access to books is currently hindered by a mountain of unpacked boxes. Since an hour of searchings has failed to unearth the relevant book, and the folks I'd ordinarily e-mail in this situation are galavanting around Europe this week: What level is the...
  4. arwink

    (Clockwork Golem) Twenty Treasures: Exotic Magic Weapons

    Available now from the Enworld Game Store & RPGnow http://www.enworld.org/shop/images/engs/product655/CGW7001_THumb-2.jpgWhy is it that in the majority of d20 sourcebooks and adventures, the magical weapons with the most interesting abilities are always longswords, greatswords, and...
  5. arwink

    Revision Update

    http://www.enworld.org/shop/images/engs/product663/CGW2001_THumb2.jpgWhile we here at Clockwork Golem Workshop have been a little quiet on the new release product this November, we haven't been idle. We've been taking the time to look back at some of our earlier releases and revising them using...
  6. arwink

    What would you like to see from Clockwork Golem Workshop?

    I'm in the process of putting together a rough plan for CGW's release schedule in the New Year, and to christen our new forums I thought I'd put forward the question for the people who are actually buying our products - What would you like to see from Clockwork Golem Workshop in 2006? Some of...
  7. arwink

    New Releases from the Clockwork Golem

    Lost Books 12: The Bloodmoon Tome: A sorcerer who derived her power from her werewolf heritage, Mayan the Bloodmoon’s mastery of lunar magic and lycanthrope control were nearly legendary. Why such a bloodthirsty woman created a tome full of her most prized spells for later generations to study...
  8. arwink

    [CGW]Rats in the Walls and the Bloodmoon's Magic

    Clockwork Golem Workshop has released Lost Books 12: The Bloodmoon Tome and Masterwork Monsters: Rats in the Walls. Lost Books 12: The Bloodmoon Tome: A sorcerer who derived her power from her werewolf heritage, Mayan the Bloodmoon’s mastery of lunar magic and lycanthrope control were nearly...
  9. arwink

    Lost Books 11 & CGW Sale

    Clockwork Golem Workshop has released the elevent book in our Lost Books line - The Cannibal Tome. We've also decided to celebrate Halloween with a quick sale on many of our older products, reducing the prices by up to 40% until Tuesday, November 1st. Lost Books 11: The Cannibal Tome: The...
  10. arwink

    New Release - After Sunset: Werewolves

    The first release in Clockwork Golem Workshop's After Sunset product line has hit the virtual shelves this week. After Sunset: Werewolves presents rules for playing lycanthropes as player characters, right from first level. In addition to the generic racial statistics, this product includes a...
  11. arwink

    Supers Artist Wanted

    Clockwork Golem Workshop is looking for an artist (or artists) to provide 5 black-and-white character images for a Superlink product due for November release. The final pieces will need to be submitted electronically in 300 dpi JPEG format. We're willing to pay between $10 and $20 per image...
  12. arwink

    [CGW]New Release: Out of the Deep

    Clockwork Golem Workshop has released the 9th book in our Masterwork line - Masterwork Characters: Out of the Deep Masterwork Characters: Out of the Deep: Humanity has always seen the ocean as a place of great power and danger. Many creation myths begin land rising out of the ocean depths and...
  13. arwink

    I'm stuck in Stealth Mode

    My browser is defaulting to the Stealth viewing mode at the moment, despite constant re-sets on my control panel and the option at the bottom of the screen. While I've had some temporary success, swinging back to the default option for a screen or two, stealth always seems to come back. Is...
  14. arwink

    [CGW]New Releases: Masterwork Centaurs, World of Tides and Lost Books Subscriptions

    The Clockwork Golem Workshop has three new releases - Serawek: World of Tides, Masterwork Monsters: Centaur Feats and Items and the Lost Books 5-Pack Subscription Masterwork Monsters: Centaur Feats and Items: Centaurs are powerful half-breeds, mixing the strength and nobility of the horse with...
  15. arwink

    [CGW]New Releases - White Stars and Butterboar's Book

    The Clockwork Golem Workshop has two new releases - Stellar Merchants: White Star Industries and Lost Books 10: Butterboar's Book of Spellbrews. Both are available now at RPGnow.com. Stellar Merchants: White Star Industries: a manufacturer known for its innovation and excellence in the field of...
  16. arwink

    [CGW]New Releases - White Stars and Butterboar's Book

    The Clockwork Golem Workshop has two new releases - Stellar Merchants: White Star Industries and Lost Books 10: Butterboar's Book of Spellbrews. Both are available now at RPGnow.com. Stellar Merchants: White Star Industries: a manufacturer known for its innovation and excellence in the field of...
  17. arwink

    Lost Books 9: The Longstrider's Journal

    The thoughts, maps and magical theories of the worlds greatest traveler, the Longstrider’s Journal is filled with spells that assist bards, rangers and druids in their wanderings. The Journal contains a dozen spells ranging from levels 1 to 9, ready to be dropped into your campaign. Warm the...
  18. arwink

    Masterwork Characters: Born of the Shadows

    Almost everyone has been afraid of the dark at some time in their lives. Sight is our most important sense, and darkness robs us of it. Our culture and language are filled with references to the power of darkness, associations between shadows and death, and tales of the terrifying things that...
  19. arwink

    Masterwork Monsters: Rise of the Ghouls

    Ghouls get a harsh deal in d20 Fantasy. While mindless undead such as skeletons and zombies can still be credible threats to mid-level parties and vampires, liches and other sentient undead are figures of enormous power, the ghoul languishes at the bottom of the undead food chain. While they are...
  20. arwink

    Free PDF's for the Gencon Deprived

    Are you being left behind while the rest of the board goes to Gencon? Are you tired of hearing folks talk about the great swag they claimed at the dealers hall in the aftermath of the show? Do you have a tiny pang of jealousy every time someone mentions that they're off? If so, post here and...