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  1. Boddynock

    So long and thanks for all the ... everything

    Well, I'm off! I need to step back from RPG for the foreseeable future, so I wish you all well, and offer my thanks to all of you who made these years pleasurable ones for me. Judges, please also consider this my resignation as a fellow judge. 'Nock
  2. Boddynock

    Proposal: An amendment to the Job Sytem

    Just a minor amendment to the Job System rules. Richard Rawen is currently acting as Tarag's apprentice, keeping an eye on the shop while Tarag is off adventuring. He's a tad off 5th level, so it occurred to me that receiving the XP for running the Forge in Tarag's absence might help him to...
  3. Boddynock

    Trouble with Invisible Castle?

    Is anybody else having problems logging in to Invisible Castle? I've been trying to address this for weeks months. I log in - with, as far as I can tell, a valid account and password - but am taken back to the previous screen, still listed as 'guest'. My rolls are being stored but I can't input...
  4. Boddynock

    Alvar Thorne & Associates, Part 1 - orsal judging

    Dawn in Orussus is never really silent. No sooner has the rumble of the night carts ceased than the drays and wains of merchants and wagoners appear on the roads. The Night Watch calls the hours, and the catcalls of revellers on their way home disturb the honest citizens as they seek desperately...
  5. Boddynock


    The first adventurers to exit the Red Dragon Inn see the young man running down the road. He careens into a wayside stall, knocking stock flying, then skids around the first corner on the left. Within moments, all that can be seen and heard is the cursing stallholder as he picks up his spilled...
  6. Boddynock

    Does improvement of animal companion include change in size category?

    Hi, folks! I'm creating a Rgr2/Drd4 who has an eagle companion. Since the eagle has 3 HD, I'm wondering if it goes up a size category (to Medium) or if it stays at Small? The SRD details changes but is silent on the question of size categories.
  7. Boddynock

    Tarag's Forge: Fine Weapons & Armor to save your life

    Tarag’s Forge Fine Weapons & Armor to save your life Tarag, son of Azagindulad, has just arrived in Orussus. A smith trained at the Forge in the Bruinthor Mountains, he spends the first morning in town searching out suitable premises and setting up a new business. As soon as he can, he...
  8. Boddynock

    Calling Rhun & players - recovered ToEE threads

    Here's what I could find in the Google caches for Rhun's ToEE - not much :( but here goes ... 'Nock
  9. Boddynock

    So, is anyone interested in playing Bloodshadows?

    A few years ago I came across a West End Games publication called Bloodshadows. It's a film noir fantasy setting. I love the feel of it but the book I have - The World of Bloodshadows - doesn't have the system. I've often thought how cool it would be to play something based on this. Does anyone...
  10. Boddynock

    Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia - any gamers?

    OK, I thought I'd take the plunge and ask if there were any local gamers. I play D&D (3.x) but would consider other versions, and am checking out GW LOTR at the moment. I can DM but would like to play - at least occasionally. So - anybody out there? 'Nock
  11. Boddynock

    Need that gnome!

    Hi, folks! I'm trying to track down a suitable icon for my avatar. "Boddynock" is one of the WotC suggested male gnome names - and the name of a gnome wizard I played with friends a while ago. He thought he rocked. For some reason the rest of the party just thought of him as "that bloody...