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Search results

  1. Magus Coeruleus

    MS Word Monster Statblock

    Hello again, As with my MS Word character sheets, I'm sharing my Monster Statblocks. originally, I intended and tried printing these to PDF and then printing multiple blocks per page for monster cards, but I found that shuffling monsters cards was actually worse for my organization at the game...
  2. Magus Coeruleus

    MS Word Character Sheet

    Hi all, I just want to share, in case others find it a useful jumping point, the character sheets I created for my players. These are NOT generic sheets with boxes and spaces. Nothing here autopopulates or calculates. This is not about crunching numbers to create a character but having a...
  3. Magus Coeruleus

    Magus' Excel 2007 Initiative Tracker DM Tool

    Hey everyone, I’d like to share something I whipped up in Excel 2007 to help track initiative in combat and keep track of PC defenses, skill mods, and ability mods. It has two sheets, one for the initiative table (“InitTable”) and one as a roster of combatants (“Combatants”). A macro (called...
  4. Magus Coeruleus

    Trapped locks?

    I don't see anything in the DMG for the classic trapped lock, you know the sort found on a chest or door, where commonly a poison needle sticks you while you're working at picking it. Can anyone point me to either something in the RAW that directly or indirectly may apply, or any posts in the...
  5. Magus Coeruleus

    One-way concealment from forest edge?

    Is it possible per RAW to have some combatants at the fringe of a wooded area, such that they enjoy concealment against opponents firing into their shadowy/leafy squares but they can see the opponents out of the concealed area clearly and shoot with no penalty? In other words, if a creature is...
  6. Magus Coeruleus

    Closed -- Player Found

    Got what we needed, sorry.
  7. Magus Coeruleus

    One Cantrip to Rule Them All

    For my game I want just a tad less magical oomph from Cantrips, such as a lesser range for Ghost Sound, not having Light make torches obsolete for any party with a wizard (and no sunrods either), and no simply minor action to create a Mage Hand. So I folded them into the Prestidigitation...
  8. Magus Coeruleus

    boat plans in 5' grid format?

    I have no idea if this is the right part of the boards to ask, but does anyone know where I can find 5' square battlemat images or grids showing the layout of boats, so I can run a fight on a keelboat? Thanks very much!
  9. Magus Coeruleus

    D&D 4E Iron Ring member conversions to 4e f/ B10 Night's Dark Terror

    The Iron Ring is a criminal organization with roots in the western part of Karameikos (a nation in Mystara/the Known World of BECMI D&D). A major component of their activity is abduction of people into slavery. Most members are human but can be of any race or profession. At the bottom of the...
  10. Magus Coeruleus

    Have minions been reverse-engineered?

    Hi, Apologies if this has been covered or if I'm missing it in my DMG but in the 2 pages on creating monsters (184-5). I don't see anything about how to calculate stats for minions (other than hp of course) even though there is that table for the different roles and how to make something elite...
  11. Magus Coeruleus

    Goblins riding Gray Wolves

    Per RAW, no go because mounts have to be larger than riders AND at least size large. Any ideas why? I'd like to have Goblin Wolfriders riding Gray Wolves (as opposed to the much larger and tougher Dire Wolves). What would allowing that break, you think? Also, since you only get one set of...
  12. Magus Coeruleus

    Positioning Strike damage: PHB vs KotS

    Very sorry if this has already been addressed but I get too many hits (or none) from my searches. I was just wondering about Positioning Strike damage, which is listed as 2d4+4 for the rogue pregen in KotS, consistent with 2[W] + Dex mod, but as 1[W] + Dex mod in the PHB. I assume the PHB is...
  13. Magus Coeruleus

    Sling vs. Hand Crossbow?

    Other than the hand xbow being heavier and more expensive than the sling, I see no mechanical difference per 4e RAW. Error or is there some explanation? :ranged:
  14. Magus Coeruleus

    Vicious weapon property

    I have some questions about the magic weapon property known as... 1) Is it fair to assume this damage is of the negative energy type, given the prereq spell enervation? if not what kind of damage is it? 2) Would deathward protect against this extra damage? 3) Does it seem reasonable to assume...
  15. Magus Coeruleus

    Ideas for a high-level fighter's mount

    Hi there. I've got a player in my campaign that is a 13th level single-class fighter with max or nearly maxed ranks in both Handle Animal and Ride. He would like to train a mount for himself but he is concerned that it will be too weak and die easily in combat. Does anyone have ideas on a...
  16. Magus Coeruleus

    4th level spell + 1 wildshape = what fly effect?

    Hi there, I am looking for some opinions on what would be an appropriate effect for a 4th level spell that, as a swift action, lets you expend one of your wildshape uses that round to gain the ability to fly without actually turning into a bird or other flying animal. I think that it should be...
  17. Magus Coeruleus

    D&D 3E/3.5 Index of 3/3.5 spells from Dragon mag?

    Hi. Does anyone know of a good index of spells for 3.x edition D&D that have been published in Dragon? I have the mags, but I hate having to look through them all to find something. Ideal would be some kind of spreadsheet with class and spell level info, the short description, etc., but...
  18. Magus Coeruleus

    Screech Storm (comments, suggestions?)

    This is actually intended for a spell-like ability. I want it to be the equivalent of a 4th level spell, and am looking for any feedback on what should be nerfed or beefed up, if necessary, to be balanced as a level 4 spell. Thanks in advance. Screech Storm Evocation [Sonic] Level: 4...
  19. Magus Coeruleus

    Does this seems reasonable as a 2nd level spell?

    Ok, it's not "exactly" a spell, but close enough. It's a power for a totemic magic item my DM created that lets you expend XP to gain powers using it. Usually the powers emulate spells fitting a theme, but I asked if I could get a power that augments something I can already do (fitting the...
  20. Magus Coeruleus

    Bird-themed spells + spells from Dragon mag

    Hi there, Does anyone know whether someone has put together a list of raptor (or more generally, bird) themed spells? You know, feather, flight-related spells, plus any sorts of things that can be interpreted or reinterpreted as belonging to that theme (even something like Spectral Hand can be...