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Search results

  1. T

    Why do you like Fantasy RPGs?

    Or should I say playing in Fantasy settings? Whether it is a homebrew setting or a published setting. What makes you like a Fantasy setting for roleplaying games?
  2. T

    D&D 5E Monte Cook working on 5E?

    According to Post #24 in this thread Monte Cook has begun work on 5E. The source is Margaret Weis ("Queen of Darkness"), so I figured it is more reliable than most other sources. Still, the information is second-hand. I just thought I should post this.
  3. T

    How do you make up Fantasy names?

    When making up names for a Fantasy setting, how do you make up new names? I admit I mostly stare at my keyboard and string together letters until they make a convincing name. I will also use real world names if I can not come up with something that does not sound like a good name. I try and...
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    Anyone here ever play Chill 1st or 2nd Edition? I have the 2nd Edition on PDF, unfortunately 1st Edition is not available in PDF format. What were your experiences with the system?
  5. T

    Do you like Mountain Dew?

    I always hear about how this is the Gamer's (Both Tabletop and Videogame) drink of choice, but how many people here actually like it? I myself do, but I am curious to see how popular it is amongst ENWorlder's. I am not affiliated with Pepsi Co., the current distributors of Mountain Dew.:p
  6. T

    No Planescape tag?

    Is there any reason we do not have a Planescape tag? We have one for every other D&D setting it seems. Hehe, when I say "tag", I mean "prefix", like the "ENWorld" prefix this thread has.
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    Lol, I wonder why we do not have a Planescape tag... Anyways, I was wondering what peoples experiences with Planescape were. Positive or negative? Did you like or hate the cant? Etc.
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    Your experiences with Spelljammer?

    What are your experiences with this setting? Did you have fun if you were a player? What about if you were GMing it?
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    Ravenloft-Your Experiences

    Have you ever played in or GMed Ravenloft? If so, what system did you use? And how long did the campaign last? Did you enjoy it?
  10. T

    Campaign Settings you like

    I have been heavily into Dragonlance for about six years now. Before that, it was the Forgotten Realms, but I have largely lost interest in that setting. I have recently developed an interest in Ravenloft, and am starting to collect game materials and novels from the setting. I have a mild...
  11. T

    Did avatars just die?

    I have noticed that I can not see anyone's avatar on either Firefox 3.6 or Opera 10.51. What happened?
  12. T

    How often do you downgrade monsters...

    From what their CR is listed as? Like, you are looking at this really cool monster, but you notice it has a CR of 20 and the PCs are only around 8th level. So, you decide to weaken it enough to be a challenge to 8th level PCs.
  13. T

    Monster PCs

    What have been your experiences with Monster PCs in your games? I am mainly talking about DnD 3.X and Pathfinder here, but anyone who has played or GMed a Monster PC under other systems is welcome to share their experience.:)
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    Undead are one of my favorite monster types. I like to use them more than any other monster type. What are your favorite undead monsters? I am fond of the Son/Spawn of Kyuss (First appeared in the 1st ED. Fiend Folio but also appeared in the 3.0 MMII) and the Forsaken Shell from Libris Mortis. I...
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    I know these critters are statted up in the 3.0 Monster Manual II, but I am curious about their origins (where did they first appear? As I am pretty sure they were around before the 3.0 MMII) and relations to Kyuss. A Google search does not yield much information surprisingly.
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    Alchemist Philosopher's Stone

    Alchemist (Pathfinder_OGC) What does the Philosopher's Stone they can make at 20th level do? I could not find what it does anywhere in the class writeup?
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    Positive and Negative Energy

    Is negative energy evil in your games? Is positive energy good? Or are they just neutral forces in the world? If negative energy is evil in your world, and this is the reason why most corporeal undead are evil, would that mean that undead created by positive energy (if this is even possible in...
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    Freeform Spellcasting

    Have you ever run any games with a freeform spellcasting system? If so, how did it work out? The main complaints I hear about them is that either the players do not know what to do, or they take forever to make up the spell, or they make up game breaking spells. The positive things I have heard...
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    Laptop screen problems

    I have noticed that the left side of my laptop's screen turns a light red when on pages with a white background. It is about a fourth of the screen that turns light red. This just started happening today.
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    Blaster Casters

    Do you like playing them? In any edition? I know there has been talk on the forums about how in 3.5(And maybe 4E, I am not familiar with it) playing a blaster is inefficient compared to inflicting ability damage or using Save Or Die spells(in the case of 3.5). I myself still find that these are...