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Search results

  1. JediSoth

    Media Mass Effect RPG Actual Play Podcast

    Coming in April... a Mass Effect Expanded Universe Actual Play podcast: I Should Roll. A bunch of us voice actors got together and decided to do something to celebrate our love of the Mass Effect universe. One podcast, two RPG campaigns, set in 2184, between ME1 and ME2 after the Collector...
  2. JediSoth

    D&D General Keys for Planar Portals

    Planescape used a variety of different things to active portals in Sigil (and elsewhere in the planes) ranging from the mundane (a rusted key) to the metaphorical (the bottled sigh of a forgotten hero). What are some other good planar portal keys? (IIRC, there isn't an official list; it was...
  3. JediSoth

    Resuming Face-to-Face Gaming

    My entire gaming group is now vaccinated, and by the time our next regularly scheduled game comes up, will be fully immunized. According to CDC guidelines, it's safe for us to resume gaming in person at my house, even if one couple brings their school-aged child (who doesn't game with us and...
  4. JediSoth

    Miniature Display and Storage

    How does everyone store/display your miniatures? Ideally, I would display large pieces (like dragons) and the ones I've painted, and just store the large batches of bulk minis (like the pre-painted D&D minis I collected when the D&D Minis game was a thing). Ease of accessibility is a plus, so I...
  5. JediSoth

    Classic D&D Adventures

    What classic D&D adventure have you always wanted to play, but never had the chance? context: I'm looking for a fourth event to run at Gary Con, but don't want to write another original adventure while I'm revising a novel and trying to move.
  6. JediSoth

    Aces & Eights Reloaded

    Kenzer & Co. launched a Kickstarter today for the second edition of their western RPG: Aces & Eights today. I own the original and they're keeping the shot clock mechanic from that edition. I assume news of what rules are changing between 1E and 2E are forthcoming (I imagine 2E will bring the...
  7. JediSoth

    It Figures: Episode I - The Parental Menace

    So, a friend of mine had some fun recently with vintage Star Wars action figures, a camera, and some sound editing equipment (with some very well-done music supplied by his son). I present It Figures: Episode I - The Parental Menace. Think of it as a cross between Robot Chicken Star Wars and...
  8. JediSoth

    Star Trek: Voyager Condensed

    My wife and I are finishing up Deep Space Nine (the series finale is all that remains), and at some point, I suppose we should watch Voyager, but I remember being sorely disappointed in this series and how it utterly wasted its premise (I watched most of the first 2 seasons and only tuned in...
  9. JediSoth

    Dawn of Rebellion - My Age of Rebellion Campaign

    With the end of my Tyranny of Dragons campaign (TL;DR - two PCs were eaten by a dragon and the rest of the group was BONED, so they all voted to accept defeat and end the campaign), we decided I would run Age of Rebellion. If you happen to be one of my players, stop reading now... So, I've...
  10. JediSoth

    Scars of the Sundering: Malediction

    I got my cover art yesterday. Huzzah! I also had a new map made, too Art by Anna B. Meyer) I'm back on track to having this novel available for sale at Gen Con (I wanted to debut it at ConQuesT in Kansas City back on Memorial Day, but things got away from us). The 1st draft for book 2...
  11. JediSoth

    General RPG Discussion Database Error

    When I'm on the Forum menus page, when I click on the link for General RPG Discussion, I get a Database Error (on both Chrome and Firefox). I can still access a thread in that forum that I've participated in through my profile page, but any links I click to take me back to the main forum page...
  12. JediSoth

    You Find a Clockwork Puzzle Box...

    Each of the six sides has a unique mechanism to challenge your skills and patience. Each side must be unlocked in sequence; a mistake resets the whole puzzle. You spend the better part of a year deciphering the puzzle. What's inside? OK, I admit. I'm using you all for brainstorming. I gave a...
  13. JediSoth

    Gen Con Tips & Awareness

    It's that time again! Everyone is ramping up for Gen Con and I have updated my Tips & Awareness post. Even if you think you're a Gen Con expert, you probably should read this; I go into detail about something most gamers don't even think about. Gen Con Tips & Advice at DoctorStrangeRoll
  14. JediSoth

    D&D 5E 5E In Play - Brief Thoughts

    When the new D&D Starter Set and Basic Rules came out, my players asked me to run a few sessions of it before Gen Con. One was going to be playing several games and the other was going to be running several games. We were between Star Wars adventures at the time, so everyone agreed it would...
  15. JediSoth

    The Ballad of Twilight Dungeon (original novel-related music)

    For Christmas, my wife commissioned for me an original song. The song, written and performed by Dan the Bard (Dan Marcotte), tells the story for my first novel, Wings of Twilight (which I believe some of you have read). It can serve as a prologue to my second novel, Iron Fist of the Oroqs...
  16. JediSoth

    Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone Kickstarter Live today!

    Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone is basically epic Norse fantasy with magic-powered mechs. The base project is Fate Core, but stretch goals will add conversions to different systems including Pathfinder, Apocalypse World, Pendragon, even Dread and more (and not just a PDF with conversion...
  17. JediSoth

    Just Finished my Fifth Novel!

    Well...sort of. I finished the first draft last night and got the file all prepped for my primary editor. She can't get to it until after New Year's because of holiday madness. Still, I'm confident we can get through all the revisions in time for a late-spring release, provided there are no...
  18. JediSoth

    Handicap Awareness at Gen Con

    I wrote a blog post about handicap-awareness at Gen Con. So, it's a little different than other blogs offering tips & advice for Gen Con. I'd repost the whole thing here, but I did use some language in the last paragraph that Eric's grandmother wouldn't appreciate (it's appropriate in-context...
  19. JediSoth

    Gary Con V

    Any fellow ENWorlders going to Gary Con V? (March 13-17, 2013 in Lake Geneva, WI) This will be my fourth Gary Con, and once again I'll be running a spate of games for Dead Games Society (as well as one game that doesn't qualify as a "dead game" yet). Voyage of the Cyclopean Sun Start Time...
  20. JediSoth

    Pathfinder 1E Kid-Friendly Adventures

    I'm trying to find a good Pathfinder-compatible (i.e. I don't want to have to do a ton of conversion work--I don't have time) adventure that's combat-light and suitable for pre-teens. Right now, I'm looking at "Hollow's Last Hope" from Paizo, "The Honey Queen" or "The Griffon Hatchling Heist"...