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Search results

  1. Torm

    RPG Systems with no DM/GM/etc

    Does anyone know of any RPG systems that do not have one player administer/DM/GM/etc? If so, can you tell me a little about how it works, or point me at some info about it?
  2. Torm

    Character Building: As Low As You Can Go

    Many players talk about the combos they've figured out that really amp up their characters: this race with that class and these feats and that PrC. But what I'm looking for is the absolute WORST combinations you can think of - the 10th level characters (or what-have-you) that can consistently...
  3. Torm

    Forgotten Realms French Region

    I need to know what region or regions of the Forgotten Realms would be appropriate to have a character with a French name be from. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.
  4. Torm

    If You're From Near Springfield MO, I'd Like To Harass You

    Just what the title says - if you're from near Springfield, MO, please speak up. I'd like to harass you. :D
  5. Torm

    Would A Paladin Break The Speed Limit?

    I was just in the car driving somewhere about a half-hour ago, and I noticed that I was speeding as usual to keep with traffic flow. It is the norm. And I thought, it begs the question: If the written law states a speed limit, but the unwritten code of societal behavior says to ignore it, would...
  6. Torm

    Ideas Needed For A Cleric Domain (My Players Out!)

    I need any ideas that anyone here has for a Money Domain - granted power, domain spells at each level, and so forth. I'm working on the details of a homebrew deity. He already has the Commerce Domain from Eberron in his portfolio, but based on his background and interests, I really feel he...
  7. Torm

    AC For Body Parts (my players stay out)

    I'm getting ready to run a new fantasy campaign using 3.5 with so many house rules that it would, frankly, barely be recognisable as such. I'm bringing back some elements from earlier versions, such as facing, and I'm introducing some extra elements. One of those is AC for specific body parts...
  8. Torm

    Eric Noah Loves Emerald's Nuts?

    My wife and kids and I went up to Missouri to visit my dad for the last week of December, and all of us except my son ended up getting pretty sick - my wife especially - and we also ended up having a really crappy time and leaving early due to my step-mother arguing with my dad and making it...
  9. Torm

    South Carolina - Florence Game Day(s)?

    I am currently investigating the possibility of running a Game Day here in Florence, SC. Would anyone be interested in attending such an animal? Would anyone (non-food-or-drink-related, I've already got something in mind for that) be interested in setting up a vendor table at such a thing? And...
  10. Torm

    The Time Has Come

    I'm playing in a medieval Earth d20 campaign using a character that's sort of a Christian Paladin, but her actual classes are 6 levels of Ranger, and 6 levels of Knight (from PHB II). She's a house race that has some unusual features, and therefore an odd body shape, and I'm looking for a magic...
  11. Torm

    Paladins: Which do you hate more - LE or CE?

    It has been expressed to me that Paladins, being LG, should despise CE - since it is opposed on two axes - more than LE, since it only opposes on one. But it seems to me that the opposite is true, for the exact same reason: CE is just rampant, unfocused (or at least, not AS focused) evil, but LE...
  12. Torm

    Just Got Hit By A Drunk Driver

    I was driving the van belonging to the mother of one of the players in my gaming group, since I'm generally regarded to be the best driver. He, his mom, my wife, and my two kids were along. We had gone to see Narnia courtesy of Henry - his Christmas present to all of us - and then went to eat at...
  13. Torm

    What Game Mechanics Have You "Borrowed" From 2E?

    My gaming group occasionally has reason to make a "called shot", so I have tended to borrow the old 2E -4 penalty for doing so. Happened last Sunday, in fact. What other 2E mechanics that aren't in 3/3.5 have you grandfathered in or adapted to suit?
  14. Torm

    Tonight's Jeopardy

    Tonight's Jeopardy had a category on it called "Entertaining Johns". It was about various men named John in entertainment history, obviously. But, I couldn't help imagining this: Sean Connery: I'll take Entertaining Johns for fifty dollars, Alex. Alex: We... we don't have Entertaining Johns...
  15. Torm

    DMG II + PHB II + MM II-IV = 4th Edition?

    Looking through the thread on WOTC's planned releases for May-August 2006, it suddenly occurred to me that there is no real need for WOTC to release a 4th Edition in name, at least not anytime soon: By adding additional volumes to their core books, they have effectively done this anyway for...
  16. Torm

    Unusual Inter-Planar Travel

    The game I'm running at the moment involves a lot of unusual inter-planar travel, and it got me wondering about what weird ways you or your DMs have moved your party members from one plane to another. (Obviously, I'm not talking about spells or items for this purpose in the core books, unless it...
  17. Torm

    Take A Slow Boat To China

    Okay. I've thoroughly searched the web, and I even called KTTS in Springfield, MO, which was the station I used to listen to back when it was still getting airplay. And, I've posted on lyrics message boards - no glory so far. Can anyone here tell me?: "Contemporary" Country song, mid-80s...
  18. Torm

    Saw A Semi Truck Explode Today

    My work sent me to the other side of Charlotte (from Dillon, SC) today, and on the way back, I had just completed taking the exit off of I-40 and onto I-77 when I saw a semi sitting fairly distant in the furthest oncoming lane suddenly jerk into the emergency lane and nearly tip over doing it...
  19. Torm

    Irritating Habits of HR People

    Warning: This is something of a rant, but it contains a couple of serious questions. I know there are some HR and other hiring types on the board, and I'd really like to know. 1. Why don't potential employers read resumes? And I'm not talking about every resume sent to them. I understand that...
  20. Torm

    I Am Officially Certifiable

    I passed my A+ certification tests today. (For any who do not know, that is a certification for computer techs.) So once again, it has officially been proven that I am certifiable. ;)