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  1. Garnfellow

    Grim Tales PDF

    Is Grim Tales not available as a PDF?
  2. Garnfellow

    Status on the Monster Project?

    Seems like an awfully long time since we've heard anything about it.
  3. Garnfellow

    Karnstein Vampires

    In the run-up to Halloween I watched a bunch of classic Hammer horror films, including 1970's The Vampire Lovers, based on J. Sheridan Le Fanu's novella Carmilla. I was struck by a few things -- how reasonably faithful the movie was to the source, the variant abilities of the vampires (for...
  4. Garnfellow

    The Nav'i Language and Gamer Culture

    There's a neat article over at Slate.com on the surge of fan interest in learning the fictional Na'vi language, just as people have taken up Klingon. But what I found really interesting, from a gamer's perspective, was the intense desire for many of these fans to establish an authority over...
  5. Garnfellow

    Dear 4e, Please Stop with the Horrible Portmanteaus!

    Reading the PHB3 thread I was struck yet again by a number of potentially very cool concepts marred by this utterly horrendous naming convention. I can understand that when the edition started out the 4e designers probably wanted to set out in a new direction and thought that maybe these...
  6. Garnfellow

    XP and Level Advancement

    I swear there was a 3e rule to the effect that if a single XP award was so great as to advance a PC two whole levels, the DM should reduce the award so that only one level is gained. I'll be danged if I can find this in the 3.5e DMG. Was this just a 3.0 rule? Did I hallucinate the whole thing?
  7. Garnfellow

    The Open Gaming License: Almost 10 Years Later

    First there were rumors. And they didn't make much sense. Wizards was going to give away its IP? To anyone? How can you make money off that model? I think the first real chunk of info came in an interview Ryan Dancey gave to EN World back on March 19, 2000. (Thank Pelor for the Internet...
  8. Garnfellow

    Trailblazer Monster Book

    I just want to reiterate how much I appreciate Trailblazer: this is a fantastically helpful product, and the analysis of the d20 system's spine alone would make it worth the price of admission. I've seen some mention of a monster book. Is this still in the works? As a monster junkie I'd love to...
  9. Garnfellow

    OotS #670

    Is up! Giant In the Playground Games "One Saving Throw at a Time . . ."
  10. Garnfellow

    Ways to Counter Death Ward

    Let's say you're a vampire, head of a large vampiric household. And you just know that a bunch of nasty adventurer types are on their way over to crash your bloodsucking party. And you're pretty sure they'll be packing lots and lots of death ward spells. What do you do, short of running away?
  11. Garnfellow

    Spellbooks and Wizard Gear

    So based on the section "Wizards and Treasure" in the Treasure chapter of the 3.5e DMG, it appears that a wizard's spellbook value should be included as part of the total treasure value. But should a spellbook really be included in calculating NPC gear value? I thought there was a specific note...
  12. Garnfellow

    NPC Item Crafters and Gear

    I seem to remember reading a rule or suggestion somewhere that NPCs with magic item creation feats should get a discount when calculating the total value of their gear. A wizard with "Craft Wondrous Item," for example, should have an amulet of health +2 at 1/2 market price. Or something like...
  13. Garnfellow

    The Lichway

    I've added a 3.5e conversion of The Lichway, a classic White Dwarf scenario, to my website. Enjoy!
  14. Garnfellow

    Need Second Opinion on a Conversion: The Huntsman

    I recently posted to my website a conversion of a monster I've been itching to do for ages. Ever read Lloyd Alexander's fantastic Chronicles of Prydain? His Huntsmen of Annuvin are a band of cursed killers and murderers with a very special ability: whenever one of their number is killed, the...
  15. Garnfellow

    Looking for an OGC Prestige Class

    I'm looking for an open content prestige class, something like "bogeyman" or "stalker." Basically, a lurking stealth type that sows fear in its prey. Ring any bells?
  16. Garnfellow

    Centaur Damage Bonus

    The Full Attack line for a centaur reads: Full Attack: Longsword +7 melee (2d6+6/19-20) and 2 hooves +3 melee (1d6+2); or composite longbow (+4 Str bonus) +5 ranged (2d6+4/×3) A centaur's Strength is 18 (+4). Why is the damage bonus for the longsword +6, as if the longsword were wielded...
  17. Garnfellow

    The Lair of Maldred the Mighty

    I've uploaded a 3.5e conversion of this classic White Dwarf scenario to my website. Journey to Maldred's Lair, brave the deadly traps, illusions, and guardians placed there, and stop him before his transformation is complete!
  18. Garnfellow

    Aligned Strike, Magic Strike, Metal Strike

    Has anyone come up with open equivalents of these very useful but closed game terms, which I believe were introduced in MMIII. It makes so much more sense to list this as an item on the Special Attacks line rather than eat up a paragraph.
  19. Garnfellow

    Monstrous Prestige Classes

    Are there any good, OGL monstrous prestige classes kicking around? The old Monster's Handbook had a few neat ones, including a giant rock thrower and an undead master class. Any and all recommendations welcome.
  20. Garnfellow

    A "Natural Wielder" Ability

    The paigoel demon from Green Ronin's Book of Fiends is the horrific fusion of several dead adventurers, a ten-handed monster that wields 10 weapons with no penalties. Its Melee line reads "Melee 10 weapons +16 (2d6+5 or by weapon type)." Obviously, it doesn't follow the 3.5e rules for monsters...