• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Shemeska

    Shemeska's Baernaloth Cycle: Lazarius Ibn Shartalan, The Architect, 1st of The Demented

    She was seven years old when she found it. A device of wonder and charm, the antique mirror was something that spoke to her, something far beyond its prosaic appearance. A royal child left to her own devices might indeed be expected to find enchantment and wonder in the simplest of things...
  2. Shemeska

    Storyhour update not showing up in the thread last post field

    So I updated my storyhour thread several seconds prior to the site giving me a database error. The post shows for me, but when I'm in the storyhour forum itself, the thread doesn't show that there was a recent update. So my question is, does that recent post actually show up for anyone other...
  3. Shemeska

    Pathfinder 1E [Encounter Table Publishing] Aethera Campaign Setting

    Encounter Table Publishing, a startup tabletop RPG publishing company founded by RPG author Robert Brookes, is proud to announce the launch of the Aethera Campaign Setting Kickstarter! Robert Brookes is a former finalist in Paizo Inc's RPG Superstar competition, regular contributing author to...
  4. Shemeska

    Pathfinder 1E [Encounter Table Publishing] Aethera Campaign Setting

    Encounter Table Publishing, a startup tabletop RPG publishing company founded by RPG author Robert Brookes, is proud to announce the launch of the Aethera Campaign Setting Kickstarter! Robert Brookes is a former finalist in Paizo Inc's RPG Superstar competition, regular contributing author to...
  5. Shemeska

    Planescape 5E Planescape Campaign Setting

    I've been wanting to actually cackle with joy about this well prior to now, but I've been under NDA. I've been contracted out to write a 5e Planescape campaign setting sourcebook. In addition, to reach both a broader audience and to show that 5e acknowledges and appreciates all prior editions...
  6. Shemeska

    D&D 5E 5e Cosmology

    http://imgur.com/a/W5BQl It looks like a lot of the Great Wheel with some elements of the 4e World Axis put in. It isn't perfect, but I can work with this, and would happily write for it given the opportunity. I really dig the incorporation of the 2e Planescape symbols for the various outer...
  7. Shemeska

    LGBTQ characters in D&D

    So yesterday marked the appearance of Shardra Geltl, Paizo's iconic shaman who happens to be a transgender woman, and the posting of a list of 50 LGBTQ characters from Pathfinder. Paizo/Pathfinder have been incredibly inclusive and IMO they deserve recognition for that. WotC is beginning to...
  8. Shemeska

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    So the original thread for the Storyhour was both so old and so gigantic that I could no longer rename the thread title to reflect new updates without having to get moderator help each time. So this thread will cover Storyhour updates from 2014 onwards. Very likely we'll see a third iteration of...
  9. Shemeska

    Unable to Change Thread Title

    I can't change the title of my Storyhour thread to update when it was last updated. I can edit the first post and change the text of the thread title in that post to reflect an update of today, 11 Jan 2014, but upon saving that, it doesn't actually alter the title for the thread which continues...
  10. Shemeska

    Can't Change Thread Title

    So I last updated my Storyhour thread on 08 Nov 2013, and I updated the first post's title to reflect that update. However I noticed today that when you see the thread in the Storyhour forum it shows the title not with the 08 Nov 2013 date I added, but with 21 Apr 2013 which was the thread...
  11. Shemeska

    Can't post new messages in a thread

    So in multiple threads now I've been unable to post anything unless I quote a previous post, rather than simply using the new reply button. It's been going on now for the past two days. The new reply button just sends me to a dead page.
  12. Shemeska

    Daemons, Yugoloths, and other NE things: Tell me about them in your games

    Daemons/Yugoloths/'loths/ and other varieties of NE fiends have been part of D&D since darn near the beginning, and they've had a lot of different perspectives and levels of exposure over the years. With all apologies for pimping something of mine, I recently hadBook of the Damned 3: Horsemen...
  13. Shemeska

    Book of the Damned 3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    So now that this has been out for a little while, both to Paizo subscribers and as both pdf and store releases, I figured that I'd come here looking for any commentary from folks who've gone through it. Actually...ok, I'm coming here shamelessly begging for feedback, because this one was a...
  14. Shemeska

    Extraplanar D&D/PF creatures and you. Looking for feedback on your use of them. :)

    I originally posted this over on the Paizo forums, since I was largely looking for feedback regarding outsiders that have appeared in their Bestiary I, II, TGB, and the two Books of the Damned, but the question is broader really so I'll ask folks here on Enworld as well. :) Allow me to pick...
  15. Shemeska

    Sarkithel fek Pathis - The Chronicler. Baernaloth of The Demented (9 of 13)

    Reposting this by request. It's a few years old, but the original location it was uploaded to on Planewalker died at some point. “The more we do to you, the less you believe we're doing it.” – Dr. Joseph Mengele *** “How does it feel?” That was the first question that I asked him. The...
  16. Shemeska

    WotC forums broken?

    So are they working for anyone right now? I'm just getting a massive amount of what looks like badly broken code popping up whenever I try to connect to a number of the WotC forum subforums. It has been that way for around 12 hours now. Error copied below the spoiler block. Server Error in '/'...
  17. Shemeska

    Pathfinder 1E Planar-themed Pathfinder game at GenCon anyone? :D

    So I'd like to run a planar themed Pathfinder game at GenCon (PC level 8), and I'm going to be snagging players/slots in an unconventional fashion because I don't want to game with utterly random people selected through the official GenCon system. Drifting through the ever-changing borderlands...
  18. Shemeska

    Avatar size and upload failure

    A new month, a new avatar, but when I try to change it, it says that it failed to upload. However the new avatar still shows up, at least for me, so I'm wondering if anyone but me actually sees it. This month it should be my forum namesake holding a martini glass.
  19. Shemeska

    Scientology banner ads...

    Is there any way to keep Google from dumping Scientology ads on Enworld? Despite being a community supporter, I've kept all the ads turned on just to help the place a bit, but that's making me change my mind possibly. Can we keep proselytizing by money-making, psychiatry-hating cults off of...
  20. Shemeska

    History question: first appearance of 'Well of Many Worlds' ?

    I figure someone here would know the answer here, but I'm trying to find the first published appearance of the magic item known as the Well of Many Worlds. I know it existed back in 2e, but I don't know if it originated in that edition or earlier, and in what source / by what author. My...