Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind d20 Ideas


Demon Queen of Templates
I don't know the "Mad Kaiser" format, but if that 2d8 is hit point damage, it appears to be sufficiently lethal.

The symptoms?

Coughing, watery eyes, coughing up blood, retching ... imagine getting a big lungfull of acidic, sulfurous air full of minute silica particles and almost microscopic shards of metal.

I guess you could say that with Nausicaa getting a small dose and being relatively ok, it means that she made her saving throw to resist it.

There are seveal other scenes throughout the series where people get larger doses and spew blood all over the place and choke on bits of their own disintegrating lungs. :uhoh:

If this helps the miasma near the edge of the forest is weaker, and it gets stronger and stronger the further you penetrate into the depths of the forest.
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