Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

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As a move action Bruck draws his blaster rifle and turns firing on R5. His stormtrooper training likely to get him killed as he stands his ground returning fire. Although he should be feeling blessed for so many misses. Next order of business, find cover.

OOC: Sorry about not posting yesturday, I was down with a bit of a bug. But I'm feeling better now.


OOC: And Sri was going to start something if you didn't anyway, as evinced by comments like "One last try" ;) Don't count him out - with only 1.5 opponents left, I think he'll be okay.

Sri and Devlin:

((Sri's first attack is a 16. A hit, and 15 damage. Second shot is a 17, that hits and deals 17 damage to the male gunner.))

Both of the quick shots from Sri's blaster hit the man. The first catches him across the shoulder, getting a yelp of pain out of him as he falls against the barstool behind him. Just as he recovers from it, Sri's second shot hits the man square in the chest, dropping him down between two barstools with a small puff of smoke from the two blaster wounds.

((Devlin's up...))

Rannick, Archimedes, and Bruck:

((Bruck's shot at R5 is a 16. That hits and deals 15 damage.))

Turning and firing up, Bruck's blaster shot nearly hits the rooftop gunner square in the chest. Somehow, though, the Rebel manages to duck down out of sight just before the red bolt hits him.

((Archimedes multifires at R3. First shot is an 11. Miss. Second is a 10. Another miss. Third shot is a 21...critical hit, dealing 12 damage.))

Sidestepping out from the cover of the locked tavern building, Archimedes lays down a barrage of fire at the already injured Rebel. Though two of the shots go wide, burning black holes into the building behind him, the third shot finds it mark, catching the Rebel directly in the face and sending him sprawling to the sand at his feet.

((One more round of Rannick being the Rebels are up. R1 fires at Archimedes, and her attack is a 14. Miss. R2 also fires at Archimedes, and his attack is a 12, another miss.

R4 fires down on Bruck, and his attack is a 17. Hits and deals 7VP damage. Down to 20VP. R5 also fires on Bruck...attack is a 9. Miss. Finally, R6 fires across the street at Archimedes...his attack is a 15. Another miss.))

Blaster fire again rains down and around you, though most of it simply sends sand into the air. Rannick's unconscious body is not fired at, and this is probably helped by the large black mark on his chest where he had been shot. Bruck, however, takes a glancing shot from the Rebel on the rooftop behind him, the blaster bolt hitting his shoulder armor and doing nothing but causing some ache from the force of the impact.

((Actions for Bruck and Archimedes?))

Bruck curses from the impact of the bolt and with the same breath thanks the Emperor that the armor preformed to spec. For his attack action he fires on R5 then for his move he slides to F11 and aginst the side of the Cantina for what meager protection that it'll give him. Although he was hesitant to leave the commander's "body".

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Archimedes fires multiple shots at the nearest rebel still standing.

OOC: sorry for the lack of posts and this short one. My wife and newborn are both sick with whatever I had last week. according to the doctor I spoke with, there's a flu epidemic going on. My posting should be more frequent during the week.

Rannick, Archimedes, and Bruck:

((Bruck's attack against R5 is an 18. Hits and deals 15 damage. Just enough to take him down.))

Firing a quick shot before using the cantina as cover, Bruck catches sight of his blaster bolt slamming into the Rebel's chest. There isn't time to see him collapse, but the grunt of pain and then thud of him hitting the roof are easily heard.

((Archimedes multifires at R2. First attack is a 4. Miss. Second is a 12. Miss. Last is a critical, but it hits and deals 22 damage. Another Rebel down.))

The three quick shots from Archimedes' blaster rifle all streak out towards the only Rebel not intelligent enough to be using cover. Though two of them strike sand and the building next to him, the third shot hits the Rebel square in the chest, sending the human sprawling to his back and hitting the sand hard...a new, large black spot on his once clean uniform.

((That's the end of the round...Rannick is now conscious again, so actions for you guys for this round?))


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Bruck fights a smile at the meaty thump of the fallen rebel and carefully moves along the cantina wall and fires on R4 when he's got a clear line of sight.

OOC: Move action to F14 and an attack on R4


First Post
ooc: Could Rannick roll under the speeder as a move action, rather than getting up and moving? I think the speeder would make good cover. Also, I'm surprised that the rules don't allow you to draw a weapon as *part* of a move action, like in the rest of the d20 games. Anyways, if he can roll under the speeder, he'll do so, and draw his blaster pistol as his other action... or if you rule that he *can* draw the pistol as part of his move action, he'll take a shot at R6 from under the speeder as his other action.
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Humph, these rebels never know what they're dealing with... always so :):):):)-sure like good ole' Dralon. He snorts in derision.
(runs to F4 and tries to STUN R1)

Voidrunner's Codex

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