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Recent content by Wolf72

  1. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    I'd imagine the price. Mithral weapons are in there somewhere (maybe 3.0 and PF), compared to alchemical silver it was way more expensive.
  2. Wolf72

    Ever see a Strengh 18/00 rolled legitimately?

    I want to say "sure have!" ... but the more I think about it, the more likely I didn't. I do remember someone getting a 90+ ... AND my first character in Pool of Radiance was a Fighter, with a natural 18/00 ... no modifying! ... my second character was an Elf Fighter/Mage that had some sort of...
  3. Wolf72

    Trailer Eternals Movie

    Just got to see this. One of the best intro songs for any MCU movie! the sex scene? meh, didn't need to see it, but I think it gave Ikaris a bigger cross to bear for most of the movie. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Got to see Shang-Chi two weeks ago, too. Love both and think they are fun...
  4. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    Their only weapon property is half-wieght, and that they are MW quality, so they still get a +1 to hit. ... I'm totally ok with that. Thanks for the physics visual. Reminds me of Spider-Man annoying Cap during Civil War.
  5. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    so how does that apply to a blade that is say 50% lighter? ... A MW Two-handed Sword vs a Mithral/Mithril/etc Two-handed Sword. Not that I need a real justification other than "that's the way it works". Does it make up for that lack of heft with sharpness? Or do we hit the wall of fantasy...
  6. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    ooooooh, see that helps
  7. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    Totally missing the link there, but given my day so far ... par for the course.
  8. Wolf72

    D&D 5E Magical Metals and Alloys: We Need More

    for s/g I wen thru and homebrewed up most of the materials from WoW. If you want more flexibility (or simply more choice) you could try the MW (3x/PF) rules from The Black Company CS.
  9. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    Pretty sure you are correct on that MW component of getting +1 (or -1 ACP) that doesn't stack with anything but is there.
  10. Wolf72

    D&D General Mithral v Silver

    Why? no real answer. But, when 3x/PF came out I really liked the idea of going with the 'True Silver' title and letting it act like weaponized silver, too.
  11. Wolf72

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder 1.5 rumblings: Corefinder

    And Skill points? ... I'm more of a lurker now, family and all, ... but one thing that got silly real fast was Super high skill points and DCs (RW already mentioned traps). (one way I thought of for HR was lvls 1-10 normal, 11-19 1/3, 20+ 1/4 ... but all that does is slow it down)
  12. Wolf72

    D&D General Professional DMs making $45k/year off it?

    Kulp! ... yes and PC all one word. Thanks!
  13. Wolf72

    D&D General Drow in early D&D

    iirc Drow were the shortest lived of the Elf races in 1e. ... yup: 1e DMG p13 ... Venerable age is 801-1000 years. Shortest of the 5 major types. later editions probably upped this for the nobles, if they managed to survive their society that long.
  14. Wolf72

    D&D General Professional DMs making $45k/year off it?

    Holy Cow ... I remember this discussion back when Eric Noah and Pirate Kat (as a mod) (Kevin -- last name eludes me) ran things. I'm not sure where everyone stood on the matter, but it seemed almost a negative thing (that's like almost decades ago ... my memory is sketchy at times). Given...
  15. Wolf72

    D&D General Drow in early D&D

    Always wanted know there the Valley Elf King and Court went off to ... And why did the others just stay put.