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Recent content by Vin St. John

  1. V

    Level Up (A5E) Adding A5e to other campaigns

    I'm using A5E monsters in my Eberron campaign as much as possible. Re: Epic Paths: I haven't looked at Odyssey of the Dragonlords in a while, so maybe I'm wrong about this - maybe the power scales are way different or something - but isn't the Epic Path Boon in OotD basically the equivalent of...
  2. V

    Level Up (A5E) My 4 level 9 PCs took out the CR 17 Emerald Dragon!

    I think your interpretation is reasonable and simple, so it's good. One other approach is to copy the rules found in the "Sleep" spell: By that rule, you'd roll initiative the moment the player went to attack, you'd use the A5E rules for letting the attacking player get ahead of the enemy...
  3. V

    Level Up (A5E) Which electronic version of character storage/sheet do you use for A5E characters?

    In Roll20, I have set up some pre-gens using the default 5E character sheet. I created a baseline blank character that I copy for each new character, which has a few features pre-added, to make it easier for my players to figure out where to put their A5E-specific features (and to learn the A5E...
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  5. V

    a5e.tools Errata & A5E.tools

    I coincidentally just reread this rule in the book yesterday and thought, "That seems wrong, it should be like this..." and it turns out my edit is more or less exactly what's in the extra paragraph on a5e.tools. Seems like errata that got applied incorrectly?