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Recent content by Tinker Gnome

  1. T

    D&D General One thing I hate about the Sorcerer

    The "Innate Gift" the Wizard has is having a good Int score and having the interest and patience to pursue magical study.
  2. T

    Dragonlance Dragons Of Eternity By Margaret Weis And Tracy Hickman Coming August 6, 2024

    @M.L. Martin Do you still have the text of the DL anti-canon? I remember really liking it but I do not have it saved anywhere. I used to be on the old DL Forums under the name of "Tinker".
  3. T

    Dragonlance Dragons Of Eternity By Margaret Weis And Tracy Hickman Coming August 6, 2024

    Such spells fell under the domain of Mysticism, and since there were no characters classes you could have a character with up to three schools of sorcery and three spheres of mysticism. And even wear armor and use weapons if you have the stats for it.:)
  4. T

    Dragonlance Dragons Of Eternity By Margaret Weis And Tracy Hickman Coming August 6, 2024

    Fifth Age is great!:) SAGA is best DL game system.
  5. T


    Good stuff! Good to get more DL stories no matter the format!:)
  6. T

    D&D 5E What, if anything, bothers you about certain casters/spells at your table?

    Rolling the attack roll and damage roll at the same time can be a waste of a good damage roll though.:)
  7. T

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    @kigmatzomat Great to hear someone running a DL game and making the setting their own.
  8. T

    Dragonlance Dragons Of Eternity By Margaret Weis And Tracy Hickman Coming August 6, 2024

    I hope they do not retcon anything after Legends. I loved the Fifth Age and the post War of Souls world. Far more gameable material there than the War of the Lance era.
  9. T

    Dragonlance Dragons Of Eternity By Margaret Weis And Tracy Hickman Coming August 6, 2024

    Sorcerers have been in DL since the Dragonlance SAGA game technically, although it is not the same as the 5E Sorcerer. The 3.5 supplements had to use the default 3.5 Sorcerer with some tweaks to the flavor (DL Sorcerers are not Bloodline based, but learn their magic like Wizards). I have no idea...
  10. T

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    I honestly would have preferred more base classes over Prestige Classes, but I like a lot of classes. EDIT: OH, one thing I would change is the required magic items to hit certain monsters. I would change it so say a Devil requires cold iron weapons to hit, not a +3 sword or whatever. Or all...
  11. T

    D&D 3E/3.5 Edition Experience - Did/Do you Play 3rd Edtion D&D? How Was/Is it?

    I started on 3.0 and then moved to 3.5 once it came out. Looking back on it my group ignored A LOT of rules. There were also some "rules" that crept in from video games and such. Overall 3.X still feels the most like D&D to me, especially the artstyle. I still have the basics of the ruleset...
  12. T

    D&D General Demihumans of Color and the Thermian Argument

    I would let a player play an elf or halfling etc. of whatever color they want. I do not see the big deal as we are playing to have fun in the first place so my players having fun means I have fun. Same thing goes for LGBT characters.
  13. T

    Dragonlance How do you resolve Dragonlances Defiling etc.? See poll which settings... so you must have a solution!

    That is actually a poll from 2015. I accidentally resurrected it via fat finger on the ENWorld App.