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Recent content by steels12

  1. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) Percussion and String Art Specialties Need Help

    Sure, it's still technically playtest, but always happy to share and give feedback. I'll DM you
  2. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) Percussion and String Art Specialties Need Help

    I actually ended up completely retuning bard and we've been running with that homebrewed rework for just about 9 months now. It's definitely not perfect, but seems to fix a lot of major gripes, and specialties and hymns are no longer the omni-present, meta-defining bard features they are in base
  3. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) Herald "Channel Divinity" Clarification

    Very fair, I wasn't sure if this was just a contingency against being rife for abuse at other DM tables, but it sounds like a lot of people agree it's just a "just in case" kind of protection
  4. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) Herald "Channel Divinity" Clarification

    Well the implication would be a protection against MORE than that, so it would be a contingency against at least 3 short rests per day, but you're right, it's not 4
  5. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) Herald "Channel Divinity" Clarification

    Hey all, So one of my players recently made a full switch from a Barbarian to a Cleric, and just going over some of the higher level rules we found something that seems a bit unique in the Herald class. Divine Recovery At 12th level, you can transform divine energy into more easily manipulated...
  6. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) What spells count as a Haven

    At this point I think the argument breaks down into semantics that aren't really meaningful, in a broad discussion at least. This would moreso, in my opinion, come down to the broad DnD rule of "specific trumps general", in that if your DM is specific about this kind of stuff, go with their...
  7. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) What spells count as a Haven

    Yeah, I like the way you think. A spell doesn't have to directly say it makes a haven to meet the requirements. I MIGHT argue about Meld into Stone, but that's more on the basis of "do the requirements to get a long rest fit into being encased in stone for 8 hours?", but that's more nebulous...
  8. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) What spells count as a Haven

    Thread topic: What spells count as a Haven The end of my first post: "by this standard I would argue that while very few spells directly provide an option for a haven, many spells can be used to indirectly create a haven by dealing with the hazards that prevent a haven" My post was essentially...
  9. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) What spells count as a Haven

    I think you're kind of missing my overall point, which is that just because a spell explicitly says it has the ability to be a haven is not an absolute ruling. 200gp cost aside, I don't think any DM would seriously let their party put down an A5e Tiny Hut in the middle of a dungeon and let their...
  10. steels12

    Level Up (A5E) What spells count as a Haven

    I do disagree with Tiny Hut being a haven, if only for the reasons that it is easily dispelled, and interestingly it differs from 5e's tiny hut in that ANY creature or object can pass through it, making it ripe for an ambush of just about any type. However, I also play with a more brutalist...
  11. steels12

    Gate Pass Gazette New Class Features Poll

    That's fair, and I agree it might be easier to strike at the "heart" of the issue with the base class, but that doesn't mean GPG is restricted simply to subclasses or anything. I think one of the higher rated requests from the community for the GPG was alternative rulesets for things, so I don't...
  12. steels12

    Gate Pass Gazette New Class Features Poll

    While I think a lot of the more common choices would be "cool" (Artificers getting more gizmos, sorcs getting picked for being popular, Marshals being picked because they're new, etc, etc), I genuinely think Berserkers SORELY need more class options / features. Their main problem, as someone...
  13. steels12

    Gate Pass Gazette GPG Issue #23 is ready to roll initiative

    Hey, I don't know if there's a great place to talk about this and give like full-form feedback, but I was actually super excited about the duel rules. So apologies for the effort-post ahead? Seeing the announcement of next month's GPG articles come up reminded me of all the stuff from this...
  14. steels12

    Gate Pass Gazette GPG Issue #21 has arrived!

    K. That's an incredible oversimplification of what could be happening, and moot regardless: I'm sure the people putting out a product want to be alerted to any inaccuracies in their product
  15. steels12

    Gate Pass Gazette GPG Issue #21 has arrived!

    Not sure if I'm missing something obvious, but the Cerebral Archetypes says "What follows are a trio of archetypes...", but it seems there's only two in the PDF from patreon.