• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Shardstone

  1. Shardstone

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I'm an academic man, I live to read.
  2. Shardstone

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    Making the Ranger into a half-caster was the best thing that ever happened to that class. Like it or not, but in 5E, spells just Fantasy powers. That's why a bunch of monsters use spells to represent their various supernatural and paranormal abilities. Ergo, anything supernatural a character is...
  3. Shardstone

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I like the essays and want more of them.
  4. Shardstone

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    So what you're telling me is we should all use Greyhawk as a playtest ground for our wild D&D ideas? Bet.
  5. Shardstone

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    Using a lot of words here to describe magic.
  6. Shardstone

    D&D 5E DnD 5e home brew class: The Constructor

    100% they would. Abilities as well as interesting passives that could benefit the golem creator or the party. For example, learning how to create Iron Golems at a high level could allow the Constructor to enhance the AC of the party by applying that same arcane technology on their armor. A flesh...
  7. Shardstone

    D&D 5E DnD 5e home brew class: The Constructor

    It's not overpowered or anything. In fact, I think it is very, very underpowered. It's missing a bunch of story elements as well, and the class doesn't really do a good job of accomplishing its power fantasy due to it using the safest methods for features (just choose feats and spells, nothing...
  8. Shardstone

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    Artificer shoulda stayed the companion class IMO. Having a servitor AI (magical ofc) is core to the inventor fantasy these days. Its a shame WotC executed it in a terrible way though.
  9. Shardstone

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

  10. Shardstone

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    I know its ridiculous, that's why I started typing in all caps and bolding it.
  11. Shardstone

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Do you think if I run Greyhawk and add stuff to it that Gary didn't that he'll come back from the dead and blow my game up? Am I allowed to make the setting my own when I run it or am I beholden to the imagination of a man 50 years ago? WHEN WILL THE CHAINS OF THE PAST FREE US, BROTHERS...
  12. Shardstone

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    I probably disagree with most people on most classes and what they should be. Maybe we just shouldn't have RPGs at all anymore since no one can agree to share the same monolithic views! (I know you were being tongue in cheek)
  13. Shardstone

    D&D General [+] Tell me about Greyhawk

    I cannot wait for GH in the DMG. I am going to be runnng it and adding so much new stuff. My GH, my rules, hello yuan ti and tieflings and dragonborn
  14. Shardstone

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    People who want the classes to be things like Fighter, Half Caster, and Full Caster want a game I find absolutely boring. A game with classes that just gives me the basics is a personal waste of money; I am paying for ideas, not to be told to make up all the cool parts myself with """fluff"""