• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Retros_x

  1. Retros_x

    RPG Evolution: The AI DM in Action

    I see great potential for DM assistants and for random tables and other generators - tons of DM already use generative AI right now to get creative juices flowing. What I don't really see are AI NPCs or even the full DM as AI. At least for me, it would rob the hobby of its novelty and would...
  2. Retros_x

    D&D General I think the choice of Species / Race / Ancestry has more to do with Story than Rules...

    Races would be definitely more distinctive with feats like that, but wouldn't "cool" actions like this push even more players choosing race for powers and not for their story? I truly am more of a fan of "roleplaying" feats that connect story with gameplay in that regard. An elven fighter should...
  3. Retros_x

    D&D General I think the choice of Species / Race / Ancestry has more to do with Story than Rules...

    I don't know if thats true. For me it feels like more that the fixed attribute bonusses + darkvision is what makes the elfes "humans with pointy ears" - because players might choose them for their mechanics, not for their story. They kinda get forced into specific races because of their...
  4. Retros_x

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    Its clear they got hired - yes because they are famous - but definitely also because they are obviously very experienced DMs and in the case of Matt Mercer also published quite successfully 5e books. But in the mind of some people ambiguity doesn't exist and they can't fathom that both is true...
  5. Retros_x

    D&D General The Double-Edged Sword: Is The New D&D Edition a Cash Grab in Disguise?

    You being a cynic doesn't change the fact that multiple authors and designers work on these for years.
  6. Retros_x

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    Yes, their acting gigs are definitely the reason they got hired. They could've at least hire Chris Pine /s
  7. Retros_x

    D&D General The Double-Edged Sword: Is The New D&D Edition a Cash Grab in Disguise?

    Even if many people dislike WotC its quite obvious a lot of people are putting a lot of work into these books - thats not easy earned money, its not a cashgrab. People who seriously think that are just blind by hate I guess.
  8. Retros_x

    D&D 5E [+] How do you make 5E more challenging?

    I try to avoid most homebrews that are just there to make the combalt more difficult. The more special rules me and my players have to remember the more complicated the game gets + they are often not playtested well enough. To run more difficult combat I do the obvious I am surprised to have not...
  9. Retros_x

    D&D General What Are Traps For?

    IMO good traps are both, puzzle and attrition. But Puzzle is a bit off - challenge is the term I would use. Like it put a challenge in front of the players and they need to make decisions and possible spent resources to overcome the challenge. You know, like the rest of the game.
  10. Retros_x

    D&D (2024) Things You Think Would Improve the Game That We WON'T See

    WoTC writing adventures with DMs as primary target group. Will never happen because it would hurt their module sales if adventures would be not very exciting to read but fun to run.
  11. Retros_x

    D&D 5E [+]Exploration Falls Short For Many Groups, Let’s Talk About It

    I agree with that. I use a modified One Ring's approach if I just have travel from A to B with both points and the route known. Because that is no exploration, just a travel. For me the One Rings rules work quite well here to flesh out the journey and have some impact. But if my party is...
  12. Retros_x

    D&D 5E [+]Exploration Falls Short For Many Groups, Let’s Talk About It

    Thats true, these mechanics are definitely firmly in the exploration pillar, but they are not just for travel to point B, but exploration in general. Yes you still can use the mechanics, but I still would not play it out if its just a travel to point B without any decisions about what route to...
  13. Retros_x

    D&D 5E [+]Exploration Falls Short For Many Groups, Let’s Talk About It

    Thats just travel. I would argue exploration is about "searching and finding", literally exploring. If you just want to get to point B its just travel and in most DnD games I would handwave it or use an abstract method. Exploring starts if you don't know where point b is or if you don't even...
  14. Retros_x

    D&D 5E How do you award XP and how often?

    I give out combat exp when they in any way "solve" the encounter with bonus exp for non-combat solutions. And I give out exp for big milestones in the narrative but also small little extras, if they find a special treasure for example. Usually I calculate directly after the session and...
  15. Retros_x

    D&D General Struggling to get started

    A town with a dungeon is not a sandbox. You have strong opinions about dungeons for someone who doesn't play with dungeons since the 80s. Thinking all players will dislike a dungeon just because of your bad experience during Reagans presidency is a bit weird. In general tons of people love the...