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Recent content by mikeawmids

  1. M

    Savage Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Paths Are Coming To Savage Worlds!

    Pathfinder (1) has 6 bestiaries/monster manuals, each with 300+ monsters and each book in an adventure path (of which there are usually 6) usually contains a few new monsters unique to that volume, as well as stats for all the name d NPCs who crop up. There are some awesome/classic monsters in...
  2. M

    Savage Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Paths Are Coming To Savage Worlds!

    I think the best outcome for Paizo here is that Pinnacle create a toolbox that shows how easily Pathfinder content can be adapted to Savage Worlds. I doubt many SW die-hards are going to make the jump to PF/PF2 (sooo crunchy it literally hurts) but Paizo could still sell a lot of adventures and...
  3. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #41 (Tyranny of Dragons) The Zhentarim wolves have infiltrated the cult’s flying fortress and have thus far remained mostly undetected. They take a long rest to recover their lost HP. There is no way down from the tower; the interior staircase has been destroyed...
  4. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #40 (Tyranny of Dragons) The wyverns are swift and soon close the distance with the cult’s cloud castle. The entire edifice is constructed from thick blue ice, built on/around a huge floating glacier. Icy mist spills from the battlements, leaving a freezing fog in...
  5. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #39 (Tyranny of Dragons) The wolf pack emerges from the tavern and squares off against the cult enforcers. “What are you Zhent scum doing in Parnast?” Captain Othelstan demands. “We are but simple tourists, here to take in the sights and absorb the local...
  6. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #38 (Tyranny of Dragons) In the secluded village of Parnast, a strange group gather in the taproom of the Golden Tankard. They are seated around a table as far from the prying ears of the rat-faced bartender as the dimensions of the building will allow. This is...
  7. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    I'm pretty sure they don't come on this forum, so fire away. Your interest/input is much appreciated. :D
  8. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    We're now up to date. The players have outlined their replacement PCs following the TPC (Total Party Capture) detailed above. I'm enjoying comparing my experience of this campaign with your own write-up. I have a l-o-n-g way to go before I catch up with your thread! :)
  9. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    So, yeah... I'm thinking three trolls - one of which gets five attacks per turn - and three ambush drakes might have been overkill.
  10. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #37 (Tyranny of Dragons) The party retreat onto the roof of the lodge. From their vantage point, they can see the tops of a mist-shrouded town further down the mountain. Assuming that this is Parnast, the heroes head in that direction. It’s not long before they...
  11. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #36 (Tyranny of Dragons) The party are teleported to a bitterly cold and densely forested clearing high in the Greypeak Mountains. A trail winds through the creaking evergreens toward a secluded, two-storey hunting lodge. The windows are shuttered but smoke puffs...
  12. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #35 (Tyranny of Dragons) As the heroes get ready to leave the frog sanctum, they hear voices from the direction of the intersection. Fap creeps closer and spies a group of cultists descending via the wooden crane. The most imposing figure among them is a black...
  13. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #34 (Tyranny of Dragons) The barricaded door to the castle courtyard shudders as the bullywugs on the other side throw their weight against the rotting wood. It isn’t going to hold for long. With nowhere else to turn, the heroes descend into the water-logged...
  14. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    No spoilers, but in tonight's session the party suffered such a calamitous setback that we're having to roll up new level 7 characters to finish the first half of the book.... :o
  15. M

    The Untold Adventures of Fap Longwood & Friends!

    The Adventures of Fap Longwood #33 (Tyranny of Dragons) “Mind of the telescope!” Mara shrieks, as Horatio swings Talon with reckless abandon, hacking large chunks of stone off the nearest gargoyle. The gargoyle knocks the sword from his hand and Horatio uses his second attack to head-butt the...