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Recent content by LongGoneWriter

  1. L

    Pathfinder: Book of the Dead Review

    Hello my friends and welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we’re taking a look at Pathfinder: Book of the Dead, one of the more interesting supplements to come out recently for Pathfinder second edition. This is a nifty little grimoire for those of y’all just itching to play a...
  2. L

    Absalom, City of Lost Omens In-Depth Review

    Hello my friends and welcome to another PAIZO REVIEW! Today we’re taking on a monster of a setting guide and sinking our teeth into Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens. The devs were really let off the leash for this one, so let’s quit mucking about and get into it! First...
  3. L

    The Starfinder Society and the Future of the Starfinder Galaxy

    The Starfinder Society, the organized play arm of the Starfinder roleplaying game, is launching its fifth season in May. Linda Zayas-Palmer, Organized Play Managing Developer, and Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Society Season Developer, talk about the Starfinder Society, the state of the Starfinder...
  4. L

    Beadle & Grimm’s Complete Character Chronicles

    Hello my lovelies and welcome to a special product review! We’ve been fortunate enough to be sent copies of Beadle & Grimm’s Complete Character Chronicles for Pathfinder 2E—specifically, the Fighter and the Wizard versions. Note: both of these products are largely aiming to do similar things, so...
  5. L

    Pathfinder Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar & Monsters of Myth Review

    Hello my lovelies and welcome to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! This edition is somewhat-rare double-header: we’re taking a look at Pathfinder Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar and Pathfinder Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth. Both of these tomes were a little too one-note to fill up a full review, but by gum...
  6. L

    Starfinder Tech Revolution Review

    Hello my lovelies and welcome to yet another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we take on the Starfinder Tech Revolution—the second gear-focused supplement to grace our tables in recent times. What Guns & Gears hoped to do to Pathfinder 2E, Tech Revolution hopes to do to Starfinder: namely, a huge...
  7. L

    Pathfinder Guns & Gears: An In-Depth Review

    Hello again my friends, and welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we’re looking at the recent Pathfinder Guns & Gears supplement, which is almost certainly guaranteed to cause a bit of an argument between you and your GM when it contacts their precious setting! But we’re getting...
  8. L

    Review of Pathfinder Adventure Path #158: Sixty Feet Under

    Hello my lovelies and welcome to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we’re taking our second bite out of the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path with its second chapter: Pathfinder Adventure Path #158: Sixty Feet Under! For an adventure with such a punny name you’d think they’d make a bigger deal...
  9. L

    Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse Review

    Hello my lovelies and welcome to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we’re taking a dive into Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse, the most recent setting book to drop from the Golem and honestly? A real treat to read. There is a LOT packed into these 300 pages—mostly history, culture, and...
  10. L

    Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual Review

    Hello my hearties and welcome back to another installment of the PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEWS! We’re jumping a bit ahead on our backlog this edition and tackling the relatively-recent Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual (GEM), Paizo’s latest little gift to fans of their swashbuckling space fantasy...
  11. L

    Starfinder Adventure Path #33: Dominion’s End Review

    Hello again my lovelies, it’s time for another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! The running theme on these has been catch-up and clean-up, and this edition is no exception. We’re finishing off the Devastation Ark Adventure Path with today’s review of Starfinder Adventure Path #33: Dominion’s End...
  12. L

    Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone Blockade

    Hello again my lovelies and welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! We’re still doing a bit of catch-up, and this edition is continuing from our previous review with the Devastation Ark Adventure Path. Today we’ll be digging into part 2 of 3: Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone...
  13. L

    Devastation Ark Adventure Path: Starfinder Adventure Path #31: Waking the Worldseed

    Welcome back to another PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! First on the docket is part one of the Devastation Ark Adventure Path: Starfinder Adventure Path #31: Waking the Worldseed! Waking the Worldseed is a three-chapter adventure for 13th through 16th level play that focuses on the unique bantrid...
  14. L

    Paizo Product Roundup: March

    Hello again buckaroos, it’s time for another PAIZO PRODUCT ROUNDUP! Today we’re taking a look at three products for the price of one: the RUINS OF GAUNTLIGHT ADVENTURE PATH, the LOST OMENS ANCESTRY GUIDE, and the STARFINDER ALIEN ARCHIVE 4. There’s more to say about the Adventure Path, so let’s...
  15. L

    Pathfinder Beginner Box Review

    Hello buckaroos! We return once again from the feet of the golem with a new PAIZO PRODUCT REVIEW! Today we’re looking at the new Pathfinder Beginner Box, Paizo’s latest in a hugely successful line of products for newcomers to our hobby. Spoiler alert: they’ve got another success on their hands...