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Recent content by kitsune9

  1. kitsune9

    Dragonlance Takhisis Revealed In New Dragonlance Preview Art

    I thought she completely died after the War of the Souls Trilogy. :unsure: Which one of you brought her back? Confess.
  2. kitsune9

    Asking for Reviews and Feedback

    Hello, I am seeking feedback/reviews/generating interest on a fantasy book I wrote on fictionpress. Here's the link: https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3293197/1/Fallen-From-the-Stars Here's the blurb on the story: A human from our world finds himself without much of his memories and cannot...
  3. kitsune9

    AMA with Monte Cook (Numenera, D&D, Monte Cook Games, Malhavoc Press)

    Joining the party late: 1. Ever read any of the fan modules from your Arcana Unearthed stuff? Or any fan modules from any of your lines? 2. Any chance we'll see a book similar to Memories and Ghosts? 3. When's the next book after Of Aged Angels coming out?
  4. kitsune9

    TITANSGRAVE Episode 3 - Danger at the Market

    Wow! Loved this ending!
  5. kitsune9

    Tell me what you love about rules heavy games

    This is pretty much my perception. The reason why I love Hero System and GURPS so much is that they are toolkit rpgs in which I can take few/some/all their mechanics and create my campaign and setting. It has a serious investment in the beginning, but can be really fun once you get started and...
  6. kitsune9

    would you play your least fav edition if asked by friends

    I would play if it was a one-shot or infrequent.
  7. kitsune9

    Necromancer Games Under Fire?

    In my professional life, I kept my hobby gaming in the closet. In the division that I work for now, it's far more open, but I have in the past worked for companies where if it was found out that I was a gamer, I would be immediately fired because only IT/programmer folks do that "kompuuter"...
  8. kitsune9

    Would Paizo Make a Better Steward for Our Hobby?

    I'm a little late to this party, but it's hard to say that Paizo would end up making a better steward. They aren't the 800 lb gorilla in the room. I think if they did, even if they did a lot of things right, the dork rage would start popping up. I could complain about WotC's errors, but I think...
  9. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven 1

  10. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven - The Empire of the Raven

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/335-image.jpg The Old World is in a new age of prosperity and exploration. Gold is flowing out of the Shieldwall Mountains, many colonists are flocking on the ships leaving for the New World, and fleets of merchant profiteers, backed by their powerful noble...
  11. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven - The Empire of the Raven

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/335-image.jpg The Old World is in a new age of prosperity and exploration. Gold is flowing out of the Shieldwall Mountains, many colonists are flocking on the ships leaving for the New World, and fleets of merchant profiteers, backed by their powerful noble...
  12. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven - The Empire of the Raven

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/335-image.jpg The Old World is in a new age of prosperity and exploration. Gold is flowing out of the Shieldwall Mountains, many colonists are flocking on the ships leaving for the New World, and fleets of merchant profiteers, backed by their powerful noble...
  13. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven - The Empire of the Raven

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/335-image.jpg The Old World is in a new age of prosperity and exploration. Gold is flowing out of the Shieldwall Mountains, many colonists are flocking on the ships leaving for the New World, and fleets of merchant profiteers, backed by their powerful noble...
  14. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven - The Empire of the Raven

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/335-image.jpg The Old World is in a new age of prosperity and exploration. Gold is flowing out of the Shieldwall Mountains, many colonists are flocking on the ships leaving for the New World, and fleets of merchant profiteers, backed by their powerful noble...
  15. kitsune9

    The Empire of the Raven - The Empire of the Raven

    https://www.enworld.org/data/thumbs/335-image.jpg The Old World is in a new age of prosperity and exploration. Gold is flowing out of the Shieldwall Mountains, many colonists are flocking on the ships leaving for the New World, and fleets of merchant profiteers, backed by their powerful noble...