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Recent content by Kinak

  1. Kinak

    Undead Origins: From Mummy to Zombie

    That origin does make the cleric make way more sense. Thanks for the article! Cheers! Kinak
  2. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E What Made You Switch To Pathfinder?

    I'd largely dropped out of the 3.x loop, waiting to see whether 4e would be an improvement (like we found 3.0 over 2e). Part of it was the changes, like channel energy and sorcerer bloodlines, but a lot was just being impressed with Paizo's general corporate ethos and approach. We got the...
  3. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Occult Ritual - Turn one Dragon into another!

    Occult rituals basically do whatever the GM wants them to. So, it's exactly as feasible as you want it. As far as dickishness, it depends a lot on how you frame the ritual. If you're up front with the fact that they don't control its final form, you're great. Within the ritual format, you could...
  4. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Removing spells per day rule?

    Yeah, the way casters are set up in Pathfinder, just removing the spells/day limit would mess up the game pretty badly. Sorry to say, but your GM is absolutely right. As a witch, you do have hexes, which can generally be used as often as you want (or one per day per target for some hexes)...
  5. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Channel energy houseruling

    If you don't want to half them, you could alternately have the channel cost two uses if it's hitting both living and dead targets. Really good for fights against the undead, but would also burn through resources that might have come in handy later. Choosing how many dice heal and harm could...
  6. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Channel energy houseruling

    To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a Paizo feat that allows this. There's probably a 3PP somewhere that does, though. The closest I know of is the Twinned Channeling of the Envoy of Balance which lets you use both positive and negative energy, but still only effect the living or the dead...
  7. Kinak

    Pathfinder Online Layoffs; Ryan Dancey Leaves Company

    Yeah, they mentioned this several times in relation to people being worried about what would happen to Pathfinder if PFO went under. And, as you say, it's standard practice. It prevents damage from spreading and, even if things go well, helps keep the books a lot tidier. Cheers! Kinak
  8. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Occult Adventures Pregen Characters?

    I have't seen any higher level ones, but the PFS Pregens include all the occult classes at 1, 4, and 7. Cheers! Kinak
  9. Kinak

    D&D 5E Out of the Abyss - No Drizzt afterall?

    Back in the 2e days (jr. high and high school for me), we had one player that played a straight knock off. Like... changed the first name and that was it. Was still a Do'Urden, even though we weren't in the Realms. The IP infringement was a source of derision, but never really a huge deal. He...
  10. Kinak

    Pathfinder Online Layoffs; Ryan Dancey Leaves Company

    I backed the first Kickstarter and received everything promised. And we're running through Emerald Spire right now, which wouldn't exist except for the second Kickstarter. So I feel the opposite of ripped off, actually. Best wishes to those who have lost their jobs and, just as much, those who...
  11. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo / Q-Workshop Kickstarter?

    Yeah, we have a steel d20 from an Iron Heroes product that nobody is allowed to use. Both because it destroys tables and because it's super noisy on anything it doesn't destroy. Huh, yeah, aluminum might actually work really well. Cheers! Kinak
  12. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Mournlands eberron

    I'd agree with delericho. The same rules should apply to channel energy and other supernatural healing. Warforged can definitely repair themselves (and be repaired by the appropriate spells). For the Heal skill, Long Term Care definitely wouldn't work, but I'd actually consider allowing Treat...
  13. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Simplified Pathfinder Bestiary

    Great work! Really like the look of the new blocks. This is also something of a dream of mine. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a product like this out there yet, but it's possible I've missed it. With the "Not usable on consecutive rounds." you could probably remove the checkboxes for...
  14. Kinak

    Pathfinder 1E Are occult classes equivalent to psionics?

    I'd be tempted to use Dreamscarred's psionics rules for Dark Sun because there's not really an equivalent to a wild talent in the Occult stuff. Psionics and occult stuff carry a slightly different tone. I'd probably use occult stuff in Eberron and Forgotten Realms, but psionics in Dark Sun and...
  15. Kinak

    Check Out This Sneak Peek At OUT OF THE ABYSS

    I always knew Mario was up to no good.