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Recent content by Kat'

  1. K

    Spells & Feats that grant an AC bonus?

    Uh... unless I'm completely missing the point, I don't see why on earth you'd do this. +1 Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt grants a +5 Armor bonus. Greater Mage Armor grants +6 Armor bonus as well, meaning they don't stack. Am I going to waste a 3rd-level slot for a spell that nets me +1 to my Armor...
  2. K

    Humanoid race with a Str bonus

    Found the following at Crystalkeep's: Neanderthal (Frostburn): +2 Str +2 Con -2 Dex -2 Int: me Tarzan, you Jane. Wood elf, as said above (MM): +2 Str +2 Dex -2 Con -2 Int Lizardfolk (MM): +2 Str +2 Con -2 Int, LA +1 Earth Mephling (Planar Handbook): +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Dex -2 Int, LA +1...
  3. K

    [MIC} Adding common effects to magic items

    Ah, I missed the part about the costs stacking. Well I'm fine with that, then. Thanks all for your answers!
  4. K

    [MIC} Adding common effects to magic items

    I'm a bit startled by said rule and by the ridiculously low costs that come with it. Basically, to add a +6 enhancement bonus to an existing magic item, take said magic item (beware of slot compatibility), find a suitable magic user, pay him 20.000 (!!!) and live with it. So I can take, say, a...
  5. K

    Stormlord overpowered?

    ...which means, in the end, he isn't, 'cause the cleric is clearly feat-starved and 3 feats out of possible 7 (8 for humans) is a lot. I have the same problem with my tabletop Doomguide, the feat requirements do hurt. Plus consider the following: - this is a FR specific class. You could adapt...
  6. K

    Level 13 Mummy/7 Cleric looking for help

    Work on your weaknesses first, I'd say. - First grab a way of improving your turn resistance. Mummies have no natural turn resistance and a cleric of Pelor with the Sun domain and passable Charisma can kill you outright with a single Turn Undead. - Don't neglect you vulnerability to fire...
  7. K

    construct an uber archer

    Actually Ranger 16 / Scout 4 grants you a bonus feat and 1 extra point of base Reflex save, in exchange for HiPS. It's worth a try, I'd say. Why not simply go spellcaster then? You got a BAB of +10 with this build, crappy skill points, hit points, and saves... wow, impressive for an archer...
  8. K

    Size stats for a huge greatsword

    Well, German and Swiss zweihänder in the 14th century were 5 to 6 ft long, ceremonial versions could even be as long as 7 ft. But then again those were the biggest swords ever used in history. There are other two-handed blades that aren't that long, like the Chinese Zhan Ma Dao, the Japanese...
  9. K

    Bo9S Character builds

    Start with: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=956362 then move on to: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=680285 http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=683941 http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=887398 http://forums.gleemax.com/wotc_archive/index.php/t-683268
  10. K

    construct an uber archer

    You... you DID notice nobody had posted in this thread for over 6 years, don't you?
  11. K

    Bo9s; nonmartial classes and determining initiator level

    Well okay, then you have to dip two levels...
  12. K

    Bo9s; nonmartial classes and determining initiator level

    My bad on the IL... thought it was a lvl 2 stance. You sure of that? Do you have the page reference in the BO9S ?
  13. K

    Bo9s; nonmartial classes and determining initiator level

    For most builds it's more than enough... Make a TWF rogue, and as your 6th level pick a level of Swordsage, Assassin's stance, and the Shadow Blade feat. Boom, you're 2d6 sneak attack above rogues of your level, and you add your dex to damage. That's what I'd call an efficient dip.
  14. K

    Why is the spiked chain so good?

    Well, there are still a lot of monsters that are hard to trip. Those with four legs or more, those with no legs at all (can you trip a Purple worm?), those with flight...
  15. K

    Out-monking a Monk in 20 levels.

    PsyWar has D8 hit die, but that's barely worth mentioning. The point about PsyWar is the armor and the number of attacks. Sure, Force Screen and inertail Armor are nice, but 1/they don't apply to Touch AC 2/they take an action to activate 3/limited uses per day, given a PsyWar's low amount of...