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Recent content by Joseph Griffen

  1. J

    WotBS Phorros Irrendra - How do they know to go to the Temple?

    The ending of the battle with Rhuarc feels like it'll leave the characters a little disappointed and confused. They finally find the torch and... it's broken. Speak with the dead puts Rhuarc under no compulsion to answer truthfully, so why would he tell them they need to go to the temple? If one...
  2. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    We had a group of six, now five. If three can make it the show goes on. People are busy, so everyone misses a few sessions, but the only week we've missed was because I was driving across the country. We also just have a great group and everyone will try their best to make every session.
  3. J

    WotBS Mission to improve Mission to the Monastery of Two Winds

    I want to comment what ended up happening to my party in Adventure 5. It definitely won't work well for most parties, but through a series of chance events that worked out perfectly this adventure ended up being one of the more exciting for my group. While I agree that Pilus is the weakest...
  4. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    My party finally got to this part of the adventure last night. It went really well! They had already killed the Feaster in the lift, but forgot to actually explore the lift (instead they beelined to a long rest), so they didn't immediately make the connection with the letters. I'd had them find...
  5. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    This is really great. Thank you! I'm running a session today, but I doubt they'll get as far as this riddle. I'll update when I see how it goes.
  6. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    This is a good idea. I'll see if I can come up with a more interesting way for them to have to figure out the code. Let me know if you come up with anything.
  7. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    They have a rogue and are very creative at finding solutions. I'm not particularly worried about them dying on the elevator. I'm actually more worried about them finding the code and missing the experience of the elevator. I'm thinking about maybe having the code be slightly wrong or making it...
  8. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    I agree it's nonsensical. They were confused at first about how long it would stay open. I think they expected a couple Ragesians might follow rather than an entire army. I tried to emphasize that it would lead a large gap open for a few days. One party member finally suggested that if they let...
  9. J

    WotBS Ideas for Incorporating Character Backstories

    I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for incorporating character backstories. Some of my characters have very easy to tie in backstories, but I'm at a loss as to the others. My party is currently at Castle Korstull. My characters are: Notso Snique - a half-elf rogue. Used to be Rhuarc...
  10. J

    WotBS Antagonistic Clan Mellorn

    My party just had their inital encounter with Clan Mellorn. The party immediately said they were there for the torch and a few very bad persuasion rolls later Clan Mellorn is convinced that the party should not be trusted with the torch. The party has decided to wait outside for several hours to...