• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Jelly Bean

  1. Jelly Bean

    D&D General Barrowmaze, Stonehell, Arden Vul, Rappan Athuk and other Megadungeons

    I’m running a weekly online Barrowmaze using Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy which is working out nicely for us. The OSE rules are easy to manage and Barrowmaze gives a revisitable arena with enough plot hooks to pick up and take further if tugged or they can just take out the day’s...
  2. Jelly Bean

    D&D 1E Edition Experience: Did/Do you Play 1E AD&D? How Was/Is It?

    My only comment would be that I think the golden age of gaming is right now. We have a worldwide network to contact other players and GMs, VTTs to allow games over that network and nothing stopping you playing original D&D if you want to, or the many thousands of other games. Played AD&D 1e and...
  3. Jelly Bean

    Which do you prefer?

    Both… equally as much.
  4. Jelly Bean

    Which RPGs did you play in 2023?

    Liminal Call of Cthulhu 7e OSE Starforged (solo)
  5. Jelly Bean

    How do you pronunce "grognard"?

    I’ve always used the French pronunciation even when I lived in England. These days I live in a predominantly Francophone country so that pronunciation persisted. I was a bit surprised when I first heard the English pronunciation from the podcast, The Grognard files but fair enough these types of...