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Recent content by Janx

  1. J

    What We Lose When We Eliminate Controversial Content

    Because Keanu Reeves did a movie as a white guy in Japan, and we all that that was interesting. It's very telling then, when a Black person is doing it, we zoom in on the slavery angle.
  2. J

    What We Lose When We Eliminate Controversial Content

    This is a fundamentally flawed concept. A character is interesting because they are interesting. Yasuke is a person, just as Masamune is. Without slavery, Yasuke is still a person. Still African. Still a samurai. He just got there for a different reason in that timeline. What you're doing here...
  3. J

    Rings of Power -- all opinions and spoilers welcome thread.

    We finished it last week. never read the sillymarilly thing. don't care. Ork homeland plan seems contradictory. A) there's someplace else the evil elves have that they wanted to take NotSauron to. B. Volcanotizing the land is unsustainable. One reason you can't just walk into Mordors is because...
  4. J

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    little f, big F. Having faith that iteative research and experimentation will figure out the reason isn't a leap of faith. Attributing something you can't explain to your Faith ends that discovery. Thor did it. Let's go get pancakes!
  5. J

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    These are good points. And they align with my general policy to avoid trying to convert someone to/from a religion. But there's a big but than you even alluded to. If somebody believes in something that truly isn't real (and there's a worrying lot of that going on these days), they don't have...
  6. J

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    I see where this interview is going.
  7. J

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    I'm sure there's some kind of relative positioning going on. Or just like how the light from my flashlight doesn't fly off spinwardly but hits the wall.
  8. J

    Have you ever had a real experience you consider to be supernatural?

    Once upon a time, at the turn of the century, my mother was in hospice in the land of ice and some snow, for it was only November. I traveled up there and spent the week by her side. On one of those cold days, I spotted a monarch butterfly flying just outside in the some snow of freezing...
  9. J

    City bigger at night - looking for novels and movies to avoid duplication

    Star Gate. My point is, somebody in power is gonna send teams in to explore.
  10. J

    City bigger at night - looking for novels and movies to avoid duplication

    um, isn't this exactly why we send a squad of knights? It's the core of D&D. :) Heck, it's the premise of a TV series with 10 seasons, plus spin-off and made for TV movies, all based on the original film.
  11. J

    Deadpool 3: He said yes!!!!

    that was alright, but after Deadpool, all Ryan Reynolds films seem like "movie about X with character played by Deadpool"
  12. J

    City bigger at night - looking for novels and movies to avoid duplication

    Conceivably, the repercussions of being in the night spaces at dawn needs to be commensurate with level. Imagine 1st level party wipe simply because a quest ran long. Maybe time freezes, so it's simply continuous night because the day gap is like a blink. Or they shift back to their plane so...
  13. J

    In the MCU, what is a 'god'?

    Marketing. If you're old enough to have been powerful AND alive back when other species were primitive, you got god status. If you got popular amongst advanced species, not so much.
  14. J

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    I believe that is the next step of my evolution. Later, I'll realize that since nobody cares what I think, there is no point in posting what I think. Later still, I might just stop thinking. We'll see.
  15. J

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    I did not comment on the thread about the thing that I don't care about. Because I don't care about the thing. And nobody cares what I think about the thing I don't care about. And that's all I have to say about that.