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Recent content by incognito

  1. incognito

    [IronDM] Iron DM Returns! Winner announced!

    Stopped in to congradulate the winner, and ask a Q Hello All, It's me, the Iron DM judge of 2002/2003. I was, uhh...stuck in a maze spell for a while, and so was absent from these boards for 2+ years now, but a little bird told me an Iron DM had started up again, and I wanted to pop back and...
  2. incognito

    Iron dm summer champion announced!

    Rumors of my demise... are not that exagerated, as luck woud have it. Demise in a 3E sense, you understand. I just wanted to take a second to call out Seasong, PirateCat, (contact), Rune, <coff>RBDMs Club<coff> , and all the other writers...even friends, who have asked after me. You guys...
  3. incognito

    Company of the Random Encounter ('complete' 14 Nov 2004)

    My favorite paragrpah. From one of my two favorite characters. I will definitely be playing a small bard weilding a ridiculous weapon two handed in my next game. Huzzah!
  4. incognito

    The Liberation of Tenh (updated April 24)

    "Hi, my names Prisantha, and I'm blatantly obvious in my affection for Heydricus-the-lackwit. If his brain was 1/4 as big as his...um...apparatus, we'd have 1/2 of those kids he's been running off at the mouth about!" "Hi, my name's Heydricus, and...Damn that Duchess has a nice ass!"
  5. incognito

    Copperheads: Betrayal and Strange Runes and Burning Dead, oh my (short update 02/12)

    Awwww...I liked Yip (my 2nd fav character!) Hope another yip is forthcoming...from the yip factory. Q for the players - Did you guys, roll or use a point buy for the ability score genetation?
  6. incognito

    seasong's Light Against The Dark II (May 13)

    Sympathy post: I was copying files that help me in my campaign, from one folder to another, on my PC. and one of them - the one where I compiled the 'experience chart', AND the 'wealth by level' chart got deleted. Permanently. Don't know how that happened. So, I hear ya - and in case you...
  7. incognito

    seasong's Light Against The Dark II (May 13)

    (rubbing his hands together in greedy anticipation) Monday update. Suh-weeet!
  8. incognito

    The Liberation of Tenh (updated April 24)

    Yeah! Helene clearly has a much higher charisma than your average 14HD Dire fiend. I guess, (contact), old boy, that our LoTs are taking a long winter's nap?
  9. incognito

    seasong's Light Against The Dark II (May 13)

    I'm handcrafting something right now, if you know what I mean, and I think you do... [snort] Giants, are like little, gentle butterflies, thier seeming simplicity belies a greater artisic leaning...They do not 'hurl' boulders, they loft the smooth pebbles of the earth, in order to observe...
  10. incognito

    The Liberation of Tenh (updated April 24)

    "Alas, poor Thrommel - I knew him Jespo ...ok, where's the broom to sweep up the remains?" ...The Heydricus Chronicles (self written) , on the sacking of Greater Bonehart Nursery
  11. incognito

    seasong's Light Against The Dark II (May 13)

    giants: not to think-y bet they're real popular with the ladies though
  12. incognito

    Company of the Random Encounter ('complete' 14 Nov 2004)

    Esp. if she's that funny in real life!
  13. incognito

    The Knights of Ill Fortune (or the Chronicles of Kale, Agent of the Empire)

    We want Shinobi! We want shinobi! not that treefrog isn;t amusing, but I prefer the stylings of an egocentric, sociopathic..NINJA.
  14. incognito

    The Risen Goddess (Updated 3.10.08)

    "Whoa! Nathè, is that a dagger in your bodice or are you just glad to sneak attack me?" Also, I like Khuumar more, and more. Takes a Taran beating, and is still "That chick is no good, dude." What kinds of balls-y statement is it to say "If I could do it over . . . I'd just kill her and sell...
  15. incognito

    seasong's Light Against The Dark II (May 13)

    ...and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.