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Recent content by Hex08

  1. Hex08

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Crap, We're going to die (had to call it a night in the middle of a fight that we probably shouldn't have gotten into)
  2. Hex08

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    If that's the case then there is a communication breakdown somewhere because I am pretty sure (although I admit to not going back through the thread to find quotes) pacing was specifically mentioned as a problem but if you don't think that's what's causing the problem then that's fine. My...
  3. Hex08

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    Obviously, your experiences are your own (and I may have mentioned this similar point earlier) but I don't think laying the blame on slow DM pacing is fair. I can't think of a campaign that I stopped playing in or that just fell apart that had anything to do with DM pacing, it's always been due...
  4. Hex08

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Well, everyone's got an opinion...
  5. Hex08

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Well, I wasn't raised on them (too old) but am old enough that I have enough disposable income to spend on stuff I find interesting, as is the majority of my gaming group, even if I don't use it. I don't play 5E but I would buy a new Greyhawk setting just to read it because I have fond memories...
  6. Hex08

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    I certainly agree here. Once people reach a certain age some distractions are less likely to occur.
  7. Hex08

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    You are not wrong that GMs should plan accordingly. If you know people are only going to be at school for a certain amount of time (for example) then yes, the GM should plan for that. However, when I referred to life getting in the way that also includes things you can't accommodate for; an...
  8. Hex08

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    I can't speak for anyone else but the number of times pacing has been an issue and caused a campaign I played in to fall apart is rare. Most of the time real life got in the way (jobs, school, family, etc.) and sometimes a particular DM enjoyed playing more so he would "pause" his campaign to...
  9. Hex08

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    I have a group I have been playing with for decades and I am usually the GM and we almost always finish campaigns (more than 90+% of the time). A while ago I got bored running Pathfinder (about when 2.0 game out) and stopped so one of my players decided to pick up running it instead. He has only...
  10. Hex08

    Disney Buys DC: Who Joins The MCU?

    As someone who is more of a DC fan than a Marvel fan (although I enjoy both) I would prefer to keep them separate. If I had to pick I would say Robin/Damien Wayne could move over to Marvel. Or maybe Arm-Fall-Off-Boy?:LOL:
  11. Hex08

    D&D General Social Pillar Mechanics: Where do you stand?

    I was just using the term in the post I quoted but I took it to mean as stated there: "GM from saying ‘yeah ok i think you said all the right things there I’m just going to waive making the roll/check/using whatever mechanic is meant to be used and auto succeed that one" After re-reading my...
  12. Hex08

    AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…

    Did you know that copyright concerns are an issue currently being fought by creatives but chose to use it anyway knowing it's possible copyright could be broken? If so then it seems like it's, at least in part, "on you".
  13. Hex08

    D&D General Social Pillar Mechanics: Where do you stand?

    Nothing does and there is nothing wrong with that sometimes. Unfortunately, part of the issue here is that some seem to be taking the position that in-character roleplaying should be all that matters which ignores the different skill levels and personalities of other players and, depending on...
  14. Hex08

    D&D General Social Pillar Mechanics: Where do you stand?

    Honestly, I have no idea about 4E or 5E since I never played them and so can't speak to every edition. However, when comparing, for example, 2E to 3.x the answer is yes. 3.x was a much different game and gave you the ability to build significant parts of your character around social interaction...
  15. Hex08

    D&D General Social Pillar Mechanics: Where do you stand?

    This all falls apart if you have a player who isn't socially competent to begin with or isn't particularly charismatic or persuasive. I have a player in my group who embodies all of that and another who isn't very creative and often falls on his face when making up "fake" conversations on the...