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Recent content by gorice

  1. gorice

    D&D (2024) How excited are you for the new 2024 edition d&d?

    1, i.e. 'meh.' I'm a little curious about what will be in the DMG, but that's about it.
  2. gorice

    What makes an TTRPG a "Narrative Game" (Apocalypse World Discussion)

    This is a good post, but I'm going to quibble about one thing: The GM (MC) has tonnes of authority, and the setup is explicitly very traditional. It's just that they are enjoined not to do railroady BS. Like, some of the hard scene framing in the examples of play would make your average 5e DM blush.
  3. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    I am once again compelled to sully this thread with my pedantry. Apologies in advance. I think the author of that blog (which I found interesting and insightful!) has a serious misunderstanding of what the 'system' in 'system matters' means. System means the system in use, and includes things...
  4. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    The purpose of categorisation isn't to validate anyone's preferences. Take it as given that I generally accept your preferences as valid, and want to understand how to support them. When we start taking these terms ('cultures','agendas', whatever) and using them as personal identifiers, things...
  5. gorice

    What makes an TTRPG a "Narrative Game" (Daggerheart Discussion)

    I don't see how you got from that essay to any of those assertions. I also don't think it's productive to unearth ancient grudges in any discussion whose aim is enlightenment.
  6. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    I understand the concept of purist-for-system, I just think it's very much of its time. IMO, there's a reason that style of design fell out of use. That doesn't mean that every unfashionable bit of design is bad -- but I think you can read something like AD&D or Rolemaster and find that there...
  7. gorice

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    I have it on good authority that the more popular a thing is, the gooder it is also. It's a crime that we even let people who aren't influencers make RPGs, honestly.
  8. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    The distinction I (and I think @pawsplay , but I don't want to put words in their mouth) have been trying to make is between functional and superfluous detail. The Riddle of Steel is a game about driven people staking it all on vicious sword fights, and it has detailed and bloody rules for...
  9. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    The problem with RPGs is there are too many of them and I don't have time to play them all. Like @Thomas Shey said, supers games might interest you. I've heard Marvel Universe is good, and not as crunchy as Champions/Hero, but I haven't played it myself. 13th Age is a really good suggestion...
  10. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    I think might be compatible with neotrad if it means 'player railroading', but not if the arcs are looser and work more like flags -- characters are not static bundles of traits to be expressed if the game is premised on the idea of those traits being challenged. In the latter case (which is...
  11. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    I think we're going to have to agree to disagree, then. I don't see any point in the article you linked that isn't either good advice for running/designing RPGs as such ('clear agency for PCs' and 'Chekov's gun' in particular), or an incidental technique that doesn't imply any particular agenda...
  12. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    Isn't this just play as such? If there's no system, even an informal one, just force, I don't think we're even talking about RPGs anymore. Certainly not in a sense in which it matters much which system we are nominally playing. I think some 'indie' or 'story' games actually do just this. Is...
  13. gorice

    How to Better Cultivate My Crop of Inexperienced Players.

    In addition to what @Ruin Explorer and @hawkeyefan said, maybe try a few different games and see what clicks? I know you said they were already a little invested in their characters, but you can always come back to an old game after trying a couple of others.
  14. gorice

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    Yeah, this. As described in this thread, what I'm seeing as the salient features of OC/blorby play are: Strongly character-driven play, with player authoring of both the past and parts of the future. (question for @GobHag : do players work together when making their characters, or is it OK to...