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Recent content by Gio Dal Farra

  1. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Hello! A new adventure is available for free on our site, and with a small donation on drivethru: The Story of the Genie and the Mirror 36 Pages. Heroic princes, a beautiful princess, daring chases, and incredible battles included :)
  2. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    It is a labour of love, and we worked pretty hard on it. Now we wait patiently for feedback and suggestions :)
  3. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    We are still in time! Scheherazade has just being published. Perhaps people just have still to read and play it. :)
  4. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Thank you Warder! We are going to support the line. Can't talk about Sindbad yet though ;)
  5. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Yup, I feel being watched closely. A huge post is incoming, to go back to the topic :)
  6. Gio Dal Farra

    Hope & Glory (SWADE)

    Gio Dal Farra submitted a new resource: Hope & Glory (SWADE) - A steampulp adventure of scientific romance, intrigue, and discovery, in a brave new world. Read more about this resource...
  7. Gio Dal Farra

    Hope & Glory (SWADE) 2019-11-28

    This is not your grandfather's steampunk. The Western World was wiped out, the capitals of Europe buried under a thick layer of ice. In the aftermath of the Catastrophe, a brand-new civilization was born in the marriage between Victorian pragmatism and Indian imagination. Now, after one century...
  8. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Perhaps the difference is between liberal and conservative people of the same group, regardless of the group. And our stories are not R rated :) Umberto, the author, has three daughters. He made this game to play with them.
  9. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Thanks! The quick-start has been written after the core-book, perhaps rushed a bit. You won't find the typos in the core-book. Are the typos small things or do you suggest one more editing? The game has been read and play-tested by Muslims too. We have been pretty careful trying to stick to a...
  10. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Oh well, I just uploaded it in the resources :)
  11. Gio Dal Farra

    Scheherazade Quickstart - The One Thousand and One Nights RPG -

    Gio Dal Farra submitted a new resource: Scheherazade Quickstart - The One Thousand and One Nights RPG - - Only you can save Scheherazade and the Caliphate of the Eternal Moon. Read more about this resource...
  12. Gio Dal Farra

    Scheherazade Quickstart - The One Thousand and One Nights RPG - 2019-11-27

    The One Thousand and One Nights. You surely know them: how the beautiful and wily Scheherazade saved her life by telling the Caliph one thousand and one stories, one each night. This is how things went in the book. In the game, it is a little different: after the one thousandth night...
  13. Gio Dal Farra

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Thank you for the review Charles! There's a fully playable 28 pages quick-start if you'd like to check if Scheherazade is down by your alley.