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Recent content by FrozenNorth

  1. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    What about Primula? She’s Rorimac’s sister, so she is currently living in Buck Hall, which you visit in adventure 6 and talk to her dad, the current Master of Buck Hall.
  2. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    I don’t want to invalidate your experience, but are you sure your players enjoyed it as much as you did? If you asked our DM about the introductory adventure, he would probably say it went well. He was enthusiastically pushing for the adventure (since he is a massive Free League fan and really...
  3. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Is Wheaton’s Law “No game can survive contact with GMs or players trying to break it”?
  4. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Part of what made it jarring was that most of the pregens weren’t young hobbits. Paladin Took and Esmeralda Took are young: underage and just out of their tweenage years. Both of them are explicitly described as looking for adventure. Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck are older. They are...
  5. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Well, I explained what made it a poor adventure in a different post. As for what made it poor Tolkien fanfic: Bilbo was portrayed as a faded has-been obsessed with recapturing his former glory-days. The adventures were rooted in a selfish desire to relive a final adventure. In the...
  6. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    To elaborate a bit further … 1. The first adventure didn’t seem like it would interest the characters we were playing…despite the fact that we were all playing the adventure’s pregen characters. 2. In multiple adventures, the adventure not only told us directly where to go, but directed us to...
  7. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    I have to agree. I just finished the introductory adventure in the One Ring, and even by the standards of introductory adventures, it really felt like we were bystanders in someone else’s poor Tolkien fanfiction.
  8. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    This sounds like a fun game! Can I play too? Trad hook: The quest-giver asks you to steal a map for him from the local museum. He claims they refused to sell it to him, but offers no proof. He doesn’t say why he needs the map or provide any reason why the museum shouldn’t keep it. The...
  9. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Side note: I have Forbidden Lands, and I’ve played the intro adventures for the One Ring and Blade Runner. I haven’t really seen the Neo-Trad influence in Free League games, though we haven’t played a campaign and this may reflect the DM. Can you elaborate on the neo-trad elements of Free...
  10. F

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Even the most trad- of trad- games tends to have adventure hooks. The difference between trad and neo-trad is that trad DMs tend to take as a point of pride that their adventure hooks are independent of the characters and don’t rely on their backstories because it’s more « realistic », while...
  11. F

    D&D (2024) Understanding "nostalgia"

    I for one thinks it is high time for a « My mother the car » remake. Or how about all those awful sitcoms from the nineties where a male, unattractive comedian cosplays a working class man but has a wife that is out of his league and can get away with being a lackadaisical parent and is loved...
  12. F

    D&D General What it means for a race to end up in the PHB, its has huge significance

    I am an actual mixed-race player who occasionally like playing mixed race PCs (though I prefer half-orcs to half-elves). I like the change. I like the fact that I can now play a half-dwarf that doesn’t fit in the more strongly lawful dwarven society. You don’t speak for all mixed-race players.
  13. F

    D&D 5E What I Don't Like About Subclasses, and Potential Solutions.

    Please don’t. Give me my Medeas, my Circes, my Gandalfs without requiring them to be called Mutants.
  14. F

    D&D General When to know a rule?

    A good point. I am generally in favour of more transparency with the players rather than secrecy. In most cases, the benefit of sharing information outweighs the benefit of secrecy. Say for the sake of argument that in your 5000 spells you have 100 interesting acid spells. When making my...
  15. F

    D&D General D&D "influencers" need to actively acknowledge other games.

    Except Umbran is right. TTRPGS do require a large investment of time and energy, more than watching a series on streaming or reading a novel. I’m a fan of games like PbtA or Fate, and if you think you can play one of those games by passively consuming it like binging on a series for three...