• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by cyberProlix

  1. C

    Campaign Suite - User Manual

    Hi all- I just spent my $25 for CS. I'm trying to upload my PC, but I can't seem to get more Skill Points than whats typically allowed for a 6th lvl Fighter. We have house rules and other circumstances that have allowed a few new skill points. Same with the Feats. I have about 4 extra feats than...
  2. C

    PCGen Printer .jar's

    Hi all- I finally downloaded the Java requirement to run PCGen. It looks pretty good. But I wanted to print my PC and I get an error that says that I need the following .jar files: fop.jar, xerces.jar, batik.jar. It says that I can go to the pcgen.sourceforge.net site and d/l them there - but I...
  3. C

    Has anyone used WeatherMaster on FR?

    Oerth Database I have designed a basic Oerth Database. The program doesn't allow for what I had originally envisioned, but this database will handle the first part of the information input that is required. The second required area is up to you to input. Being that I am doing a lot of...
  4. C

    Other MT Like Software?

    PCGen's d/l's I was thinking of the huge java or whatever it is download that needs to be d/l'ed from Sun Micosystems. That is the hinderance that stops me from being able to use PCGen. I'm glad someone has written about Campaign Suite. I'm d/ling the trial version now. If it does what you...
  5. C

    Other MT Like Software?

    Hi all- We're all frustrated about the lack of information on Master Tools. We're all frustrated about the lack of functionality of Master Tools. I've heard of DM's Familiar for $20, Campaign Suite for $24.95, City Overseer 3D (the full set) for $54.95, and Gemstone which appears to still be...
  6. C

    Has anyone used WeatherMaster on FR?

    WM kicks ass I'm using Weather Master - I've purchased the program and I think it's awesome. I'm not using fr or Toril - but Greyhawk and the Oerth. I'm going a little overboard in detail and going very in depth - but I am doing it for an article on the weather of the Flanaess. I'm also going...
  7. C

    Mongose: Quintessential Fighter

    Mongoose Free Goodies? Is it me (and some firewall or virus protection that doesn't allow Java) or do others have issues when trying to d/l the free goodies from Mongooses site? I've got the whole line of Slayers Guides, Gladiators and the Necromancers book. Looking forward to picking up...
  8. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I attacked your "baby". Did you see Angel a few nights ago. All the bad guys were trying to get his baby. He kicked their ass for it. Defending your creation may sound pissy. I don't take it that way; I don't think you meant it that way. My notes were not meant to be pissy or hurtful. I wanted...
  9. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I want to give a little feedback on the DMF. I've now done a complete fresh install. I installed the 12-18-01 update and then the latest 01-20-02 update. I should be "fresh". Also, as a note, I didn't see an FAQ on the site. I've been around the boards - esp. the software ones - and don't recall...
  10. C

    Great Weather Creation Program

    Of course that Dragon has a WoG weather system - it's the same as the one that is in the WoG boxset - glossography. It's all housed. On the plus side - I've seen you (XManii) at GreyChat so you should know about the discussion from there!
  11. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I'm taking another look at the code for the website for that problem with the update link. From what I can see, the link from that box that says to click here to download - for me just shows that same page /dmf/downloads.ht# - but when I look at the code I can see the link as...
  12. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    At the Downloads page you have 2 boxes. One that says "Click to Download..." (The other box references having a CD mailed to you) - clicking just takes you to - http://www.paladinpgm.com/dmf/downloads.htm# - see the problem is when your at the downloads.htm page and click the link all it does is...
  13. C

    Great Weather Creation Program

    Yes, this program is awesome. I'm currently working on setting up a database for Greyhawk. I thought this would be an easy thing to use. I've always used weather in my games. I'm now referencing International Weather Observers Handbook, Websters Encyclopedia, a few other "weather" resources, as...
  14. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I went to the site to d/l the update. The link for downloading the update is http://www.paladinpgm.com/dmf/downloads.htm# - which of course due to the # just takes you back to where you started. I've installed it, and only just barely looked at it. Why is Krom the default PC? The background...